Teaching staff of the department “World and National Economy”

Dadabaeva Dardana Maratovna

Head of the Departmentой of World and National Economy

Candidate of Economic Sciences

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  • 1992- 1996 yyг. Kazakh State Academy of Management (NARKHOZ)
  • 2006-2009University of International Business (Postgraduate course)
  • 2009 2009-Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.05

Academic and practical experience

  • 1997-2001 Institute of Economic Research of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    SNA of the Department of “Monetary and Fiscal Problems”
  • 2001-2003 T. Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics
    S.S. T. lecturer of the Department “Securities Market and Exchange Business”
  • 2003 -2013. University of International Business
    Dean of Business School UIB
  • 2013-2016 КазНИТУK. I. KazNITUSatpayeva
    Head of the Business School
  • 2016-2017Zerde National Infocommunication Holding JSC Зерде”
    Chief Manager of the Asset Management Department
  • 2017-2019TURAN University Associate Professor of the Department ofМMarketing and Logistics
  • 2021 – currently Head of the Departmentой of World and National Economy

Subjects taught

Master’s and doctoral degree programs: Enterprise Economics, Behavioral Economics


List of scientific papers

  • Controlling in Logistics systems/ The Europe and the Turkish World: Science, Engineering and Technology”, 2018
  • The role of investment in education in the formation of human capital Bulletin of the Universityof International Business Issue No. 1 (27), 2013
  • Improving the marketing activities of a construction company//collection of materials of MNPC “Marketing and Logistics: innovative strategies, technologies and solutions”, 2017
  • Investing in human capital// the collection of MNK “Innovative development and relevance of science in modern Kazakhstan”, 2017.
  • Theoretical foundations of public administration in the context of increasing the efficiency of local self-government.  Bulletin of the University “Turan”.  Almaty: Turan University. – No. 4 (88) 2020. – pp. 208-213
  • Collaboration model of government and private partnership. Bulletin of the University”Turan”. – Almaty: University”Turan”. – № 4 (84) 2019. – С.32-38
  • Инновациялы-кәсшпкерлік типтегі университеттің корпоративті мәдениетін қалыптастыру. Bulletin of the University “Turan”.  Almaty: Turan University. – № 4 (84) 2019. – С.284-288

Awards and prizes

Lettersof appreciation: ZerdeJSC, University of International Business, КазНИТУK. I. KazNITUSatpayev



Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-26 ext/724

E-mail: d.dadabayeva@turan-edu.kz.dadabayeva@turan-edu.kz

Arupov Akimzhan Arupovich

Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations

PhD in Economics

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  • 1969-1979 – secondary school No. 86 of Kaskelen district, Almaty region. A high school graduate.
  • 1979-1984 – – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, specialty “Political Economy”, qualification-economist, teacher of political economy.  Degree – specialist.
  • 1986-1989-postgraduate study at the Almaty Institute of National Economy, specialty “Political Economy”. Degree-Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.01-political economy.
  • 2000-doctoral program. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. Specialty 08.00.14-World economy and international economic relations.PhD in Economics, dissertation topic “World experience of state property privatization and practice of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, defended in 2000 at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.

Academic and practical experience

  • 1984-1986 – Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy. Lecturer of the Department “Political Economy”
  • 1986-1989-Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy. Post-graduate student of the Department of Political Economy
  • 1989 -1995-Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy. Teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, Assistant to the Rector of AINC Academician K. A. Sagadiev
  • 1995-1998 – Training Director of the Almaty Banking Training Center (TACIS project “Support to the financial sector of Kazakhstan”)
  • September 1998-January 2011-Head of the Department of World and National Economy at Turan University
  • May 2002-September 2004Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management
  • September 2004-May 2006-Vice-Rector for Research at Turan University Rector for Research at Turan University
  • May 2006-January 2014-Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Work at Turan University
  • January 2014-present-Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. Head of Fundamental and Applied Topics:
  1. Kazakhstan model of socio-economic development of the state in accordance with the Strategy Kazakhstan-2050 (82,540,000 tenge).
  2. Integration effects of cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) (82,540,000 tenge). – Received grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for priority
  3. Intellectual potential of the country, sub-priority
  4. Fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of socio-economic and humanitarian sciences.
  5. Priorities of modernization of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the new political course-2050 (90,000,000 tenge).

Subjects taught

Conducts classes in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs


Main publications

  1. Linking the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Eurasian Economic Integration // The Silk Road economic belt in the context of regional security. Almaty: Research Institute of International and Regional Cooperation of the Kazakh-German University, 2017, pp. 95-105.
  2. Assessment of integration effects in the Eurasian Economic Union. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of economics and management in the crisis”, December 14, 2016-pp. 3-9. (co-authored)
  3. Prospects of the monetary Union in the EAEU / / BULLETIN d’EUROTALENT-FIDJIP/ Editions du JIPTO, Paris, 2015, No. 7-P. 26-29 (co-authored)
  4. In the EAEU, there is a long process of finding compromises between integration and protectionist trends/ / Asya Avrupa / Asia Europa Haziran 2018 Sayi 30. 4-18
  5. Emotional aspects of teaching speech communication/ / INTED2018 PROCEEDINGS: 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain. 5-7 March, 2018. P. 9701-9705 (co-authored)
  6. Main directions of cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union// Bulletin of the University “Turan”.  Almaty: Turan University.- No. 4 (80) 2018-pp. 9-13 (co-authored)

Awards and prizes

In 2007, he was awarded the title of “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. In 2006 and 2014, he won a grant and the title “Best University Teacher” of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



Phone: +7 (727) 2604026

E-mail: arupazat@mail.ru@mail.ru

Khajiyeva Gulzhakhan Usmanovna

Professor of the department “World and National Economy”

Сandidate of economic sciences

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  • 1987-1991, full-time postgraduate study of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR – specialty 08.00.01 – political economy
  • 1982-1987, Department of Political Economy, Faculty of Philosophy and Economics, Kazakh State University. CM. Kirov – diploma with honors PV No. 077630

Academic work experience


Experience of scientific and pedagogical activity – 34 years

  • 2018-present, University “Turan”, professor of the department “World and National Economy”
  • 2014-2018, University “Turan”, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management
  • 2006-2014, University “Turan”, associate professor of the department “Economics”
  • 2005-2006, University “Turan”, head of the department “Regional studies and psychology”
  • 1999-2005, University “Turan”, associate professor of the department “Economics”
  • 1987-2016, Institute of Oriental Studies. R.B. Suleimenova KN MES RK (until 1996, the Institute of Uygur Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan), junior researcher, senior researcher, leading researcher
  • 2014-2019, Center for the preparation of undergraduates and doctoral students (PhD), Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Associate Professor, Department of Sinology

Non-academic work experience

  • 1981-1982, Chekhov State Central Library, librarian

Teaching disciplines


Bachelor degree: International Economics; World economy; International Business; Economy of the countries of the region of specialization

Master’s Courses: International Business (advanced)

Doctorate: Research Methodology


Awards and achievements

  • 2019 – Badge “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” MES RK
  • 2018 – Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For contribution to the spiritual and social development of Independent Kazakhstan”
  • 2018 – Diploma of the University “Turan” “For fruitful work, high professionalism and conscientious work for the benefit of the prosperity of the corporation” Turan “
  • 2017 – Certificate of Merit of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan “For the contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, as well as for strengthening the friendship of peoples and interethnic harmony”
  • 2016 – Certificate of honor of the National Academy of Education named after I. NS. Altynsarin MES RK
  • 2016 – Certificate of Merit from the Institute of Oriental Studies named after V.I. R.B. Suleimenova KN MES RK “For the development of science” to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the RK

Internships and academic mobility

  • April 7-23, 2021, international online internship “Higher education 4.0. Digital transformation”, Republican Institute of Higher School of the Republic of Belarus together with the educational platform SKLAD (Minsk, Belarus), 72 hours
  • 20.05.-03.06.2019, Russian Federation, Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a scientific trip on the fundamental research project “Multi-vector and security of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia” within the framework of the Program-Targeted Funding Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

List of scientific papers


Publications for 2015-2020 (indexed):

  1. Modernization of Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region and its impact on transboundary relationships Kazakhstan and China // Bulletin of NAS RK. – 2019. – № 5. – P. 174-185 (в соавторстве) Web of Science


Publications included in the CQAES of the MES RK list:

  1. Теоретические аспекты изучения китайской модели социально-экономической модернизации // Вестник КазНУ, серия экономическая. – 2015. – №2/1, С.222-234,
  2. Теоретические аспекты исследования социально-экономической модернизации развивающихся стран // Известия НАН РК, серия общественных и гуманитарных наук – 2015 – №1(299). – С.155-162
  3. Хозяйственная деятельность населения Восточного Туркестана XIX – начала XX вв. в аспекте сравнительного анализа с современностью // Известия НАН РК. Серия общественных гуманитарных наук. – 2016. – № 2(306). – С.78-83
  4. Казахстан и Китай: современный этап всестороннего стратегического партнерства // Вестник университета «Туран». – 2017. – № 4 – С.35-41
  5. Examining ethno-political and socio-economic transformation of the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region in the context of the PRC national policies // News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of social and human sciences. – Volume 6, Number 322 (2018), P.176 – 184 (в соавторстве).
  6. Potential for development of integration cooperation of Central Asian countries // Вестник университета «Туран». – 2019. – № 4 – С.32-39 (в соавторстве)
  7. Анализ возможностей для развития «зеленого» бизнеса в сфере управления отходами РК // Вестник Национальной инженерной академии Республики Казахстан. – 2020. – № 1 (75). – С.183-190 (в соавторстве)
  8. Problems of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan’s regions in the context of adaptation to the sustainable development // Экономика: стратегия и практика – 2020. – № 2 (15). – С. 175-186 (в соавторстве)
  9. China, Singapore and Kazakhstan: experience of international technological cooperation // Вестник университета «Туран». – Алматы: Университет “Туран”. – № 3(87). – 2020. – С. 9-16 (в соавторстве).


Publications in foreign publications, materials of scientific conferences, etc.:

  1. МестоСиньцзян-УйгурскогоавтономногорайонавновойрегиональнойстратегииКНР // МеждународныйнаучныйжурналҮлкенАлтайәлемі – МирБольшогоАлтая – World of Great Altay. – 2(2.2) 2016. – С.403-410
  2. Turki Integration: Problems and Prospects / Congress book. – 3 rd international congress on social sciences, China to Adriatic. October 27-30, 2016. – Antalya. – 2016. – P.362-367
  3. Перспективы развития интеграционных процессов тюркских государств / Уйгуры: прошлое, настоящее, будущее. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. – Бишкек, Айат. 2017. – С. 253-263
  4. Новый уровень казахстанско-китайского стратегического партнерства / Современная глобализация: Казахстан в конкурентном мире: Материалы круглого стола, посвященного 70-летию Алшанова Рахмана Алшановича, 12 сентября 2017 г. – Алматы: Университет «Туран», 2017. – С. 48-55
  5. Эволюция модели экономического развития Китая от «социализма с китайской спецификой» к «китайскому консенсусу» / Востоковедные исследования в Казахстане: достижения и перспективы: Материалы международной конференции. – Алматы, 2018. – С.304-317
  6. Особенности китайского пути устойчивого развития / Достижения науки в контексте повышения качества жизни и устойчивого развития общества / Сборник научных статей под общей ред. А.А. Арупова. Том 2. – Алматы: Институт мировой экономики и международных отношений, Казахстан, 2019. – С 95-108.
  7. Некоторые аспекты международного технологического обмена: азиатский опыт / Высшая школа: научные исследования. Материалы Межвузовского научного конгресса (г. Москва, 16 апреля 2020 г.). Том 2. – Москва: Издательство Инфинити, 2020. – С.15-25 (в соавторстве)
  8. PRC Strategy For The Accelerated Development Of The Xinjian-Uyghur Autonomous Area: Objectives And Key Resultst // ATLAS Journal International Refereed Journal On Social Sciences. – 2020, Vol:6, Issue: 29. – P. 480-486. https://www.atlasjournal.net/OncekiSayilarDetay.aspx?Sayi=29
  9. L’Asie Centrale et le Grand Jeu 2.0: nouveaux defis et enjeux // II. International Conference on Covid-19 Studies. Full texts book. Edited by Dr. Charu DUREJA. Paris, France, 2020. – P. 281-287. Issued:14.09.2020, ISBN-978-625-7139-23-6. https://369485e5-78d9-4695-8ee7-77e624124993.filesusr.com/ugd/614b1f_f3fc0f0fc4be4c7ca8ccd796b0075a22.pdf, (в соавторстве)
  10. Деструктивные последствия китайских экономических реформ периода 1950-1970 гг. как фактор массовой миграции из Китая в Казахстан // AL FARABI JOURNAL 9 th International Conference on Social Sciences May 2-4, 2021/ ‘Nakhchivan’ University, Azerbaijan. – Abstract Book. – 2021. – С.121-123. – ISBN: 978-625-7898-40-9. https://72ff79bb-6a7b-470c-b02a-67ddb6e6cda9.filesusr.com/ugd/614b1f_f30c56cba5b34ce8b0eaa757cb264eb0.pdf

Monographs, textbooks



Telephone: +7 (727) 2640026

E-mail: g.khajiyeva@turan-edu.kz

Sansyzbayev Serik Nurymovich

Professor of the department “World and National Economy”

Doctor of Economics

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  • 1978-1983, Kazakh State University after S. Kirov, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Economy, Department of Political Economy
    Diploma with honors ZHV No. 242319


Academic work experience

  • 1983-1991 – Kazakh State University after S. Kirov, Department of Political Economy, Humanities Faculties, Assistant, Senior Lecturer
  • 2002-2003 – Institute of Assessment, Department of Economic Theory, Head of the Department
  • 2003-2010, – Academy of Assessment and Construction, Department of Economics, Professor
  • 2010-2011 – Caspian University, Department of Economic Theory, Professor
  • 2012-2016 – Turan University, Department of World and National Economics, Professor
  • 2023 – present, Turan University, Department of World and National Economics, Professor


Non-academic work experience

  • 1991-1992. – JV KazAmman, Financial Director
  • 1993-1994. – BSB Bank, Chairman of the Board
  • 1994-1995. – National Bank of Kazakhstan, Director of Banking Supervision Department
  • 1995-1995. – State Bank for Development of Kazakhstan, Deputy Chairman of the Board
  • 1995-1997. – Eximbank Kazakhstan, Deputy Chairman of the Board
  • 1997-2002. – OJSC “Komirbank”, Chairman of the Management Board
  • 2017-2023 – Freelancer, including abroad


Teaching disciplines

  • Bachelor’s Courses: Economic Theory.
  • Magistracy: Micro and Macroeconomics (advanced). The economic security of the company. The economy of tourism.
  • Doctorate: Modeling and forecasting of economic processes


Internships and academic mobility

  • 1996 – Course on Emerging Markets, Rotterdam
  • 1997 – Securities Course, New York, Boston
  • 2016 – Sustainable Development Course, Stockholm
  • 2016 – Training using social media, Moscow
  • 2016 – Strategic Leadership: Taking your personal leadership brand to the next.
  • 2016 – The official Springer Nature Training: How to use. How to publish, Dubai
  • 2023 – Problems of economic security in the course of macro and microeconomic theory, Almaty
  • 2023 – Teacher’s Toolkit of the Future, MGMIMO, Moscow




Phone: +7 (727) 264 00 26 (ext. 1095)

E-mail: s.sansyzbayev@turan-edu.kz

Zakirova Dilnara Ikramkhanovna

Professor of the Department of “World and National Economy”


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Work experience

  • 01.09.2004-25.01.2007-Turan University, lecturer of the Department of World and National Economy
  • 11.12.2006-15.05.2008-Turan University, Head of the Research Department
  • 01.02.2007-01.06.2013-Turan University, Head of the International Cooperation Department
  • 25.01.2007-21.01.2013-Turan University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of World and National Economy
  • 21.01.2013-01.11.2016-Turan University, Head of the Department of World and National Economy
  • 01.05.2017-16.04.2018-Turan University, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Service
  • 16.04.2018-20.08.2019-Turan University, Head of the Department of World and National Economy
  • 02.09.2019-Current position-Turan University, Professor of the Department of “World and National Economy”

List of scientific papers

  • Innovative-Entrepreneurial Universities in the Postmodern World concept: Possibilities of Implementation // ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES. ISSN 2345-0282 (online) http://jssidoi.org/jesi/ 2020 Volume 8 Number 1 (September) DOI: 10.9770/jesi.2020.8.1(12)
  • Development of production and investment measures for energy saving and energy efficiency in rural areas // Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. ISSN: 20687729, Volume 11, Issue 5, Fall 2020, Pages 1251-1258 DOI: 10.14505/jemt.v11.5(45).22
  • The electric energy sector of Kazakhstan: State and vision for the country taking into account the international trends. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. Volume 9, Issue 3, 2019.


  • Environmental education and education for sustainable development: general and special // Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран», №1(89), 2021 г.
  • Sustainable Development of Higher Education in a Modern Economy // Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран», №4(88), 2020 г.
  • Innovative infrastructure of the university // Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран», №3(87), 2020 г.
  • Высшее образование в контексте концепции устойчивого развития // Статистика, учет и аудит, №3(78), 2020 г.
  • Condition and prospects of employment in the renewable energy sector // Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран», №2(86), 2020 г.

Awards and achievements

Award for Young Scientists named after V. I. Abramovich. Academician Karatai Turysov for 2015 for achievements in the development of science and technology, active promotion of industrial and innovative development of the economy of Kazakhstan



Phone: +7 727 260 40 26 (ext. 724)

E-mail: zakirova.d@turan-edu.kz

Abaidullayeva Madina Maratzhanovna

Associate professor of the Department of “World and National Economy”

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • 2003-2007. – “Turan” University, holder of the state educational grant of the MES RK. Bachelor of Economics. Diploma with honors БЖБ №0003331
  • 2007-2009 – “Turan” University, holder of the state educational grant of the MES RK. Master of Economics, specialty “6N0506-Economics”. Diploma with honors ГПЖ №0005100.
  • 2011–2014 – “Turan” University, doctoral studies (PhD), specialty 6D050600 “Economics”.
  • 21.04. 2015 – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), specialty 6D050600 “Economics”. Diploma ҒД №0000895. (order of the Сontrol сommittee in the field of education and science MES RK №540)

Academic work experience

  • 2007-2009 – lecturer at the “Economics” Department of the Kazakh Multidisciplinary Institute “Parasat”.
  • 2009-2010 – lecturer at the “Economics” Department, “Turan” University.
  • 2010-2014 – senior lecturer of the “Economics” Department, Turan University.
  • 2014-2018 – associate professor of the “Economics and Management” Department
  • 2018 – present – associate professor of the “World and National Economy” Department
  • 2014 – up to the present time – Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations at the “Turan” University

Non-academic work experience

  • 2004-2005 – assistant to the chief accountant of ITC “Asyl” JSC. Accounting for labor and wages at the enterprise.
  • 2005-2007. – leading analyst of the Investment Department, “Otan” Pension Fund

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s Courses: Foreign economic activity of an enterprise, Customs and transport services for Foreign economic activity, Negotiation Technique

Magistracy: World Integration Processes, International Economics and Trade


Awards and achievements

Winner of the state grant and the title “The best teacher of the university” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015.


Internships and academic mobility

  • April 07-23, 2021 – Participation in the international online internship “Higher education 4.0. Digital transformation “, 72 hours, Republican Institute of Higher School of the Republic of Belarus in conjunction with the online educational platform SKLAD (Minsk, Belarus)
  • 01.11-30.12.2020 – international online internship “Publication in world-class publications: language, structure, publication ethics”, ICAPE “Perspektiva”, RUDN, 72 hours

List of scientific papers

  1. About the formation of competitive advantages of the EAEU member states// Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран». – Алматы: Университет “Туран”. – № 1 (85) 2020. –С.224-231 (в соавторстве)
  2. Иностранные инвесторы и инвестиционная привлекательность в сфере цифровой экономики в постсоветских государствах// Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран», №4(88), 2020.–С.165-172 (в соавторстве)
  3. Theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing integration: international experience// Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран», №4(88), 2020.–С.202-207 (в соавторстве)
  4. Potential for development of integration cooperation of Central Asian countries// Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран». – Алматы: Университет “Туран”. – № 4 (84) 2019. – С.32-38 (в соавторстве)
  5. An assessment of integration effects in the Eurasian Economic union in the conditions of global challenges// Научный журнал «Вестник университета «Туран». – Алматы, 2019. – № 3 (83) 2019. – С.141-147 (в соавторстве)
  6. Communicative strategies of modern Russian youth discourse// INTED2018 PROCEEDINGS: 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain. 5-7 March, 2018. P. 6793-6799 (Web of Science)
  7. Интеграционная политика Евразийского экономического союза// Монография/ под науч.ред.проф. Арупова А.А. – Алматы: Издательский Дом «МИР», 2017. – 160 с.
  8. Оценка интеграционного сотрудничества стран-участниц  Евразийского экономического союза в условиях глобальных вызовов//  Монография/ под науч. ред. проф. Арупова А.А../ -Алматы: Институт мировой экономики и международных отношений, Казахстан, 2016.- Алматы: Издательский Дом “МИР”. – 212 с. (коллективная)


Phone: +7 (727) 2640026 (ext. 1095)

E-mail: m.abaidullayeva@turan-edu.kz

Альтаев Тимур Такеевич

Senior lecturer of the “World and National Economy” Department

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Образование – высшее. Окончил Философско-экономический факультет КазГУ по специальности «политическая экономия» в 1980 году.


Окончил аспирантуру кафедры политэкономия Экономического факультета МГУ в 1986 году.


До 1992 года работал на кафедре политэкономии Целиноградского СХИ.


С 1992 года по 2016 годы работал в финансово-кредитной системе РК: заместитель директора, главный ревизор регионального филиала коммерческого банка, с 1995 по 2000 годы работа в Департаменте банковского надзора Национального Банка РК (зам начальника управления, начальник отдела), с 2000 по 2003 гг. начальник Управление внутреннего аудита АО Казпочта, в период с 2004 по 2016 гг работал в Департаменте внутреннего аудита Народного банка (старший аудитор).


С 2016 года и по сей день преподаю в университете Туран.


Сертифицированный Профессиональный внутренний аудитор.

Irkitbaeva Asel Bakytkyzy

Senior lecturer of the “World and National Economy” Department

Master of economic sciences

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Higher, Economics and management in the agro-industrial complex


Academic work experience

2005-2012 – Kazakh National Agrarian University, Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness named after Kh.D. Churin, Senior Lecturer


Non-academic work experience

2002-2005 – accountant of the farm “KazRosBroiler”


Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s Courses: Macroeconomics, Enterprise Economics, Business Analytics, History of the World Economy


Awards and achievements

  1. Gratitude for preparing students for the Olympics, Narxoz, 3rd place, 2019
  2. University rector diploma, 2019
  3. Gratitude for the preparation of students, 1 place Diploma, Narxoz, 2020
  4. Gratitude for preparing students for the XIII RSSO in the specialty “World Economy”, 2021
  5. Gratitude for preparing a team of students for the Lilac Breakthrough competition, 2nd place, 2021

Internships and academic mobility

  1. 2008 USA, FEP, USDA, Penn State University
  2. 2011, Wageningen University, Netherlands
  3. 2011, Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences, Weihenstephan, Germany,
  4. 2011, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

List of scientific papers

  1. Food security and the macroeconomy : the relationship , analysis and problem, Вестник университета “Туран” 4 (84), 2019
  2. Достижения науки в контексте повышения качества жизни и устойчивого развития общества, Сборник научных статей, 2019
  3. Бүгінгі күндегі Қазақстандағы еңбек миграциясының елдің экономикалық өсуіне әсері, VI Халықаралық Фараби оқулары, 2019
  4. FACTOR ANALYSIS OF FOOD SECURITY IN THE CONDITIONS OF CRISIS, МНПК Актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития агропромышленного комплекса: российский и зарубежный опыт, 2019
  6. Қазақстандағы еңбек миграциясының экономикалық салдарын талдау және оны басқарудың тиімді жолдары, МНПК Жаһандану жағдайында Қазақстанның әлемдік экономикадағы интеграциясы және инновациялық дамуы, 2018
  7. Гедонистическая теория заработной платы и компенсационные различия в заработной плате, Жаһандану жағдайында Қазақстанның әлемдік экономикадағы интеграциясы және инновациялық дамуы, 2018
  8. Инновационная культура взаимодействия государства, бизнеса и образования в условиях экономического кризиса, Материалы международной научно- практической заочной конференции «Инновационные подходы развития экономики, управления и маркетинга», 2018
  9. ОЦЕНКА ФРАНШИЗОСПОСОБНОСТИ БИЗНЕСА В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ КАЗАХСТАН, МНПК Маркетинг и логистика: инновационные стратегии, технологии и решения, 2017


Phone: +7 (727) 2640026 (ext. 1095)

E-mail: a.irkitbayeva@turan-edu.kz

Sapargali Albina Melsovna

Senior lecturer of the “World and National Economy” Department

Master of Economic Sciences

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  • 2019-2021 – “Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics”, Master of Economic Sciences
  • 2014-2018 – Narkhoz University, Bachelor of Economics and Business. Bachelor of Economics in Statistics. Diploma with honors

Academic work experience

  • 2018-present. Teacher of special disciplines at the Economic College of Narkhoz University
  • 2021-present. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics at Turan University.

Non-academic work experience

  • From 23.08.2017 – until 28.04.2018 – specialist of the Customer service department. Branch of JSC “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan
  • From 14.06.2018 – until 1.09.2018 HR Manager in LLP “Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology” in Almaty.

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s degree: Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness of Entrepreneurship, Public and private partnership

List of scientific papers

  1. “KazTransGaz” AK Kazakhstan Republikasyn munai zhane gas salasyn damytudagi orny. Halykaralyk gylym-practicalyk conference, “ekonomikanyn, baskaru zhane marketing kazirgi zhagdaydagi agymdau maseleri” 172-175 p.
  2. Kazakhstan Republikasyndagi munai zhane gas salasynyn dynamics. Halykaralyk gylym-practicalyk conference, “ekonomikanyn, baskaru zhane marketing kazirgi zhagdaydagi agymdau maseleri” 158-162 better.
  3. Zhahandanu zhagdayindagi Kazakstannyn syrtky sayasaty. Kazakstannyn tauelsizdik kunine arnalgan “Zhana shynayylyk zhagdayyndagy economy men bilim berudi damytudyn urdisteri men perspectivalary” atta Halykaralyk gylym-tazhiribelik konferenciyasyn materialdary 11 zheltoksan, 2020.
    ENTERPRISES IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS: THE POSITION OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS Materials of the international conference of students, undergraduates and postgraduates (with international participation)


Phone: +7 778 615 64 12

E-mail: a.sapargali@turan-edu.kz

Bolshekbaeva Karlygash Ondasynovna

Senior lecturer of the “World and National Economy” Department

Master of Economic Sciences

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  • 1998-2020 Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University specialty “Finance and Credit “qualification” Economist and financier ” (Taxes and taxation) (full-time)
  • 2013-2015. Regional Socio-Innovative University, 6M050600-Economics, dissertation topic “Improving the ways of regional economic policy in Kazakhstan and topical issues” (2 years of training).


Work experience

  • In 2002 Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan leading specialist in the Department “Collection and consolidation financial and budget reporting»
  • From 2003 -2010. Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Senior lecturer
  • From 2011-2020. Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Associate Professor Kaz Academy of Labor and Social Relations


Subjects taught


Finance, Corporate Finance, Insurance, Taxes and taxation, Organization of financial control (all disciplines in Kazakh and Russian)


Awards and letters of appreciation


Awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018

Letter of appreciation from the Rector J.M. Nusenov of the Caspian University, 2017


Internships and academic mobility


«Modern trends in financial sector in the EU» WSG UNIVERSITY

180 Hours ( 6 ECTS credits ) BYDGOSZCZ, 17.03-24.03.2019


Participation in applied research projects


Participated in the project “Development and implementation of budgeting principles as an effective method of financial management flows at the enterprise” 2017-2019.

Registration No. 0117RKI0026 (as an artist)


List of scientific papers


Author of scientific and educational publications on the development of finance and the state budget, including co-author of the textbook “Finance and Credit: in questions and answers” (2005), with a volume of 23.4, training manual “Taxes and taxation”, volume 16 (2017) ISBN978-601-7372-98-2


  1. «Accelerated depreciation as the main incentive to attract investment”International scientific and practical Journal.”Theory and Practice of Modern Science “(RSCI) Saratov 2017
  2. «Fundamentals of formation of effective financial management of banking activity” International scientific and practical Journal.”Theory and Practice of Modern Science “(RSCI) Saratov 2016
  3. «Securities as objects of civil rights “MNE journal” Economics and Society ” (RSCI) Saratov No. 4, 2017
  4. XXXIII MNK “Actual scientific research in the modern world” No. 1, 2017 December Pereslavl-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
  5. “Theoretical foundations and legal regulation” XXXIII MNK “Actual scientific research in the modern world” No. 3, 2017 November Pereslavl-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
  6. “Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of information technology application in financial management” MNJ “World Science” No. 4, 2018
  7. “State Administration for the development of the tourism sector in foreign countries “MNPC” Youth potential in the Eurasian integration: Economics, Law, politics ” No. 4, 2018, Almaty, Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations


Professional development

  1. Quantitative Financial Analytics tools onNovember 12, 2017 organized by the consulting center “Dairis Development LTD” in Almaty, etc.
  2. Modern financial management on September 22, 2017 organized by the consulting center “Dairis Development LTD” in Almaty, etc.
    “Management of financial resources and flows in the company’s logistics system “Dairis Development LTD LLP 10.10.2019-28.10.2019, Almaty, 72.
  3. “Development of the logistics industry in the EAEU member States” / from February 11 to February 23, 2019, Educational Institution of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus “MITSO International University”, 72h.
  4. «Distance learning technologies in the educational process “Dairis Development LTD LLP, 11.03.2020-25.04.2020, in Almaty, 72h.
  5. Preparing of business plan for an investment project with Project Expert Almaty 17 April-28 May 2020 organized by the logistics company “Capital Trans Logistic Company» in Almaty.
  6. “Analysis of bankruptcy procedures in France, England and Russia “MNPC” Youth potential in the Eurasian integration: Economics, Law, Politics ” No. 4, 2018. Almaty, Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations
  7. “State-legal mechanism of formation, distribution and management of insurance funds in the Republic of Kazakhstan “MNPC” Youth potential in the Eurasian integration: economics, law, politics ” No. 4, 2018 Almaty, Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations
  8. “The arrangement of formation of financial resources of the enterprise “4th MC” Science in the age of imbalances ” Kiev 2018
  9. REPORTS NATIONAL ACADEMIES SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLICOF KAZAKHSTAN «ANALYSIS OF EFFICIENCY OF THE USE OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF THE ENTERPRISE» K.O. Bolshekbayeva, M.H. Abenova, R.S. Parmanova. ISSN 2224-5227. 32014/2019.2518-1483.112 Volume 4, Number 326 (2019), 36 – 40
  10. Modern approaches to the methodology of accounting and cost management of textile industry enterprises “The journal of Textile Industry Technology, No. 1 (380), 2019 (the journal is included in the Scopus and CAS (pt) bibliographic databases).
Makasheva Raushan Seitbekovna

Senior lecturer of the “World and National Economy” Department

Master of Finance

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  • 2005-2009 – Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov, Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Audit. Diploma ZHB №0273121;
  • 2009–2011 – Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov, Master of Economics, specialty “6M050900 – Finance”. GPG diploma No. 0015014;
  • 2020–2023 – University “Turan”, doctoral studies (PhD) specialty 6D050600 “Economics”. Certificate No. 3 dated 07/05/2023.

Academic work experience

  • 2022-2023 – teacher of economic disciplines at the College of Turan University;
  • 2023-2023 – senior lecturer at the Turan Film Academy (part-time);
  • 2023-present – senior lecturer at the Department of Economics at the University of Turan.


Non-academic work experience

  • 2009 — operator-dispatcher at the VTISA Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2009-2012 – accountant at Financial Consulting E&K LLP;
  • 2012-2014— accountant at Naiza-tas Aktobe LLP;
  • 2014-2017 – accountant at TES Logistics LLP;
  • 2021-2022 —accountant-consultant at Esep Service LLP.


Teaching disciplines

  • Business analytics
  • Enterprise competitiveness
  • Macroeconomics
  • Enterprise economics
  • Market infrastructure
  • Special economic zones


Internships and academic mobility

  • April 24 – May 6, 2022 – Foreign internship under the PhD program at Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey.


List of scientific papers

  • «Digital factors influencing small and medium-sized businesses in the context of COVID the development of COVID-19» in the journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice”, Т. 16, № 4, 2021 / Economics: the strategy and practice. Vol. 17. No 3, 2022, – С.74-86;
  • «The process of telemedicine implementation in the context of the digitalization process in Kazakhstan» in the journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice”, Т.17, №3, 2022 / Economics: the strategy and practice. Vol. 17. No 3, 2022, – С.54-70;
  • «E-commerce as a means of digitalization of business» in the journal “Memlekettik audit – State audit”, № 1 (58) 2023./ State Audit. No. 1 (58) 2023. С.49-58.




Phone: +7 (727) 2640026 (ext. 1095).

E-mail: r.makasheva@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions