Director of the Higher School of Law
Associate Professor
The Higher School of Law as a center of science and education brings together scholars and practitioner-educators from the country’s leading legal academic schools, while also inviting foreign experts to lecture on relevant topics. The school places a strong emphasis on developing practical skills in students through modern teaching methods and information technologies. Practical skills are acquired in specialized facilities, such as a forensic laboratory and a courtroom, equipped with state-of-the-art research tools. These skills are further reinforced through student clubs like the “Legal Clinic,” where students, under the guidance of practitioner-educators, provide free legal assistance to citizens, and the “Sanaly Urpaq” project, which fosters an anti-corruption culture among students. Contemporary issues in Kazakhstani and international law are discussed in the student scientific club named after Professor A.F. Aubakirov. Recognizing the importance of the legal profession in protecting the rights and interests of society, the Higher School of Law prepares a new generation of specialists in line with modern requirements.
Director of the Higher School of Law
Associate Professor
He has been teaching at Turan University since 2009. Experience of scientific and pedagogical activity-12 years.
Scientific internships, advanced training: Yanka Kupala University, Republic of Belarus-2019 zhyl
Theory state and law; Municipal law of RK; Legal support of business; Banking law of RK; Tax law of RK; Financial law of RK.
She is the author of more than 50 research papers (R & D). Of these, more than 5 published scientific articles of the international and 15 of the national level.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Deputy Director of the Higher School of Law
Taught disciplines
‘Fundamentals of Business Law’, “Lawyer activity”, “Notarial activity”, “Migration Law”.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Professor of the Higher School of Law
Director of the Research Institute of Law
Doctor of law
He teaches specialized courses on current issues in criminal law and criminology for master’s and doctoral students at Turan University, actively participating in international scientific-practical conferences in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.
His research interests encompass criminological and criminal law issues related to combating organized crime, its connection with economic crime, juvenile delinquency, professional and recidivist crime, issues of economic security, and relevant aspects of increasing the effectiveness of criminal punishments and the execution of sentences in the penal system.
He is a member of the Academic Council of Turan University and Chairman of the Dissertation Council at Turan University for the defense of PhD dissertations in law.
He supervises diploma theses of students, doctoral candidates, and master’s students.
From 2019 to 2024, seven doctoral candidates successfully defended their dissertations under his supervision and received PhD degrees.
He leads sub-sections of the initiative research project on “Current Issues in the Development of Kazakhstani Legislation in the Context of Implementing the Legal Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan Until 2030 (First Stage)” (2022-2026):
He actively participates in annual competitions for grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2017 to 2024, he prepared and submitted 10 applications for these competitions.
He places significant emphasis on enhancing his professional skills.
He holds 15 certificates of authorship.
Scientific and Pedagogical Experience: 40 years.
He is the author of 450 published scientific works, including:
For his diligent service, Akimzhanov T.K. was awarded the following:
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Professor of the Higher School of Law
Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Law
Doctor of law
“Constitutional law of the RK”, “Theory of state and law”, “Constitutional law AP”, “Municipal law”, “Protection of human rights” (bachelor), “Actual problems of theory of law”, “History of law” (master), “Philosophy of law” (PhD), author’s courses on “Legal regulation of information security”, “Legal regulation of public services” (master), “Human rights in international law” (undergraduate, in English language)
A published author of 350 scientific works, including 22 textbooks, including comments to current legislation, 14 monographs; 2 research articles indexed in the database “Scopus”, more than 80 articles published in journals recommended KKSON MES, RISC, proceedings of conference of the countries of near and far abroad.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Innovate professor of the Higher School of Law
Doctor of Law
Higher legal, 1994-1998
KazNU named after al-Farabi, specialty “jurisprudence”, 1998-2000 Magistracy of KazNU named after al-Farabi (specialty: “Public law and management) 2004-2006 Academy of Economics and Law of Almaty (financier-economist) In 2006 he defended his Ph.D. diss. “Constitutional and legal foundations of interaction between the President and the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan” on special. 12.00.02. in diss. Council of KazGUU. Scientific leader – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Prof. M.T. Baimakhanov.
In 2010 he defended his doctoral diss. on the topic: “Theoretical and applied problems of the formation of a system of public control over the activities of the executive authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in the diss. for an apprenticeship step. Doctor of Law at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific consultant: Doctor of Law, Professor E.B. Mukhamedzhanov.
He began his teaching career in 2000 as a lecturer at the Department of State and Legal Disciplines at the University of Economics and Law.
For students and undergraduates, he reads lecture courses at universities: “Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries”, “Administrative Law”, “Fundamentals of Law”, “Problems of Public Administration and Civil Service”, “Parliamentary Law”, “Constitutional Control in Kazakhstan and foreign countries”.
Author of over 100 published works. Books, monographs, teaching aids: Constitutional and legal foundations of interaction between the President and the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty: Academy of Economics and Law, 2007.-192p.; President and the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Textbook. Almaty, 2008.-204 p.; Public control in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Monograph, 2012.-234 p.; National model of development of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty, 2016.-210p. (co-authors: G.A. Andirzhanova, A.S. Beimisheva); State Policy for Ensuring Gender Equality in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty, 2016.-184 p. (co-author: G.A. Andirzhanova); National analytical review dedicated to the Kazakhstani model of social harmony and unity. Authors team, (Section 2). Astana, Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Scientific and Expert Council, 2016. -150 p.; Constitutional and legal foundations of the political system of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty, 2016.- 207 p. (co-author: B.E. Aitzhan).
medal of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For contribution to the development of the judicial authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2015); Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2013), Order “Labor and Knowledge” (Russia, RANH), Golden Order “Son of the Fatherland” (Azerbaijan, Dede Gorgud National Foundation, 2019 ), Medal named after V.I. Vernadsky (RAE), diplomas and certificates for conscientious service, Certificate of honor “The best lecturer of the Academy of Economics and Law”, Certificate of honor of the rector of KazNPU named after Abay, Certificate of honor of the NGO “Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers” (2018 ), Letter of thanks from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (2019).
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Legal Sciences
Higher, Higher School of Law “Adilet” (1998-2000); Candidate of Legal Sciences (decision of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2004, protocol No. 1), 12.00.09 – criminal procedure, forensic science, forensic examination, ARD; Associate Professor of the University of Turan, specializing in Jurisprudence (decision of the Academic Council of the University of Turan of January 26, 2006, protocol No. 5).
In 1994-2005 she worked at the Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a trainee, senior expert, leading expert, leading expert, deputy head of the forensic and merchandising service, in 2012 she headed the acting director of the Institute judicial examination of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty. In 2003 she defended her thesis at the Doctoral Council of KazNU named after al-Farabi of Almaty. From 2005 to the present, I have been working at Turan University as an assistant professor of the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, and at various times at the Turan University held the posts of the head of the department, the head of the teaching department, the dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law.
Scientific and pedagogical experience – 16 years
“Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “System of Principles of Criminal Procedure”, “Forensics”, “Migration Law”, “Intellectual Property Law”, “Forensic Expertology” (bachelor’s degree), “Actual problems of criminal law” and the criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan ”(magistracy),“ Actual problems of intellectual property law ”(doctoral studies).
Are the author of published 150 scientific works, of which: 6 textbooks, 1 monograph; 5 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, more than 35 articles published in publications recommended by KKSON MES RK, RSCI, conference materials from near and far abroad countries.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Law
Higher, Kazakh State Law University, specialty jurisprudence (1997-2002) .; Candidate of Law (decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2006, No. 13), 12.00.11 – the judiciary; law enforcement agencies; organization of law enforcement; bar).
Scientific and pedagogical experience – 19 years.
Are the author of 70 scientific works published, of which: 6 textbooks, more than 10 articles are published in publications recommended by the CCIS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Law
Associate professor of Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Higher, adviser of justice of the 2nd grade, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Annual continuing education courses:
Published 73 scientific papers, of which: 8 study guides, materials of conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries. She participated in 3 scientific programs on the problems of forensic science (CCE MJURK) and the scientific program “Problems of further strengthening statehood and improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the implementation of five presidential reforms in the new political course (2016-2020),” topic: “Reforming forensic science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.”
Organizer and leader of the youth scientific movement of the student youth movement – student’s “Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan” (Almaty branch of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise); organizer and leader of youth clubs and scientific creative circles, scientific conferences and video bridges with universities of the Russian Federation.
Experience in practical expert work – 20 years, scientific – 41 years; scientific and pedagogical 21 years.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Legal Sciences
September 1995 – May 2021 – service in the internal affairs bodies, the Prosecutor’s Office and the anti-corruption service.
15 years
Research and innovation experience:
He is the author of more than 30 scientific issues.
2003 – courses for UN peacekeepers “peacekeeper mission” in New Delhi (India), 2009 – FBI Academy in Quantico (USA), 2013 and 2018 – Jerusalem (Israel) on countering terrorism and extremism.
“For impeccable service in the Prosecutor’s Office”, “For impeccable service in the internal affairs bodies”, jubilee medals, Certificates of Honor of the Prosecutor General and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the medal of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
The total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is 9 years.
He is the author of more than: 50 scientific papers in the field of criminal procedure, civil law. Monographs – Textbooks and teaching aids:
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Law Sciences
The experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is over 22 years, including 5 years of practical experience.
Criminal executive law of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Criminology; Court and justice; Administrative process; Court records management; Form of procedural documents.
He is the author of about 80 scientific research papers. Of these, more than 60 published scientific articles recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including 4 in publications indexed in the international scientometric database RSCI Web of Science, as well as over 15 in collections and materials of international conferences.Participation in the editorial board of publications
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Law Sciences
Academic and practical experience
Scientific and pedagogical experience – 17 years.
Readable disciplines in the specialty “Jurisprudence” and “International Law”:
Bachelor: Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general and special parts), Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Private International Law; GSP principles system; The system of principles of MCHP; Actual problems of private international law, Arbitration process. For doctoral students “Theoretical and methodological problems of the development of modern civil and civil procedural law.”
Are the author of 30 scientific papers published, of which: 3 study guides, 2 monographs; 3 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, more than 22 articles published in publications recommended by KKSON MES RK, RSCI, conference materials from near and far abroad countries.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Law Sciences
Total experience in scientific and pedagogical activity – 23 years.
Rank – police lieutenant colonel in reserve.
The author of 23 scientific articles on problematic issues of operational search activities in Kazakhstan, 5 teaching aids, including: 2 fundamentals of organizing operational search activities; 2 fundamentals of organizing the activities of security organizations; 1 on issues of preventing corruption offenses.
Awarded the government award “Jubilee medal “Kazakhstan Republic celebrates 20 years” (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 112 dated November 10, 2011).
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Law Sciences
Has been teaching at Turan University since 2024. Has 25 years of scientific and pedagogical experience.
Current Issues of Human Rights Protection, Education Law, Formation of Civil Society in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Current Problems of Legal Theory, Philosophy of Law
Author of more than 60 scientific publications, including 2 monographs, 3 textbooks, and 12 articles in Scopus-indexed journals and journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of Law Sciences
Higher, faculty of international relations ASU / KazNPU named after Abai, specialty “international law”, qualification “international lawyer”; candidate of legal Sciences (decision of Committee on supervision and certification in education sphere and science MES RK dated 15 February 2006, Protocol No. 3), 12.00.08 – criminal law; penal law; criminology), Ph. D. thesis performed at the junction with cipher 12.00.10 – international law, comparative law
From 1999 to 2006, she worked at ASU / KazNPU named after Abay as a teacher of the Department of fundamentals of law and international legal disciplines. in 2000, she entered the post-graduate school at ASU named after Abay, after which she defended her PhD thesis at KazNU. al-Farabi in 2005; from 2006 to 2009, she worked at the Caspian Public University as an associate Professor at the departments of law and private law (full-time), and as an associate Professor at the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines at the Academy of Civil aviation (part-time); since 2009 started its work in Almaty branch of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of trade unions (Spbgup AF) associate Professor of law, and then from 2012 to 2015. was head of the Department of jurisprudence in AF Spbgup; 2015 work at the University “Turan” as an assistant Professor in the Department of law, coordinator of the Department for research, by 2019. the coordinator of the Department for international cooperation, academic mobility and double degree programs.
Scientific and pedagogical experience – 20 years.
“Public international law”, “Protection of human rights in international law”, “Pension legislation of foreign countries, Diplomatic and consular law, law of international security,” “International cooperation of States in combating crime”, “law of armed conflict”, “European law”, “International contract law”, “International legal protection of the environment, Law of treaties, Law of international organizations”, “Modern problems of legal comparative studies” (master), etc.
Author of more than 50 published scientific works, including: 2 textbooks, 1 monograph; 3 scientific articles indexed in the “Scopus” database, more than 20 articles published in publications recommended by the CCSON of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSCI, materials of conferences of near and far abroad.
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law
Advanced training courses:
Scientific and pedagogical experience at Turan University: 13 years.
Author of over 60 scientific publications on topics such as:
Published textbooks:
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Candidate of legal sciences
Two higher educations:
Kazakh State University named after Al-Farabi, Faculty of Law, Graduate School –– candidate of legal sciences (decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 12, 2010), 12.00.02 – Administrative and legal regulation of the quality of work of public servants
Scientific and pedagogical experience – 5 years.
“International Space Law, International Air and Sea Law”, Actual problems of international law, International trade law.
28 scientific papers published, of which: 4 study guides, 2 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, more than 20 articles are published in publications recommended by KKSON MES RK, RSCI, conference materials from near and far abroad countries .
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Law
Higher legal education, Doctor of Philosophy PhD. On December 24, 2021, by the decision of the Dissertation Council at the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD was awarded.
General work experience in the specialty – 13 years, scientific and pedagogical – 13 years.
Member of the Chamber of Legal Consultants «Тarbagatai» since 2023
Bachelor’s degree – Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General part), Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Special part), Criminology.
Master’s degree – Current problems of international law, Legal regulation of information security.
Doctoral studies – Theoretical and methodological problems of insurance law development.
Over 50 scientific papers, including: monographs – 3, textbooks – 7, articles in the Scopus database 4, author’s certificates – 15, other publications, including articles – 25.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law
Master of Law
He graduated from Turan University with a bachelor’s degree in 1998, and a master’s degree in 2007 with a degree in law. Master of Law.I have certificates of professional development.
Civil Law, Labor Law, Roman Law, The Basics Of Law, Social Security Law, Family Law, Administrative Law And Legal Support Of Business.
Аre the author of 40 scientific papers published: in the materials of conferences of countries near and far abroad. 6. Awards, rewards, contests
Phone: +7 (727) 260 40 29 (739)
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law
Master of Jurisprudence
In 2004 – graduated from the University “Turan”, in 2006 – the magistracy of the University “Turan”.
Intellectual property law, business law.
“Problems of providing public services at the local level” Collection of the ISPC “Zero tolerance for delinquency in the Republic of Kazakhstan” 20.10.2017 Almaty, 2017.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law
Master of Laws
General work experience in the specialty – 7 years, scientific and pedagogical – 7 years.
Bachelor’s degree: legal regulation of business law, human rights in international law, theory of state and law, municipal law, protection of human rights, migration law, professional ethics of a lawyer, family law, constitutional law
Uses innovative technologies in courses: thematic discussions, reports, round tables, testing, presentations.
More than 20 articles published in the materials of conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law
Master of Law
“Legal support of economic activity”, “Investment law”, “Legal support of business”, “Competition law”. He is the author of more than 40 scientific publications in the field of civil law and 4 textbooks.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law
Master of Law
Higher, Faculty of Law, Kazakh State Law University (2000-2004) .; Master’s program, Faculty of Law, Kazakh State Law University (2004-2006) Master of Laws
from 01.08. 2018 to 08/01/2019, Chief Specialist, Investment and Design Department, LLP “Regional Center for Public-Private Partnership of the Almaty Region”; 2018 lawyer of AlmaTradeGroup LLP (hotel complex KoktemGrand); 2013-2018 Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Faculty of Law, ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov; 2012-2013 – lawyer of SpetsTekhnoMash LLP; 2010-2012 lawyer of JSC SVTS RK “Driving School”, lawyer No. 16 of the city polyclinic in Almaty; 2006-2008 – Senior Lecturer, Department of International Law and International Relations, KazGUU AYA.
Scientific and pedagogical experience – 13 years.
“Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Arbitration Process”, “International Banking Law”, “International Tax Law” (bachelor’s degree)
Are the author of 15 scientific works published, of which2 scientific articles indexed in the Scopus database, more than 13 articles are published in publications recommended by the CCIS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSCI, conference materials from near and far abroad countries.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law
Higher legal education, Doctor of Philosophy PhD. August 28, 2020 Tashkent State Law University. The decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD
Academic and practical work experience in the general specialty – 15 years, scientific and pedagogical–10 years.
Banking law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Civil Procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a workshop on Civil procedural law, Prosecutor’s supervision.
About 25 scientific papers, including monograph 1, an electronic textbook on the discipline of Banking law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, works based on Web of Science-1, other works, including articles-25. in 2019, a monograph on the procedural features of adoption in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan was published.
International internship program “Jurisdiction and jurisdiction of civil cases in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Tashkent State Law University, Tashkent October 15-20, 2019.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29 (739)
Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Law
Master of Laws