Higher school of Law

Dzhumabayeva Karlygash Asilkhanovna

Director of the Higher School of Law

Associate Professor

Doctor PhD

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  • In 2002 she graduated from Turan University gree, title with a degree in Law.
  • In 2011, she graduated from the master’s degree program of the University “Turan”, specialty – “Jurisprudence”.
  • 2017-2020-doctoral student of Turan University
  • PhD in philosophy in 20212019″ Best curator of the year “of Turan University»



Academic and practical experience


He has been teaching at Turan University since 2009. Experience of scientific and pedagogical activity-12 years.

Scientific internships, advanced training: Yanka Kupala University, Republic of Belarus-2019 zhyl



Disciplines taught, practical courses


Theory state and law; Municipal law of RK; Legal support of business; Banking law of RK; Tax law of RK; Financial law of RK.



Main publication


She is the author of more than 50 research papers (R & D). Of these, more than 5 published scientific articles of the international and 15 of the national level.



Awards, incentives, competitions


  • 2019 “Best Curator of the Year” of Turan University»;
  • The best teacher of the year -2019, organized by Bilim Orkeneti.





Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)

E-mail: k.dzhumabaeva@turan-edu.kz

Kadirbay Aisha

Deputy Director of the Higher School of Law

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In 2019 she graduated from Turan University with a degree in Law. Master Humanitarian of sciences (2015) in 02030 – history.



Academic and practical experience


In 2007-2016 she worked in KazNPU named after Abai, since 2016 I teach at the University of Turan. Experience of scientific and pedagogical activity-3 years.



Teaching disciplines, practical courses


“Lawyer activity”, “Notariat”, “Judicial system”, “Status of judges in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Migration law”



Main publications


Author of 27 scientific papers, as well as 3 articles in journals recommended by the Committee for control in education and science MES.

Some of the publications of M. A., senior lecturer Kadirbay A.:

  1. Basic theories of crime \ \ International popular science magazine Science and life of Kazakhstan scientific and life of Kazakhstan. No. 4 (60) 2018, jurisprudence Astana, 2018 ISSN 2073-333X. 188-190.
  2. Legal regime of water Fund lands in the Republic of Kazakhstan and CIS countries \ \ international popular science journal Science and life of Kazakhstan. No. 4 (60) 2018, jurisprudence Astana, 2018 ISSN 2073-333X. 210-213.
  3. Historical and legal analysis of the formation and development of land lease in the Republic of Kazakhstan \ \ international popular science magazine Science and life of Kazakhstan. No. 4 (60) 2018, jurisprudence Astana, 2018 ISSN 2073-333X. 214-216.
  4. Some problems of the national idea MANGILIK EL / / Kazakh civilization Kazakh civilization The Kazakh civilization, № 4 (68). 2016 4-Part 1 PROCEEDINGS of the International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 25th anniversary of Kainar University on “Quality education-the basis of New Kazakhstan patriotism” Almaty, 28-30 November 2016. 13-17.
  5. Development of social human and civil rights on a constitutional basis. Kainar University Bulletin, edition 1 2017-Yes. 50-53.
  6. One of the global innovations is the formation of entrepreneurial universities. Actual problems of modern legal understanding and law enforcement in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference devoted to the creation of The research Institute of law at the University of Turan. (21 September 2017) – Almaty: Turan University, Almaty: IC OFPPI “interligal”, 2017.154-159.
  7. The activity of companies in the zero intolerance to violations. Materials of international scientific – practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of University” Turan “(Almaty, University” Turan”, October 20, 2017) = Zero tolerance for offences in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries: Materials of international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of University” Turan “(Almaty, University “Turan”, October 20, 2017) – S.-M.: Nauka, 1978.





Mobile phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)

Сorporate mail: a.kadirbay@turan-edu.kz

Akimzhanov Talgat Kurmanovich

Professor of the Higher School of Law

Director of the Research Institute of Law

Doctor of law

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  • Higher, Karaganda higher school of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USSR (1977-1981);
  • Doctor of law (decision of Committee on supervision and certification in education sphere and science MES RK dated December 25, 2007, No. 7), 12.00.08 – Criminal law and criminology; criminal-executive law);
  • Professor of law (decision of Committee on supervision and certification in education sphere and science MES RK dated 30 may 2008 №5)



Academic and practical experience


  • In 1981-1982, y.y., inspector of group of the ESD investigation of Ulba police Department
  • In 1981 – 1991 he worked at the Karaganda higher school of MIA USSR in positions of lecturer, senior lecturer
  • In 1981-1985 – associate head postgraduate studies at the research Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USSR,
  • In 1987 he defended thesis
  • In 1991-1997 worked as a senior inspector, head of scientific-methodical center of UCUZ of the Ministry of internal Affairs, the Deputy chief of Management of educational Institutions, head of Department of educational institutions of Ministry of internal Affairs
  • 1997-2001 worked as Deputy head of the Department of personnel and educational work of the MIA of RK, he is the head of Department of educational institutions of the Department of personnel and educational work of the Ministry of internal Affairs, Deputy head of the Almaty legal College of Ministry of internal Affairs of RK IPO education
  • In 2008-2009 he worked as a Professor of criminal law and criminology of the Karaganda law Institute of the MIA of RK, Professor of the Department of criminal law and criminology of the Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs
  • In 2009-2010. – the Deputy chief of Academy on educational work, chief of the Institute of law Academy of Committee of the penal correction system of the Ministry of justice of RK
  • In 2010-2012 worked at the Central Asian University as Dean of the law faculty, Vice-Rector on scientific work
  • In 2012-2014, he worked in the Almaty humanitarian technical University in the position of Vice-Rector for scientific work and international cooperation
  • 2014-2015 – Vice-Rector for academic work of the Humanitarian University of transport and law named after D.A. Kunaev
  • 2015 works at Turan University as a Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and international law, since 2017 as Director of the research Institute of law.



Scientific internships, advanced training


  1. Internship at the University of Tsukuba (Tokyo, Japan) (2018)
  2. Internship at the International center of education and scientific information (Dusseldorf, Germany) (2018)
  3. Internship at the International center of education and scientific information (Dusseldorf, Germany) (2019-2020)
  4. Advanced training courses in Almaty (2019)



Teaching disciplines


“Criminal law of Kazakhstan (General part)”, “Criminal law of Kazakhstan (special part)” (bachelor), “Actual problems of criminal law enforcement” (master), “Current trends in the study of state crime”, “Scientific basis for the development of criminal law” (PhD).



Main publications


A published author of 300 scientific works, including 22 textbooks, 6 monographs; 18 scientific articles indexed in the database “Scopus”, more than 80 articles published in journals recommended Committee of control in the sphere of education and science of the MES RK, proceedings of conference of the countries of near and far abroad





  1. Medal for the 10th anniversary of the Constitution of Kazakhstan (2005)
  2. Medal “Kazakhstan police 25 years” (2017)
  3. Winner of the state grant “Best University teacher” (2017)
  4. Best scientist of Turan (2019)





Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 08

E-mail: akimzhanovtk@mail.ru

Aldabergenova Nonna Aldabergenkyzy

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Law

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Higher, Kazakh State Law University, specialty jurisprudence (1997-2002) .; Candidate of Law (decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2006, No. 13), 12.00.11 – the judiciary; law enforcement agencies; organization of law enforcement; bar).



Academic and practical experience


  • 2002-2010 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Department of the Judiciary and Criminal Procedure, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty;
  • 2010-2012 Chief Scientific Secretary, Acting Associate Professor of the Law Department of the Kazakh National Agrarian University in Almaty;
  • 2012-2013 Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Institute of Economics and Law, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty;
  • 2013-2014 Private notary of the Atyrau Notarial District, senior lecturer of the Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov;
  • 2014-2016 Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Institute of History and Law, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty
  • From 2016 to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law of the University of Turan.


Scientific and pedagogical experience – 19 years.



Teaching disciplines


  1. Continuing education courses in Almaty (2019)



Main publications


Are the author of 70 scientific works published, of which: 6 textbooks, more than 10 articles are published in publications recommended by the CCIS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.





Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 08

E-mail: n.zhumanbayeva@turan-edu.kz

Suleymanov Akif Firudinovich

Innovate professor of the Higher School of Law

Doctor of Law

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Higher legal, 1994-1998


KazNU named after al-Farabi, specialty “jurisprudence”, 1998-2000 Magistracy of KazNU named after al-Farabi (specialty: “Public law and management) 2004-2006 Academy of Economics and Law of Almaty (financier-economist) In 2006 he defended his Ph.D. diss. “Constitutional and legal foundations of interaction between the President and the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan” on special. 12.00.02. in diss. Council of KazGUU. Scientific leader – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Prof. M.T. Baimakhanov.


In 2010 he defended his doctoral diss. on the topic: “Theoretical and applied problems of the formation of a system of public control over the activities of the executive authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in the diss. for an apprenticeship step. Doctor of Law at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific consultant: Doctor of Law, Professor E.B. Mukhamedzhanov.



Academic and practical experience


He began his teaching career in 2000 as a lecturer at the Department of State and Legal Disciplines at the University of Economics and Law.

  • In 2002-15 – Art. lecturer, associate professor, professor, head. Department, “Legal Disciplines” of the Academy of Economics and Law. In 2010-15 – Vice-Rector for Research at the Academy of Economics and Law.
  • In 2006-15 part-time – Assoc. legal Faculty of KazNPU named after Abai.
  • In 2015-16 – prof. AU Higher School of Economics “Adilet” of the Caspian University.
  • From 2015 to the present – Professor of the Scientific and Educational Department “Law” of the School of Law and Social Sciences of NAO “Narxoz University”.
  • 2020–2022 Director of the Eurasian Center for Economic and Legal Studies of the School of Law and Social Sciences of NAO Narxoz University.
  • Since 09/01/2022, professor-innovator of the department “Jurisprudence and MP” of the University “Turan”



Teaching disciplines, practical courses


For students and undergraduates, he reads lecture courses at universities: “Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries”, “Administrative Law”, “Fundamentals of Law”, “Problems of Public Administration and Civil Service”, “Parliamentary Law”, “Constitutional Control in Kazakhstan and foreign countries”.



Main publications


Author of over 100 published works. Books, monographs, teaching aids: Constitutional and legal foundations of interaction between the President and the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty: Academy of Economics and Law, 2007.-192p.; President and the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Textbook. Almaty, 2008.-204 p.; Public control in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Monograph, 2012.-234 p.; National model of development of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty, 2016.-210p. (co-authors: G.A. Andirzhanova, A.S. Beimisheva); State Policy for Ensuring Gender Equality in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty, 2016.-184 p. (co-author: G.A. Andirzhanova); National analytical review dedicated to the Kazakhstani model of social harmony and unity. Authors team, (Section 2). Astana, Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Scientific and Expert Council, 2016. -150 p.; Constitutional and legal foundations of the political system of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty, 2016.- 207 p. (co-author: B.E. Aitzhan).



Awards, incentives, contests


medal of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For contribution to the development of the judicial authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2015); Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2013), Order “Labor and Knowledge” (Russia, RANH), Golden Order “Son of the Fatherland” (Azerbaijan, Dede Gorgud National Foundation, 2019 ), Medal named after V.I. Vernadsky (RAE), diplomas and certificates for conscientious service, Certificate of honor “The best lecturer of the Academy of Economics and Law”, Certificate of honor of the rector of KazNPU named after Abay, Certificate of honor of the NGO “Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers” (2018 ), Letter of thanks from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (2019).

Zhanuzakova Leila Telmanovna

Professor of the Higher School of Law

Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Law

Doctor of law

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  • Higher, faculty of law of Al-Farabi Kazakh national University (1974-1979).;
  • Doctor of law (decision of Committee on supervision and certification in education sphere and science MES RK dated 31 may 2005, No. 3) 12.00.02 – constitutional law; municipal law; administrative law; financial law);
  • Professor of law (decision of Committee on supervision and certification in education sphere and science MES RK dated 31 October 2008, No. 7)



Academic and practical experience


  • 1979-1999 G. G. worked with small breaks at the Institute of philosophy and law of the Kazakh SSR, the Institute of state and law of NAS of the RK in positions of senior laboratory assistant, Junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher, leading researcher;
  • In 1985-1988 he studied at the graduate school of the Institute of state and law, Academy of Sciences USSR (Moscow), where in 1988 he defended his thesis in 1990-1995 gg, worked in the Supreme Council of the RK, senior assistant, assistant Deputy of RK, the consultant of Committee of the Supreme Council of the RK, adviser to the member of the constitutional Court of RK, in 1995-1999 years he combined scientific activity in Institute of state and law of NAS of RK with teaching in the leading universities of Almaty;
  • Since 1979 working at the University “Turan” as the head of the Department of jurisprudence, associate Professor, Professor of “Jurisprudence and international law”, Deputy Director of the Institute for system research, and then research Institute of law; chief researcher Of the Institute of legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



Scientific internships, advanced training


  1. Internship at 2 universities in Kuala Lumpur (2008)
  2. Internship at the Institute of law at the University of Law. Russia (Moscow) and the EurAsEC Secretariat(St. Petersburg, 2008)
  3. Study at the English school. Caplan Aspect (UK, Bournemouth, 2008)
  4. Advanced training courses in Almaty (2019)



Teaching disciplines


“Constitutional law of the RK”, “Theory of state and law”, “Constitutional law AP”, “Municipal law”, “Protection of human rights” (bachelor), “Actual problems of theory of law”, “History of law” (master), “Philosophy of law” (PhD), author’s courses on “Legal regulation of information security”, “Legal regulation of public services” (master), “Human rights in international law” (undergraduate, in English language)



Main publications


A published author of 350 scientific works, including 22 textbooks, including comments to current legislation, 14 monographs; 2 research articles indexed in the database “Scopus”, more than 80 articles published in journals recommended KKSON MES, RISC, proceedings of conference of the countries of near and far abroad.





Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 08

E-mail: zhanleila@mail.ru

Suleimenova Saule Zhusupbekovna

Professor of the Higher School of Law

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission

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  • 1985-1990 – Kazakh State University. CM. Kirova
    Specialty: Jurisprudence
    Qualification: lawyer
  • 2001 – Candidate of Jurisprudence, topic “Legal protection of waters from anthropogenic clogging, pollution and depletion”
  • 2006 – awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
  • 2009 – awarded the degree of Doctor of Law, topic “Theoretical problems of the mechanism of implementation of water law in the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Academic and practical experience


  • September – October 1991 – intern researcher at the Dzhambul irrigation and drainage and construction institute
  • October 1991 – intern researcher at Kaz.GU named after S.M. Kirova
  • 1993 – 1996 – graduate student of the Faculty of Law of the specified university
  • from December 1996 to August 2001 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Environmental, Land and Agrarian Law” Kaz.GUA
  • 2002-2005 – Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of TsAU
  • 2005-2007 – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Department of Labor Law and Civil Procedure, KazNU named after al-farabi
  • 2007-2011 – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Law, KazNU al-farabi
  • 2011-2016 – acting Professor, Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law, KazNU al-farabi
  • 2016 – 2017 – Professor, Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law, KazNU al-farabi
  • 2017- present – Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law, professor at the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law
  • 2017-2019 Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law, Professor of the Department of “Jurisprudence and International Law”
  • 2016-awarded the academic title of Professor in the specialty “Jurisprudence”.
  • 2019-NAAR expert
  • 2019-Chairman of the Dissertation Council of Turan University ” 6D030100-Kukyktanu»

Teaching disciplines


Water law, environmental law, land law, labor law, Actual problems of environmental legislation, etc.


Main publications


He is the author of 148 scientific articles, of which more than 7 scientific articles are included in the list of international scientific publications that, according to the information databases of Thomson Reuters and Scopus (ISI Web of Knowledge, Thomson Reuters), have a non-zero impact factor, 3 study guides, 4 monographs

2016 – awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty of Law.

2011 – holder of the state grant “The best teacher of the university”




Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 08

E-mail: s.suleimenova@turan-edu.kz

Ospanova Dzhamilya Azizkhanovna

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of legal sciences

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The highest legal, candidate of legal sciences. In 2010 – PhD thesis in the specialty 12.00.02 – constitutional law, public administration, administrative law, municipal law. Supervisor – Doctor of Law, Professor Kim V.A. In 2011 – awarding the degree of candidate of legal sciences MES RK (protocol No. 6).


Academic and practical experience


General work experience in the specialty – 18 years, scientific and pedagogical – 12 years


Teaching disciplines


Undergraduate: constitutional law, administrative law, administrative responsibility, public service and public administration, administrative process, customs administration, e-government; magistracy: problems of the theory of administrative law, improving the system of public service and public administration, problems of developing administrative coercion. He uses innovative technologies in courses: business games, visiting schools, thematic discussions, reports, round tables, project method, testing, training seminars, presentations.


The main publications


About 50 scientific papers, of which: 2 monographs, 4 manuals, 1 electronic books, 4 Scopus articles, other publications, including 43 articles. In 2018, the monograph “Restrictions of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Republic of Kazakhstan: constitutional and legal aspect ”, is one of the developers of the electronic textbooks“ Administrative Law ”and“ Fundamentals of Combating Corruption ”, 4 textbooks have been prepared:“ Customs Administration ”(in Kazakh and Russian. lang.), “Administrative law “(Russian and english)


Research projects


Participation in the fundamental research of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “Ensuring the digitalization of public services as a necessary condition for the development of the cyber space of the Republic of Kazakhstan: political and legal problems”, according to the budget program: 217 “Development of science”. Subprogram 102 “Grant funding for research.” By priority: Scientific foundations of “Mangilik el.” By priority: Education of the 21st century, fundamental and applied research in the field of the humanities (2018); in the international project “Digital Accessibility”, leader Dominic Arshabo (France, 2017), participation in the social project “Civil Control” under the state order of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption (2017).


Scientific internships


In 2016, she completed a scientific internship at D. Didro University (Paris, France), at the Impact Factors of Research Publications: Identifying Problem Areas International Scientific and Practical Seminar held by KazNU im. al-Farabi, Columbia University and Tsukuba University (Japan) (in 2016); Methodological Workshop on Quality Management System “International University Ranking” (November 29, 2011), Jan Sadlak; took part in the Spring School of Comparative Law Spring School of Comparative Law through the DAAD Rectorate in Legal Sciences of the University of Tartu (from March 27 to April 6, 2012); It is certified by II International Conference on European Science and Technology (May 9-10, 2012 Germany).


Awards and achievements


Ospanova D.A. Awarded the anniversary medal “KazNU named after Al-Farabi” No. 1615 dated May 12, 2014 for his contribution to the development of the university; to departmental award of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 00187. May 2014




Phone: +7 727 260-40-29

E-mail: j.ospanova@turan-edu.kz

Alaeva Gulnaz Tursunovna

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Legal Sciences

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Higher, Higher School of Law “Adilet” (1998-2000); Candidate of Legal Sciences (decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2004, protocol No. 1), 12.00.09 – criminal procedure, forensic science, forensic examination, ARD; Associate Professor of the University of Turan, specializing in Jurisprudence (decision of the Academic Council of the University of Turan of January 26, 2006, protocol No. 5).


Academic and practical experience

In 1994-2005 she worked at the Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a trainee, senior expert, leading expert, leading expert, deputy head of the forensic and merchandising service, in 2012 she headed the acting director of the Institute judicial examination of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty. In 2003 she defended her thesis at the Doctoral Council of KazNU named after al-Farabi of Almaty. From 2005 to the present, I have been working at Turan University as an assistant professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, and at various times at the Turan University held the posts of the head of the department, the head of the teaching department, the dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law.


Scientific and pedagogical experience – 16 years


Scientific internships, advanced training

  1. Continuing education courses in Almaty (2019)

Teaching disciplines

“Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “System of Principles of Criminal Procedure”, “Forensics”, “Migration Law”, “Intellectual Property Law”, “Forensic Expertology” (bachelor’s degree), “Actual problems of criminal law” and the criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan ”(magistracy),“ Actual problems of intellectual property law ”(doctoral studies).


Main publications

Are the author of published 150 scientific works, of which: 6 textbooks, 1 monograph; 5 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, more than 35 articles published in publications recommended by KKSON MES RK, RSCI, conference materials from near and far abroad countries.


Awards, rewards, contests

  1. Gratitude of the Minister of Education and Science (2017)
  2. The best scientist of Turan (2016)
  3. Licensed forensic expert (General State License of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 0000075 dated 11.29.05)
  4. A licensed appraiser of movable and immovable property (State license for engaging in property valuation activity fl-01672 No. 0144917 dated 10.28.2009)



Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 08

E-mail: g.alayeva@turan-edu.kz

Rekhson Svetlana Nikolaevna

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Law

Associate professor of Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Higher, adviser of justice of the 2nd grade, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  • Graduated from Ust-Kamenogorsk State Pedagogical Institute, faculty of natural sciences (biology-chemistry);
  • In connection with work in a scientific expert scientific institution of a legal profile, annual courses were held on mastering and advanced training in the field of forensic examination and jurisprudence: at the All-Union Research Institute of Forensic Examination; Correspondence Law Institute (VUZI); All-Union continuing education courses for justice workers at the USSR Ministry of Justice (Moscow); regional continuing education courses for lawyers in Vilnius, Riga, Baku, Tashkent;
  • In 1984, in the direction of Kaz.NIISE MJ, the Kaz.SSR entered and in 1988 completed postgraduate studies at the All-Union NIISE MJ USSR (Moscow);
  • In 1992 she defended her thesis: code of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan 12 00 09 (“Criminal process-forensics-forensic examination-operational-operational activities”);
  • In 1994, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded the title of Associate Professor, since 1995 – Counselor of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, class 2.

Academic and practical experience

  • 1978-1997 – forensic expert, researcher, head of the laboratory for establishing the mechanism of explosions and fires of the Research Institute of Forensic Examinations and, subsequently, the Center for Forensic Examinations of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 1997-2004 – Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensics (later the Department of Forensics and Forensics) of the Faculty of Law of Almaty State University named after Abay;
  • 2005-2006 – Vice-Rector for Research and Youth Policy of the Almaty Law Academy of the Kazakh Humanitarian University;
  • 2006–2016 – Associate Professor, Professor, Head of the Department of Jurisprudence of the Almaty Branch of St. Petersburg University of Trade Unions;
  • 2016 to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law of the State Law University of Turan University.

Additional information

  • 2000-2004 – hourly as an assistant professor at the advanced training courses for judges and magistracy of the Judicial Academy under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 1999 – 2003 – Member of the State Commission for Certification of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Teaching disciplines

  • The historical and theoretical cycle: the History of the Russian state and law, the theory of state and law; Jurisprudence.
  • Criminal cycle: Criminal procedure law; Operational-search activity; Law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation; Judicial proceedings of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan; Criminal process: procedural and functional construction approaches.
  • Applied legal cycle: Forensics, Forensic Science; Legal psychology; Legal conflictology; Theory of evidence and proof; Judicial rhetoric; Forensic principles of the fight against organized crime; Modern areas of forensic science.

Further education

Annual continuing education courses:

  • In the disciplines taught: forensics, forensics,
  • Training seminars and the School of Pedagogical Excellence (as a teacher);
  • Innovative technologies and teaching methods in higher education;
  • Modern information technologies and the use of electronic publications in the educational process Certificate “IP Air Media” FS77-43102;
  • System of quality management based on ISO 9001: 2015. Basic requirements. ” Certificate 05 / 16-018-QMS.

The main publications and scientific activities

Published 73 scientific papers, of which: 8 study guides, materials of conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries. She participated in 3 scientific programs on the problems of forensic science (CCE MJURK) and the scientific program “Problems of further strengthening statehood and improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the implementation of five presidential reforms in the new political course (2016-2020),” topic: “Reforming forensic science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.”


Awards and rewards

  • Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev for participating in the organization of elections;
  • Diplomas for expert scientific, industrial and social activities (Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, TSSE MJ RK) pedagogical, educational and methodological and educational activities (ASU named after Abay, SPbGUP).

Scientific and educational activities with students

Organizer and leader of the youth scientific movement of the student youth movement – student’s “Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan” (Almaty branch of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise); organizer and leader of youth clubs and scientific creative circles, scientific conferences and video bridges with universities of the Russian Federation.


Experience in practical expert work – 20 years, scientific – 41 years; scientific and pedagogical 21 years.



Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 08

E-mail: rehson5454@mail.ru

Lyutsik Viktoriya

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Law Sciences

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higher, faculty of international relations ASU / KazNPU named after Abai, specialty “international law”, qualification “international lawyer”; candidate of legal Sciences (decision of Committee on supervision and certification in education sphere and science MES RK dated 15 February 2006, Protocol No. 3), 12.00.08 – criminal law; penal law; criminology), Ph. D. thesis performed at the junction with cipher 12.00.10 – international law, comparative law


Academic and practical experience

From 1999 to 2006, she worked at ASU / KazNPU named after Abay as a teacher of the Department of fundamentals of law and international legal disciplines. in 2000, she entered the post-graduate school at ASU named after Abay, after which she defended her PhD thesis at KazNU. al-Farabi in 2005; from 2006 to 2009, she worked at the Caspian Public University as an associate Professor at the departments of law and private law (full-time), and as an associate Professor at the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines at the Academy of Civil aviation (part-time); since 2009 started its work in Almaty branch of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of trade unions (Spbgup AF) associate Professor of law, and then from 2012 to 2015. was head of the Department of jurisprudence in AF Spbgup; 2015 work at the University “Turan” as an assistant Professor in the Department of law, coordinator of the Department for research, by 2019. the coordinator of the Department for international cooperation, academic mobility and double degree programs.


Scientific internships, advanced training

  1. Internship at the Saint Petersburg University of trade unions – (Saint Petersburg, 2012.);
  2. PC “International accreditation in Kazakhstan-experience and exchange” at the Institute of accreditation, certification and quality assurance ACQUIN (Germany, 2011.);
  3. school of pedagogical skills in the amount of 72 hours (international business school at the Kazakh economic University named after T. Ryskulov (Almaty, 2012);
  4. PC “Actual problems of constitutional law of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan: comparative analysis” by associate Professor of the Russian University of peoples ‘ Friendship in the amount of 72 hours (Russia, Moscow, 2016.);
  5. INTEL PC “Training for the future” in the amount of 72 hours at the National Open University (Russia, Moscow, 2017);
  6. PC “Methodology and structure of development of modern electronic textbooks” at the Academy of advanced training and professional retraining of education workers (Russian Federation, gmoskva, 2019.);
  7. advanced training courses in Almaty (2019).

Scientific and pedagogical experience – 20 years.


Teaching disciplines, practical courses 

“Public international law”, “Protection of human rights in international law”, “Pension legislation of foreign countries, Diplomatic and consular law, law of international security,” “International cooperation of States in combating crime”, “law of armed conflict”, “European law”, “International contract law”, “International legal protection of the environment, Law of treaties, Law of international organizations”, “Modern problems of legal comparative studies” (master), etc.


Main publications

author of more than 50 published scientific works, including: 2 textbooks, 1 monograph; 3 scientific articles indexed in the “Scopus” database, more than 20 articles published in publications recommended by the CCSON of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSCI, materials of conferences of near and far abroad.


Awards, incentives, contests

  1. Diploma for work, high professionalism and conscientious work for the prosperity of Turan Corporation – (Almaty, 2018);
  2. Certificate of Honor for high professionalism and active life position in AF SPbGUP – (St. Petersburg, 2014.);
  3. Diploma “for high-quality presentation of lecture material and conducting a number Of” master classes on social issues, provision of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan ” from the financial Agency “Fortuna-invest “(Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2015);
  4. Diploma-II honorary prize for participation in the I-th Republican competition on International Arbitration (Caspian University, Almaty, March 27-28, 2015).


Contact information 

Phone: +7 727 260 40 20; +7 701 952 85 57;

Е-mail: v.lyutsik@turan-edu.kz

Stamkulova Gulnar

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Law Sciences

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KazSU named after S.M. Kirov (1972-1977), specialty “Law,” diploma with honors, qualification – “lawyer.” Additional education: Graduate School of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences (1977-1980). Candidate of Law Sciences. Specialty 12.00.06- “Natural resource law; Environmental and agrarian law. ”


Work experience

lawyer – 20 years; Lecturer, professor – since 1997; Management activity – Head of the Department, Dean of the Faculty, Vice-Rector of Educational Work.


Professional skills

  1. Practical skills in jurisprudence – lawyer, legal adviser of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of KazSSR, lawyer of the Kazakh-American enterprise Glotur – 1977-1993.
  2. Practical skills in the business field – General Director of the trading house “Aijan” – 1993-1996.
  3. Development of UMCD for baccalaureate:
    • State and Law Theory, Constitutional Law, Private International Law, Land Law, Environmental Law, Business Law, Corporate Law, Financial Law, Comparative Law, Arbitration, Labor Law.
  1. Development of UMCD for master ‘s degree:
    • Arbitration and civil law practice;
    • Current issues of private international law;
    • Theory of private international law;
    • International commercial arbitration;
    • Legal regulation of international trade transactions.
  1. Ability to work by distance learning technology
  2. Researching activities, participation in conferences and round tables, writing textbooks:
    • Legal basis of protection, reproduction and use of non-forest plant world in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2004
    • Land Law, General. 2004
    • Qazaqstan Respublikasynyn zher quqygy. Zhalpy bolim. Oqu quraly. 2004
    • Workshop on Private International Law, 2016
    • Workshop on International Commercial Arbitration, 2016
    • Theory of State and Law (in accordance with the new TPP)
    • About 20 articles have been published
  1. Ability to teach: giving lectures and conducting seminars, colloquiums, conducting business trainings. Corporate training experience over 10 years at CAPC, Ambition IBQ, Global Professional Levelment Training Center.
  2. Drafting, managing and conducting presentations; Willingness to work with big number of groups; high communicative skills; Multitasking, knowledge of Power Point (confident user).

Personal qualities

Communication, result-oriented, initiative, entrepreneurship, flexibility of thinking, persistence, ability to learn.


Additional information

Academician of IAI since 2007


Professional development

  1. Methods of teaching entrepreneurship for students. Turan University 2020
  2. Innovative methods of teaching civil law disciplines. Training center “Global Professional Development” 2019
  3. New laws and changes in the legislation of Kazakhstan, entered into force in 2018.
  4. Theory of State and Law 2018
  5. Technologization of the educational process on the basis of electronic textbooks. 2017
  6. Building effective learning skills in the 21st century: experience of innovative educational technologies. 2016
  7. Methodology of Teaching International Legal Discipline. 2016
  8. Professional ethics in psychological and pedagogical activity. 2015


Phone: +7 777 229 29 03

E-mail: stamkulovaga@mail.ru

Toktybekov Temir Abikenovich

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of legal sciences

Read the summary »


Two higher educations:

  1. Kazakh State University. Al-Farabi, Faculty of International Relations, specialty “International Law”
  2. Central Asian University, Department of Economics, specialty “Finance”

Kazakh State University named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Law, Graduate School –– candidate of legal sciences (decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 12, 2010), 12.00.02 – Administrative and legal regulation of the quality of work of public servants


Academic and practical experience

  • 2004-2005. State institution “Office of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in Almaty” is the chief specialist of the department for monitoring compliance with the legislation on public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    conducting inspections in state bodies on appeals and complaints of citizens
    placing persons in the personnel reserve and agreeing on further appointment to the civil service
  • 2005-2010 State institution “Department for Control and Social Protection in Almaty” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – The State Labor Inspector for the city of Almaty; consideration of citizens’ appeals; – inspections of legal entities regarding compliance with labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; participation in the processes of a specialized economic court and a specialized administrative court.
  • 2010-2012 State institution “Prosecutor’s Office of Almaty”, assistant prosecutor of the Bostandyk district of Almaty, department for supervision of activities in the social and economic sphere and state bodies (general supervision). By order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 66a dated 12/26/2011, a class rank was assigned to a lawyer of the 3rd class
  • 2012-2013 SKYMAX Technologies LLP Marketing and Sales Manager
    organization of meetings with investors participation in public procurement
  • 2013 -2014 PF “Management Training Support Fund 2030”
    Advisor to the Chairman of the Fund – Conducting analysis, drawing up a schedule for the year
  • 2014-2019 JSC “Narxoz University” Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Law, organization of guest meetings with practitioners, lawyers from government agencies, publications in foreign scientific journals, publications of textbooks and teaching aids (2015-2016, Director of the Jurisprudence educational program)
  • 2019 to present Turan University PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law


Scientific internships, advanced training:

  1. Internship at the University of BSU (Narxoz) Belarus, Minsk 2014.
  2. Continuing education courses in Almaty (2019)


Scientific and pedagogical experience – 5 years.


Teaching disciplines, practical courses 

“International Space Law, International Air and Sea Law”, Actual problems of international law, International trade law.


Main publications

28 scientific papers published, of which: 4 study guides, 2 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, more than 20 articles are published in publications recommended by KKSON MES RK, RSCI, conference materials from near and far abroad countries .



  1. On assignment of a class rank to a lawyer of class 3 – (2011)
  2. Medal on the 25th anniversary of Maslikhat of the city of Almaty (2019)
  3. Letter from the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019)



Tel:+7 777 206 00 01

E-mail: toktybekov@turan-edu.kz

Kemali Yerzhan Sagindykuly

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Legal Sciences

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  • 1990-1995 – Kazakh State Academy of Management (nArkhoz University), specialty “International Economic Relations”;
  • 1995 – 1999 – Higher School of Law “Adilet”, specialty “jurisprudence”.


Work experience

September 1995 – May 2021 – service in the internal affairs bodies, the Prosecutor’s Office and the anti-corruption service.


Total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity

15 years

Research and innovation experience:

  • Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Institute of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He is the author of more than 30 scientific issues.


Advanced training

2003 – courses for UN peacekeepers “peacekeeper mission” in New Delhi (India), 2009 – FBI Academy in Quantico (USA), 2013 and 2018 – Jerusalem (Israel) on countering terrorism and extremism.


Awards and incentives

“For impeccable service in the Prosecutor’s Office”, “For impeccable service in the internal affairs bodies”, jubilee medals, Certificates of Honor of the Prosecutor General and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the medal of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus.



Tel: +77012229670

Corporate mail: e.kemali@turan-edu.kz

Bekov Kairat Adilkhanovich

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

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  • 1988-1989 Study at the Kentau College in Kentau;
  • 1991-1996 Study at the Kazakh State University. Al Farabi. Almaty city;

Academic and practical experience:

The total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is 9 years.

  • 09/01/1997 04/21/1998 Kazakh State University. Al Farabi, assistant of the department of judiciary. Almaty city;
  • 04/21/1998 03/06/2001 Kazakh State University. Al Farabi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Procedure, Almaty;
  • 03/06/2001 08/27/2003 Al Farabi Kazakh State University Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Almaty;
  • 09/02/2003 01/05/2004 Kazakh National Agrarian University Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and Law, Almaty;
  • 02/01/2004 03/01/2005 Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Science of Almaty;
  • 03/04/2005 06/10/2005 JSC “Almatygostroy”, lawyer in Almaty;
  • 06/12/2005 08/02/2007 Judge of the Specialized Interdistrict Administrative Court of Atyrau Region, Atyrau;
  • 02.08.2007 25.12.2008 Judge of the Specialized Interdistrict Administrative Court of Almaty;
  • 25.12.2008 to 2014 Judge of the Alatau District Court of Almaty;
  • 2015 2016 KazATISO Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines; Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, lawyer of the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunaev. Head of the Dual Training of the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunaev;
  • 2019 2021 Legal consultant;
  • 2021 – Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, Turan University;


Main publications:

He is the author of more than: 50 scientific papers in the field of criminal procedure, civil law. Monographs – Textbooks and teaching aids:

  • Prosecutor’s office in foreign countries
  • Prosecutor’s office in foreign countries (in French)
  • Prosecutor’s office in foreign countries, in Turkish
  • Russian-French legal explanatory dictionary
  • Prosecutor’s office in foreign countries in Turkish
  • Judicial systems of foreign countries


Tel: +7 701 8888456

Corporate mail: ak31031971@gmail.com

Koshkinbayeva Aliya Serzhanovna

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law


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Education, academic degree, academic title

Higher legal education, Doctor of Philosophy PhD. On December 24, 2021, by the decision of the Dissertation Council at the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD was awarded.


Academic and practical experience

General work experience in the specialty – 11 years, scientific and pedagogical – 11 years.


Teaching disciplines

Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General part), Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special part), Administrative Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Criminology.


The main publications

About 30 scientific works, from which: monograph-2, articles in the Scopus database 3, Author’s Articles – 2, foreign publications, including Articles-25. in 2022, the monograph “problems of crime prevention for violation of environmental requirements”, and “legal positions of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on property issues”were published


Scientific internships

  1. International internship program “Modern Legal Systems: Traditions and Transitions” National University “Odessa Law Academy” Odessa, Ukraine July 2-7, 2018
  2. International internship program “Legal methodology and Education” “University of Applied Sciences of Wismar: Technology, Business and Design” Germany, Wismar 22.07-02.08.2019

Awards and achievements

Ospanova D.A. Awarded the anniversary medal “KazNU named after Al-Farabi” No. 1615 dated May 12, 2014 for his contribution to the development of the university; to departmental award of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 00187. May 2014


Contact information

Tel: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)

Corporate maila.koshkinbayeva@turan-edu.kz

Pralieva Gulmira Kaldibaevna

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Legal Sciences

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  1. In 1999 she graduated from the Kazakh State National University. al-Farabi, jurist, jurist, No. 0056759
  2. In 2008, she graduated from the Almaty Institute of Continuing Education Pedagogy and Psychology, teacher – psychologist, No. 0000173
  3. Candidate of Legal Sciences (code 120001) – theory of the state and the history of legal and political doctrines, the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 20, 2008 (minutes No. 11) FK No. 0002182

Academic and practical experience

In different years, work as a lawyer in JV LLP, corporate lawyer in an affiliated entity JSC “Samruk-Kazyna” taught at the leading universities of Kazakhstan: Kazakh State National University. Al-Farabi, Russian-Kazakhstani State University, AF SPbGUP and other universities academic experience 20 years practical experience 10 years. Currently I work as an associate professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law at Turan University and director of Abskur LLP


Teaching disciplines

Financial law, tax law, banking law, investment law, civil law, administrative law, housing law, family law, intellectual property, legal psychology, legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity, legal support of economic activity, insurance law and other legal disciplines.


Main publications

Author of more than 83 scientific works, of which 1 monograph, 21 textbooks and 61 scientific articles published in international and Kazakhstani scientific publications Author of methodological and practical materials and comments on the current legislation on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative, civil, family, criminal procedural, constitutional , financial (budget, insurance, banking, investment, tax) law, intellectual property law, judicial rhetoric, legal psychology and other disciplines.



Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 08

Sarina Salima Abdykadyrovna

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Law Sciences

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Higher Legal

candidate of law

  • March 5, 2010 – candidate of jurisprudence, the theme of the dissertation research: “Settlement of disputes by international commercial arbitration”, supervisor – academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of jurisprudence, professor M. Suleimenov (Diploma of Candidate of Law, Committee on control in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, College No. 7 of 06.25.2010);
  • 2000-2001 – postgraduate study (correspondence department) of Kazakh State Law University, in connection with the merger of the Institute of State and Law and Kazakh State Law University according to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 1997-2000 – graduate school (full-time) of the Institute of State and Law of the NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 1991-1996 – Kazakh State Law Institute, Department of “Entrepreneurial Law”, Almaty.
  • 1981-1991 – Certificate of secondary education.

 Academic and practical experience

  • September 2019 – to the present Time – Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, Faculty of Humanities and Law, University of Turan.
  • 2019 – to the present time – Arbitrator of the International Commercial Mediation Center on the initiative “Belt and Road” (Mediation Center), which was approved by the Beijing Law Society and registered with the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau.
  • 2018 – to the present time – Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court “Ex Lege” in Almaty.
  • 2012 – to the present time – Arbitrator of the International Arbitration Court “IAC” in Almaty.
  • November 2010 – to the present time – Arbitrator of the International Arbitration “IUS” in Almaty.
  • August 2010 – to August 2019 – Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence of the Higher School of Law “Edillet” of the Caspian Public University.
  • February 2007 – August 2010 – Chief Lawyer of Stroy Project Tech Service LLP:

– Legal support of commercial transactions (purchase and sale, construction contract, rental property, etc.);

– Drafting, amending and annotating draft business agreements (purchase and sale, construction contract, property lease / rental of residential and non-residential premises, commissions, instructions, trust management of property, etc.);

– Preparation of legal opinions (Legal Opinion) and memoranda on the submitted agreements for compliance with domestic law.

  • March 2006 – February 2007 – Head of the Legal Department of BTX International Group LLP, specializing in the sale of construction equipment:

– Conducting a legal examination of the submitted documents, including business contracts and their annexes (purchase and sale, leasing, agency contracts, etc.);

– Sight (including initialing) of contracts and outgoing documents;

– Conducting business correspondence and ongoing negotiations with Kazakh and foreign partners and clients regarding legal issues regarding the execution of contracts;

– Legal support of registration and re-registration of companies, change of the first head and others.

  • April 2003 – March 2006 – Lawyer-consultant to the law firm Ravel LLP:

– Legal services to certain legal entities and individuals;

– Conducting a legal examination of the submitted documents,

– Drafting, legal examination of business contracts;

– Providing advice to citizens in the field of civil law, including family and labor law;

– Consultations in the field of protection of intellectual property rights (international and domestic trademarks, company names and others);

– Representation of interests of individuals legal entities in civil litigation in courts on non-fulfillment of business contracts, ownership of land, protection of honor, dignity and business reputation and compensation for moral harm, labor disputes, inheritance, family disputes and more.

  • October 2001 – April 2003 – Junior Research Fellow at the Institute of State and Law at the Kazakh State Law University:

– Study of fundamental topics under the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– Conducting scientific work on current projects.

  • August 1996 – December 1997 – researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

– Conducting a legal examination of current bills, documents of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– Conducting scientific work on current projects;

– Explanatory legal work.


Scientific internships, advanced training

  • 07.07.2019-17.07.2019 – School of Law, University of Leicester, UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, Leicester “Norms of English Contract Law”
  • 07/23/2018 – 07/28/2018 – University of Applied Sciences, Business Technologies and Design, GERMANY Wismar “Legal Methodology and Education”
  • 07/14/2017 07/23/2017 – Xi’an Transport University CHINA Xi’an Education in the ancient city of Xi’an – the beginning of the Silk Road
  • 07/13/2016-22.07.2016 – Xi’an Transport University CHINA Xi’an Education in the ancient city of Xi’an – the beginning of the Silk Road
  • 08.28.2016-10.09.2016 – University of Applied Sciences, Business Technologies and Design GERMANY Wismar Legal Methodology and Education
  • 06/15/2015 – 06/06/2015 – Russian State University of Justice of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar. Importance of the Institute of World Justice in the Judicial System of the Russian Federation
  • 11.24.2015-08.12.2015 – National Open University “INTUIT” of the Russian Federation, Moscow Effective work of a teacher

 Scientific and pedagogical experience – 17 years.


Teaching disciplines, practical courses

Readable disciplines in the specialty “Jurisprudence” and “International Law”:

for a bachelor – Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general and special parts), Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Private International Law; GSP principles system; The system of principles of MCHP; Actual problems of private international law, Arbitration process. For doctoral students “Theoretical and methodological problems of the development of modern civil and civil procedural law.”


The main publications

are the author of 30 scientific papers published, of which: 3 study guides, 2 monographs; 3 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, more than 22 articles published in publications recommended by KKSON MES RK, RSCI, conference materials from near and far abroad countries.


Awards, rewards, contests

  • September 2018 – awarded with the diploma and medal “Excellence in Education” of the Technical Scientific and Educational Portal “Orleu”.
  • May 31, 2014 – was awarded the collectible commemorative medal of Abu Yusuf Yakub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari al-Kufi, established by the Research Institute of Financial and Tax Law, and dedicated to outstanding figures of science and education in the field of taxation and tax law of all times and peoples of our era.
  • 2012 – holder of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “The best university teacher for 2011”.


Phone: +7 702 901 01 57

E-mail: s.sarina@turan-edu.kz

Beketov Aibol Nursultanovich

Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law

Master of Law

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He graduated from Turan University with a bachelor’s degree in 1998, and a master’s degree in 2007 with a degree in law. Master of Law.I have certificates of professional development.


Academic and practical experience

  • From 1995-2002 he worked in a secondary school in the city of Zhanatas, Zhambyl region. a teacher of history, law and the Russian language and literature.
  • From 2002 to the present day I work at Turan University as a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Law. I specialize in civil, administrative, labor, customs and social law.Since 2010, IP Beketov AN has been providing legal services and doing business.
  • From 2013 to 2014 served as deputy dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law of the University of Turan I am a practicing lawyer, mainly engaged in pedagogical activities in the field of civil law: civil law, labor law, Roman law, the basics of law, social security law, family law and administrative law.
  • General teaching experience 25 years.

Scientific internships, advanced training

1) continuing education courses in Almaty (2019) Scientific and pedagogical experience – 18 years.


Teaching disciplines, practical courses

civil law, labor law, Roman law, the basics of law, social security law, family law, administrative law and legal support of business.


The main publications

Аre the author of 40 scientific papers published: in the materials of conferences of countries near and far abroad. 6. Awards, rewards, contests



Phone: +7 727 260 40 20; +7 701 6771990;

E-mail: beketov_76@mail.ru


Kultay Agytaevna Adilova

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Law Sciences

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  • In 1999, graduated from Abai State University with a degree in Law, qualification – Lawyer.
  • In 2011, graduated from D.A. Kunaev University with a degree in Finance, qualification – Bachelor of Finance.
  • In 2013, completed a master’s degree at D.A. Kunaev University in the specialty «6M050900 – Finance», qualification – Master of Social Sciences.
  • In 2009, successfully defended the Candidate of Legal Sciences dissertation in the specialty “12.00.02 – Constitutional Law, Municipal Law, Administrative Law, Financial Law” at the Dissertation Council of D.A. Kunaev University.



Academic and Practical Experience


Has been teaching at Turan University since 2024. Has 25 years of scientific and pedagogical experience.

  • Since 12.08.2024 – Chief Academic Officer of the Center for Educational and Social Development Sciences, Interdisciplinary Science Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty);
  • 01.09.2021 – 09.08.2024 – Member of the Board, Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Affairs, Associate Professor at the School of Tourism, Joint Stock Company “International University of Tourism and Hospitality” (Turkestan);
  • 2019-2021 – Director of the School of Law, Associate Professor at the Eurasian Technological University (Almaty);
  • 2014-2019 – Head of the Department of Law, Associate Professor at Suleyman Demirel University (Kaskelen);
  • 2011-2014 – Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Associate Professor at D.A. Kunaev University (Almaty);
  • 2007-2011 – Deputy Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Senior Lecturer, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee at D.A. Kunaev University (Almaty);
  • 2003-2007 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Constitutional and International Law at D.A. Kunaev University (Almaty);
  • 2000-2003 – Lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines at South Kazakhstan Open University (Shymkent).



Scientific Internships and Advanced Training Courses

  1. «Innovative Research: Integrating AI Statistics & Articles» July 19, 2024
  2. «Management in Education: University Transformation and Change Management» March 19, 2024
  3. «Inclusive Education» 72 hours; March 5, 2024
  4. «Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Data Collection and Analysis» 72 hours; December 23, 2023
  5. «Legal Regulation of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry» 72 hours; September 22, 2023
  6. «Development and Integration of MOOCs into the Educational Process of Higher Education Institutions» July 14, 2023
  7. «Leading Teams: Developing as a Leader» Coursera certificate; April 26, 2023
  8. «Management in Education: Creating a Suitable Academic Environment for Students» 72 hours; December 28, 2022
  9. Certificate «Legal Regulation in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry» 72 hours; September 22, 2023
  10. Certificate «Development and Integration of MOOCs into the Educational Process of Higher Education Institutions» 72 hours; July 14, 2023
  11. Certificate «Management in Education» ALMAU Education Development Institute 72 hours; December 28, 2022
  12. RUMTS «ӨРЛЕУ” Certificate «Methodology of Teaching the Discipline ‘Fundamentals of Law», March 19, 2022
  13. Certificate «HYBRID/BLENDED TEACHING AND LEARNING» 72 hours; December 18, 2021
  14. Certificate «Development and Update of Educational Programs» December 15, 2021
  15. Soft Skills Kazakhstan Certificate «Effective Management in Education» August 24, 2021



Taught Courses and Practical Subjects


Current Issues of Human Rights Protection, Education Law, Formation of Civil Society in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Current Problems of Legal Theory, Philosophy of Law



Main Publications


Author of more than 60 scientific publications, including 2 monographs, 3 textbooks, and 12 articles in Scopus-indexed journals and journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan.



Awards and Honors

  • Letter of Appreciation from the Akim of Turkestan Region, Satybaldy D.A., 2023
  • Letter of Appreciation from the Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken”, Batalov R.A., 2023
  • Letter of Appreciation from the Minister of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for contributions to the development of the industry, 2023
  • Letter of Appreciation from the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for contributions to the development of the industry, 2022
  • Medal «30 Years of Kazakhstan Police» and a Letter of Appreciation from the Department of Police of Turkestan Region for contributions to the region’s development, 2022
  • Letter of Appreciation from the Committee for the Tourism Industry of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for contributions to the development of the country’s tourism industry, 2021
  • Certificate of Honor from the Rector of the «International University of Tourism and Hospitality» for contributions to the development of education in tourism and sports, 2021
  • Letter of Appreciation from the Rector of Suleyman Demirel University on the occasion of the 25th anniversary for contributions to the development and prosperity of SDU, 2021
  • Letter of Appreciation from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for personal contributions to the development of the education system in Kazakhstan, 2017
  • Letter of Appreciation from the Rector of SDU for active participation in the introduction of new specialties and contributions to the development of the university, 2017
  • Medal «For Contributions to the Development of Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan», awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science, 2013





Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)

E-mail: k.adilova@turan-edu.kz

Patashkov Sergey

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Law Sciences

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  • in 1995 graduated with honors from the Almaty Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specializing in lawyer-legal scholar;
  • in 2000 completed postgraduate studies at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • in 2000 defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Law in the dissertation council of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “Combating the illegal activities of convicts of a negative nature in correctional institutions (operational-search and tactical aspects).



Academic and practical experience

  • from 1995 to 2000 service in the operational units of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • from 2000 to 2005, worked (as a lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy head of the department) in the department of organization of operational-search activities and use of special equipment of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • from 2005 to 2008, worked as an adviser to the Chairman of the Board of JSC Semser (a subsidiary of JSC NC KazMunayGas) (Astana);
  • from 2008 to 2024, General Director of LLP Specialized Training Center “Semser” (Almaty);
  • from 2012 to 2017, worked part-time as a senior lecturer in the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law at Turan University (Almaty);
  • from 2020 to 2021, worked part-time as a senior lecturer in the Law Department of the Kazakhstan Innovation Academy (Semey);
  • from 2022 to 2024, worked part-time as a senior lecturer in the Economics, Services and Law Department of the Almaty Humanitarian and Economic University.
  • from 2024 to the present, has been working as an associate professor at the Higher School of Law of the Turan University.


Total experience in scientific and pedagogical activity – 23 years.

Rank – police lieutenant colonel in reserve.



Research internships, advanced training

  • 2005 – International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), Budapest;
  • 2011 – seminar-training “Ensuring Business Security” / The Capricorn Exhibitions $ Conferences Limited, Monaco;
  • 2012 – seminar-training “Current issues of ensuring information security of strategic facilities included in the group of companies of JSC NWF “Samruk-Kazyna” / JSC NC “KazMunayGas”, Astana;
  • 2018 – seminar-training “Corruption offenses in the activities of national companies and measures to prevent them” / STC “Semser”, Almaty;
  • 2022 – seminar-training “Psychological aspects of stress resistance of security personnel” / Institute of Psychotherapy of Valentina Zhumadilova, Almaty;
  • 2023 – seminar-training “Management in education” / University “Turan”, Almaty;
  • 2023 – seminar-training “Communicative competence of employees of banks, financial organizations” / STC AOO RK, Almaty.



Disciplines taught, practical

  • Theory of operational-search activities;
  • Criminal-executive law of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Criminology;
  • Anti-terrorist security;
  • Advocacy and notary services;
  • Anti-corruption legislation;
  • Corporate law;
  • Law of the World Trade Organization;
  • Territory in international law;
  • Theory and practice of applying labor legislation.



Main publications


The author of 23 scientific articles on problematic issues of operational search activities in Kazakhstan, 5 teaching aids, including: 2 fundamentals of organizing operational search activities; 2 fundamentals of organizing the activities of security organizations; 1 on issues of preventing corruption offenses.



Awards and prizes


Awarded the government award “Jubilee medal “Kazakhstan Republic celebrates 20 years” (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 112 dated November 10, 2011).





E-mail: s.patashkov@turan-edu.kz

Imanberdieva Elvira Bekbolatovna

Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law

Candidate of Law Sciences

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  • In 2002, she graduated full-time from the “specialty” of KazGUU with a degree in Law.
  • In 2004, she graduated full-time from the “master’s degree” of KazGUU of scientific and pedagogical direction in the specialty: “12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; penal enforcement law”.
  • In 2006, she graduated full–time from the graduate school of KazGUU with a degree in “12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; penal enforcement law”.
  • In 2010, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Law.
  • In 2011, he was awarded the degree of “Candidate of Law”.
  • In 2013, she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy and Psychology.
  • In 2021, she completed full–time doctoral studies at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in “12.00.11 – Judicial activities, prosecutorial activities, human rights and law enforcement activities.”



Academic and Practical Experience


The experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is over 22 years, including 5 years of practical experience.

  • 2002-2004 – full-time master’s degree at KazGUU.
  • 2004-2006 – full-time postgraduate study at KazGUU.
  • 2006-2008 – worked in the civil service.
  • 2008-2009 – Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines of KazGUU.
  • 2011-2012 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Legal Disciplines of Astana University.
  • 2012-2021 – Associate Professor (Associate Professor) of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Astana University.
  • 2013-2014 – worked in the quasi-public sector.
  • 2016-2021 – full-time doctoral studies at RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • 2022-2023 – Research Professor at the Eurasian Technological University.
  • 2023-2024 – Associate Professor (Associate Professor) The Higher School of Law “Adilet” of the Caspian Public University.
  • He has been teaching at Turan University since 2024.



Scientific Internships and Advanced Training Courses

  • Internship at the European Court of Human Rights, France, Strasbourg, April 2015



Professional development

  • Organization of legal education in Germany. Methodology for solving legal cases, Almaty, DAAD, KIMEP, MNU, May 27-28, 2024, in the amount of 0.8 ECTS credits;
  • Anti-corruption compliance. Anti–corruption policy and culture in the public and private sector: the experience of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors Higher School of Economics, February 27 – March 31, 2023, in the amount of 72 hours;
  • Institutionaldyk zhane mamandandyrylgan accreditation: mazmuny men rasimderi. ATKO sarapshylaryna koylatyn talaptar, NU “Independent Kazakhstan Accreditation Center”, January 27, 2023, in the amount of 8 hours;
  • Technology of training and development of Smart education, ETU, Almaty, January 09-18, 2023, in the amount of 72 hours;
  • Theory and practice of the application of labor legislation in the consideration of individual labor disputes in the conciliation commission. Negotiations and conflict management in the workplace, Academy of Laboratory Relations, in the amount of 72 hours;
  • Practical features of compensation for losses and lost profits, BestProfi, September 22, 2022, in the amount of 2 hours;
  • Intellectual property in Kazakhstan, BestProfi, September 09, 2022, in the amount of 2 hours;
  • The basics of creating educational animated video content, Astana, October 21-30, 2022, in the amount of 36 hours;
  • Training of the teaching staff of the ETU, ETU, Almaty, September 19 – November 25, 2022, in the amount of 72 hours;
  • Clarification of the norms of the new Environmental Code, September 8-9-10, 2022;
  • Author’s advanced training course of PhD Bibigul Nurasheva: “Novelties of the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020. Electronic employment contract”, May 2020, Nur Sultan, in the amount of 16 hours;
  • Information security of law enforcement agencies in the conditions of globalization, Almaty, 12-20 June 2019 – 72 hours.



Taught Courses and Practical Subjects


Criminal executive law of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Criminology; Court and justice; Administrative process; Court records management; Form of procedural documents.



Main Publications


He is the author of about 80 scientific research papers. Of these, more than 60 published scientific articles recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including 4 in publications indexed in the international scientometric database RSCI Web of Science, as well as over 15 in collections and materials of international conferences.Participation in the editorial board of publications

  • Reviewer in publications reviewed by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the publication of the main results of scientific activity.
  • Member of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers.



Awards and Honors

  • The Council and the Presidium of the Russian Professorial Assembly – for active participation in the Fifth Professorial Forum “Science and Education in the Context of Global Challenges”, Moscow, Russia, November 24, 2022;
  • Eurasian Technological University – for organizing and holding the International Round Table “Protection of Children’s Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad”, December 09, 2022;
  • Eurasian Technological University – for organizing and holding the Republican Round Table “Mediation: judicial, professional, public”, December 22, 2022;
  • Republican Public Association “Union of Mediators and Lawyers “Man and Law – for support and cooperation, December 2022;





Phone Number: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)

E-mail: e.imanberdieva@turan-edu.kz

Kalmyrza Gaziza Makhkumkyzy

Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law

Master of Law

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Labor activity:

– 2004-2006 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Karaganda branch of the Kunaev University.

– 2006-2016 Senior lecturer at the Department of International Law of KazUIR & WL named after Abylai Khan.

-2016-2020 Senior lecturer at the Department of Law, Narxoz University.

– 2020-2021. Senior Lecturer at the Department of Humanities at the Academy of International Business.

– 2021 Senior Lecturer at the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, Turan University.

General scientific and pedagogical experience of 17 years

– 2002-2004. Master’s degree. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Kozha Akhmet Yassavi. Master of Laws. Master’s thesis topic “Some aspects of legal regulation of land ownership”

He is the author of over 30 scientific papers in the field of civil law.

Tulebaeva Asem Serikbolovna

Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law

Master of Laws

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  • Bachelor’s degree – KazNPU named after Abai (2007-2011).;
  • Magistracy – KazNU named after Al-Farabi (2012-2014) master of law.

Academic and practical experience

General work experience in the specialty – 7 years, scientific and pedagogical – 7 years.


Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s degree: legal regulation of business law, human rights in international law, theory of state and law, municipal law, protection of human rights, migration law, professional ethics of a lawyer, family law, constitutional law

Uses innovative technologies in courses: thematic discussions, reports, round tables, testing, presentations.


Major publications

More than 20 articles published in the materials of conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries.


Scientific internships

  • Internship at Rome Business School. Italy, Rome (2013),
  • Advanced training courses in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015-2022)

Contact details

E-mail: a.tulebayeva@turan-edu.kz

Abaykizi Muldir

Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law

Master of Law

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Higher, Faculty of Law, Kazakh State Law University (2000-2004) .; Master’s program, Faculty of Law, Kazakh State Law University (2004-2006) Master of Laws


Academic and practical experience

from 01.08. 2018 to 08/01/2019, Chief Specialist, Investment and Design Department, LLP “Regional Center for Public-Private Partnership of the Almaty Region”; 2018 lawyer of AlmaTradeGroup LLP (hotel complex KoktemGrand); 2013-2018 Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Faculty of Law, ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov; 2012-2013 – lawyer of SpetsTekhnoMash LLP; 2010-2012 lawyer of JSC SVTS RK “Driving School”, lawyer No. 16 of the city polyclinic in Almaty; 2006-2008 – Senior Lecturer, Department of International Law and International Relations, KazGUU AYA.


Scientific internships, advanced training

  1. Continuing education courses Portugal, Porto, ISEP University (2015);
  2. Scientific internship Spain, Jerez, University of Cadiz (2017)
  3. Continuing education courses in Almaty (2019)


Scientific and pedagogical experience – 13 years.


Teaching disciplines, practical courses

“Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Arbitration Process”, “International Banking Law”, “International Tax Law” (bachelor’s degree)


The main publications

Are the author of 15 scientific works published, of which2 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, more than 13 articles are published in publications recommended by the CCIS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSCI, conference materials from near and far abroad countries.



Phone: +7 747 164 5032

E-mail: m.abaikyzy@turan-edu.kz

Tazabekov Muslim Kuanyshevich

Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law

Master of Jurisprudence

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In 2004 – graduated from the University “Turan”, in 2006 – the magistracy of the University “Turan”.


Academic and practical experience


  • Since 01.08.2005. to 22.01.2006 – Specialist of the Insurance Payments Division of the Legal Department of JSC IC ATF Policy.
  • Since 23.01.2006 to 14.06 2006 – specialist of the legal support department of the Legal Department of JSC IC Kazkommerts Policy.
  • Since 01.07.2008 to 27.10.2010 – Expert-legal consultant of the Department of Legal Support of Financial Market Regulation of the Legal Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations.
  • Since 29.10.2010 to 31.05.2011 – Expert of the Department of subsidies and guarantees of JSC “Entrepreneurship Development Fund” Damu “.
  • Since 01.02.2013 to 01.10.2014 – Chief Legal Adviser of the Department for Legal Support of Projects of the Legal Department of NURSAT JSC.
  • Since 02.03.2015 to 31.12.2017. – Head of the State Legal Department of the Akim’s Office of the Nauryzbay District of Almaty.

Teaching disciplines, practical courses


Intellectual property law, business law.


Main publications


“Problems of providing public services at the local level” Collection of the ISPC “Zero tolerance for delinquency in the Republic of Kazakhstan” 20.10.2017 Almaty, 2017.



Phone: 8 (727) 260 40 29

Atalykova Gulzhazira Shurakhanovna

Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law

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Higher legal education, Doctor of Philosophy PhD. August 28, 2020 Tashkent State Law University. The decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD


Academic and practical experience


Academic and practical work experience in the general specialty – 15 years, scientific and pedagogical–10 years.


Teaching disciplines


Banking law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Civil Procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a workshop on Civil procedural law, Prosecutor’s supervision.


The main publications


About 25 scientific papers, including monograph 1, an electronic textbook on the discipline of Banking law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, works based on Web of Science-1, other works, including articles-25. in 2019, a monograph on the procedural features of adoption in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan was published.


Scientific internships


International internship program “Jurisdiction and jurisdiction of civil cases in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Tashkent State Law University, Tashkent October 15-20, 2019.




E-mail: g.atalykova@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions