Higher school of Tourism and Hospitality

Vukolov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Director of the Research Institute of Tourism

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

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  • 2002 was awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.04
  • 2004 awarded the academic title of Professor, Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 1968-1972. Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai, Faculty of History with honors.
  • 1972-1973. served in the fighter aviation of the Armed Forces of the USSR.
  • 1974-1994. Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abaya, teacher
  • 1981 defended his candidate
  • 1994-1999. Turan University, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism
  • 2001 defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Theory and practice of training tourism industry specialists in higher educational institutions”
  • 2006 became the owner of the State grant “The best teacher of the university”
  • 2008 Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan.
  • 2014 The second time became the owner of the State grant “The best teacher of the university”
  • 1999-2012 Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism.
  • 2012-2013 University “Turan”, director of the Research Institute of Tourism, head of the department “Tourism and Service”
  • 2013-present Director of the Research Institute of Tourism of the University “Turan”


The biography is entered: – in the encyclopedic dictionary “Sports Kazakhstan”; to Askhat Asylbekov’s book “Who’s Who in the Republic of Kazakhstan”; to the Big International Encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan” (2012); to the book “Life in Science. Scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan “(2013)


Until now, he is the only doctor of pedagogical sciences in Kazakhstan and Central Asia – a specialty in training tourist personnel.

Academic work experience

  • 1974-1994 Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abaya, teacher
  • 1994-1999 Turan University, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism
  • 1999-2012 Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism.
  • 2012-2013 University “Turan”, director of the Research Institute of Tourism, head of the department “Tourism and Service”
  • 2013 –To the present time, director of the Research Institute of Tourism of the University “Turan”

Non-academic work experience

  • 1973-1974 Worked as a history teacher at school No. 8 of Orphanage No. 3 in Almaty

Teaching disciplines


  • “History and theory of international tourism”
  • “Fundamentals of technology and tactics of active tourism”
  • “Tourist and sports training of university students”
  • “Touring rating”
  • “Transport provision of tourism”
  • “Khalygaralyk tourismnin tarikhy zhane theoryasy”
  • “Fundamentals of Tourist Local Lore”

Master’s degree:

  • “Theory and practice of training tourism industry specialists


  • “Methodology and theory of scientific research of tourism activities”

Internships and academic mobility

  • 2007-2008 – visit of a professor at Kursk State University

Contact details

Tel.: +7 777 393 62 50

E-mail: v.vukolov@turan-edu.kz

Kalenova Saulesh Abdrazakhovna

Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Doctor of Economics

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Work experience

  • 1984-1994 Kazakh Agricultural Institute (associate professor).
  • 1994-1996 State Foreign Trade Company «Kazpishchepromsyre» (Deputy Head of Accounting and Financial Department).
  • 1997-2009 KazNPU them. Abaya (associate professor).
  • 2009 -2012 KazEU them. T. Ryskulova (head of the department)
  • 2012- 2013 University of International Business (professor)
  • From 2013 to the present – Professor of the Department of Tourism and Service at the University of Turan.

Experience in research and innovation

  • 1999 – Research grant «Oxford Colleges Hospitality Scheme» (Oxford, UK).
  • Research interests: economics, finance, investments, tourism, marketing, risk management, social issues, environmental problems, government regulation of the economy, the world economy.
  • In 2012-2013. She was the head of the topic «IPO of national companies – an alternative mechanism for attracting funds from the population.» In 2012-2014 She was a leading researcher on the project «Formation of the country brand» Kazakhstan «in the context of innovative development». In 2015-2017. She was the chief researcher on the project “Integration effects of economic interaction within the Eurasian Economic Union”.


Published 150 scientific papers with a total volume of 465.4 printed sheets, including 3 textbooks; 5 monographs, 8 study guides, of which 2 textbooks and 1 study guide are recommended by the RUMS of the Republic of Kazakhstan for specialties; 1 textbook, 3 textbooks, 1 monograph published in the state language; Web of Science Core Collection 3 articles, Scopus 1 article. Hirsch Index Web of Science 2, Scopus 2.

  • The Contemporary State of Eco-Economy of Kazakhstan: Problems and Solutions. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics. Volume. 38, Issue No. 2, Year 2017, P. 114-123 (WoS)
  • The Sustainable Eco-Economic Development of Kazakhstan through Improving Transport and Energy Sector. International Journal of Ecology and Development ™. Volume 32, Issue No. 2, Year 2017, P. 43-52 (WoS)
  • Directions and practical tools for professional education quality increase (the case of tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Issue E3S. Web Conf. Volume 210, 2020. Innovative Technologies in Science and Education (ITSE-2020). (Scopus).

Publications in KKSON editions – more than 10 publications

Monographs, textbooks

  • Securities. Tutorial. Almaty: ASU im. Abay, 1999 – 102 p. – 6.4 pp
  • Securities on the stock market of Kazakhstan. Study guide, 2nd ed., Add. and lane – Almaty: ASU im. Abai, 2003. – 200 p. – 12.5 pp
  • The securities market of Kazakhstan. Study guide (in 2 parts). Almaty: KazNPU them. Abai, 2006 – 13.4 pp
  • Investments in the agricultural sector. Monograph, Almaty, 2007, 288p. -18 pp
  • Economy of tourism. Study guide, Almaty, publishing house «Securities», 2010, 210 pp.-13 pp. (recommended by RUMS for groups of specialties «Social Sciences, Economics and Business»)
  • Marketing: Textbook / Under the general editorship of A.A. Abishev, V.V. Gerasimenko, S.A. Kalenova. – Almaty: Economics, 2010 – 704 p., 81.8 conv.pl.
  • Marketing: Textbook / Under the general editorship of A.A. Abishev, V.V. Gerasimenko, S.A. Kalenova (republished) – Almaty: Economics, 2011 – 704 p., 81.8 conv.p. … (recommended by RUMS in the specialty «Marketing»).
  • Tourism economics. Oku Kuraly. Almaty, 2011.-115 p. Colemi: 14.5 t.
  • Marketing planning: study guide Bekkulieva B.M. / Under total. ed. S.A. Kalenova. – Almaty: Economics, 2012 .– 248 p. – 14.1 conventional l.
  • IPO of national companies is an alternative mechanism for attracting funds from the population. Monograph / ed. S.A. Kalenova. – Publishing house «Securities», 2012. – 264 p. – 16.5 pp.
  • Tourist is-әreket psychologasy: oқu қuralymy. / Zhalpy ed. basque .: economics ғyl. doct. prof. S.A. Kalenov. Almaty: Economy, 2013 – 304 b. Basp tabagy charts 14.4.
  • Marketing: Oқulyk / Zhalpy editionsyn basқargan: Ә.Ә.Әbishev, V.V. Gerasimenko, S.A. Kalenova. Almaty, Economics, 2014 .– 616 b. – 71.6 pp. (recommended by RUMS in the specialty «Marketing»).
  • Marketing. Edited by A.A. Abishev, V.V. Gerasimenko, S.A. Kalenova / Electronic textbook / – Almaty, Economics, 2015 – 30.2 MB.
  • Tourist is-әreket psychologasy: oқu қuralymy. / Zhalpy ed. basque .: economics ғyl. doct. prof. S.A. Kalenov. Electrony oқulyk – Almaty, Economy, 2015 – 23.7 MW.
  • Marketing: Zhalpy editsiyon baskargan: Ә.Ә.Әbishev, V.V. Gerasimenko, S.A. Kalenova. Almaty. Elektrondy oқulyk – Almaty, Economy, 2015 – 27.3 MW.
  • Integration effects within the Eurasian Economic Union. Monograph / ed. R.A. Alshanova, S.A. Kalenova – Almaty: Securities Publishing House, 2016. – 192 p. – 12 pp.
  • Marketinginі zhosparlau. Bekkulieva B.M. Oқu құraly. Zhalpy editsiyazyyn baskargan S.A. Kalenov. – Almaty: Economy, 2016 .– 336 beta. Basp tabaғy charts – 19.5.
  • Kazakhstannyk ecology and tourism. S.A. Kalenovanyң, G.S. Alaskarovtsң monographs


E-mail: s.kalenova@turan-edu.kz

Cherednichenko Alexandr Vladimirovich

Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Doctor of Geographical Sciences

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2004 – awarded the degree of candidate of geographical sciences in the specialty – 25.00.30 “Meteorology, agrometeorology, climatology” Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University, (Bishkek)

2010 – received the title of Assistant professor. Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the results of work at the Department of Hydrometeorology, KazNU named after Al-Farabi.

2011 – awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Geographical Sciences in the specialty – 25.00.36 “Geoecology” (Bishkek.).

2012 – the work is set up in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2020 received the title of Professor of Geoecology (Full Professor). Committee in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • 1991–1994, Moscow Hydrometeorological College. (Moscow city). specialty – meteorology.
  • 1994-2000 – Kazakh National University. al-Farabi. Department of Meteorology, Faculty of Geography, Almaty. Specialty – Meteorology (bachelor)
  • 2000-2001 – Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University, Department of Meteorology and Environmental Protection, Naturally Technical Faculty. (Bishkek) specialty – Meteorology (Specialty)

International internships

2009 – internship at the University of Michigan (USA). Leithis, Michigan. and the University of Tucson Research Center. Tucson, Arizona. Within the framework of an international scientific project.

Academic and practical experience

  • 2016 September – present, University of TURAN, Department of Tourism and Service, Professor
  • 2016 August – 2011 August, Kazakh National Agrarian University, professor of the Department of Forest

Resources and Land Reclamation

  • 2013-2015 Executive in charge of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Scientific foundations for optimizing the use of natural resources and ensuring sustainable development in the face of climate change”
  • 2011-2012 Research and development of a scientific and methodological basis for building a system of operational environmental monitoring of atmospheric air on the example of Temirtau and Ust-Kamenogorsk. Supervised the project.
  • 2008–2010 Assessment of the current development of the ozone-depleting substance consumer sectors and their impact on the ozone layer and climate change. Explore how sectors can adapt to measures taken to meet commitments under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Supervised the project.
  • 2005 – 2010 Assessment of productivity of pastures in southern Kazakhstan using remote sensing systems (International project No. STC K1346R). Expeditionary Team Leader and Senior Project Researcher.
  • 2006–2007 Assessment of the impact of physical and chemical processes on the ozone layer of the Earth. Changes in the state of the ozone layer and the impact of changes in ultraviolet and solar radiation on human health and other living organisms, on the climate, on natural and artificial materials used by humans. Supervised the project.
  • 2005 Construction of a map of thunderstorm activity in Almaty and Almaty region. Almaty Power Consolidated, Project Manager

Publications of Web-science, Scopus, RSCI

  1. Heavy metal content in the snow cover in the Republic of Kazakhstan Advances in Environmental Biology, Hialion, Pages: 1393-1398 (5) April 2014.
  2. Bioclimatic conditions of the winter months in Western Kazakhstan and their dynamics in relation to climate change International Journal of Biometeorology 63(5), pp. 659-669 2019
  3. Temporal dynamics of ground-level ozone and its impact on morbidity in Almaty city in comparison with Astana city, Kazakhstan International Journal of Biometeorology 2019 63(10), pp. 1381-1392
  4. Forecasts of the flow of the river Or above and below the Kapchagai dam, taking into account hidden harmonics in its fluctuations with period lengths in the range of 10-35 months. Proceedings of the All-Russian Conference. Hydrometeorology and ecology: Achievements and development prospects. Saint Petersburg, 2019, pp. 556-561
  5. Assessment of greenhouse effect emissions from the use of metered-dose aerosol inhalers (DAI) in Kazakhstan. Hydrometeorology and education. 2020, No. 3 – – Balashikha, – p. 21-30

Publications in KKSON publications

  1. Verification and actual forecast of the water level of Lake Alakol for the near future. Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2017 No. 3 (86). – Almaty, – p. 60-71
  2. Preparation of digital materials for scientific and educational presentations during the training of hydrometeorological personnel. Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2018 No. 1 (88). – Almaty, – pp. 162-186
  3. Expected climate changes in Northern Kazakhstan Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2019 No. 1 (92). – Almaty, – p. 7-19
  4. To account for additional CO2 emissions for road transport using the exhaust gas cleaning technology in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Hydrometeorology and education. 2020, No. 3 – – Balashikha, – p. 1-23

Monographs, textbooks

  1. Climate change in Kazakhstan and adaptation possibilities due to available water reserves of cloudiness ”, Bishkek: Ilim, 2009. – 260 p.
  2. In co-authorship “Time series of temperature and precipitation. Statistical analysis “/ Almaty .: 2013. – 365 p.
  3. Regional Meteorological Processes (Mesometeorology) / Almaty .: 2014. – 386 p.
  4. Climate dynamics of Kazakhstan. Almaty. KazNU named after al-Farabi. 2015 – 240s (copyright certificate)
  5. Radiometeorology. Tutorial. – Almaty, Kazakh University. – 2016 .– 272 p.
  6. Tropopause and maximum wind over the territory of Kazakhstan Textbook Almaty: Kazak University, 2017 Almaty. 2017 310 p.
  7. Application of geographic information systems in tourism. Textbook Almaty, 2018 .– 354 s (copyright certificate)
  8. Recreation and balneology. Textbook. Almaty, 2020 – 296 s (copyright certificate)
  9. Laboratory workshop for students specializing in tourism, in the GIS environment. 2021 (in press).


Phone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: a.cherednichenko@turan-edu.kz

Valery Korablev

Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Candidate of Economic Sciences

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1965-1969, Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy, Accounting and Economics Faculty, economist.

Foreign internships: 1990-1994-internships in ministries and departments of Washington (USA)

Academic and practical experience

  • 1977-1987 – Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade, Almaty
  • 1994-taught the course «Foreign Economic Relations» at KINEP for employees of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2001 March – present, University «Turan», Department of «Tourism and Service», Professor
  • 2001 March – present, University «Turan», Department «Tourism and Service», Associate Professor

Training seminars on the topic:

  • Public Administration Policy and its Implementation», University of Kentucky, August 1-9, 1994;
  • Investments and Investments», organized with the assistance of the Know How Fund (Great Britain), January 13-February 23, 1995;
  • Update-95, April 14, 1995, Washington;
  • Update-96, July 12, 1996, Washington;
  • The legal authorizes to counter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction from 9-13 March 1998 Washington;
  • Ecotourism-a tool for sustainable development in the 21st century for the transition economies of the CIS countries, China and Mongolia, WTO regional seminar, Almaty, October 17-18, 2001;
  • Trends and methods of development

Experience of research and innovation activities

  • Export control in Kazakhstan: problems and their solution.
  • Project executor 1995-2000, 2001-2010

Development of regulatory and legal materials on tourism:

  • The concept of tourism development in the Republic of Kazakhstan (adopted by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in March 2001) – the main developer;
  • Draft law «On tourist activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan»;
  • Development of the master plan p for the development of tourism in Almaty for 2005-2010 –the main developer.

The topics of the author’s scientific research (initiative) are:

  • «Historical and cultural heritage as a resource for the development of the hospitality industry of Kazakhstan» 2020-2022;
  • Participant of the research project «Historical and cultural heritage as a resource for the development of the hospitality industry of Kazakhstan» – 2020-2022.
  • Research project «Adventure tourism». According to the results of the study, the UMCD «Adventure Tourism» and the textbook «Adventure Tourism»will be prepared;
  • «Mountain toponyms of the Ileysky Alatau. Brief

RSCI publications

  • The secret of the anthropotomist of Abai peak. Bulletin of the University «Turan», №3 (87), 2020– Pp. 165-168
  • Theoretical approaches to the training of eco-tourism guides in Kazakhstan. All-Russian Youth Scientific and Practical Conference: «YOUTH-SCIENCE-XII. Actual problems of tourism, hospitality, public catering and technical service», April 15-17, 2021, Sochi State University. – pp. 220-226
  • «Problems of the modern theory of tourism». The VIII-th International scientific and practical Conference «Modern problems of tourism development» at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, November 30, 2019-A collection of reports.

Publications in KKSON publications

Monographs, textbooks


Phone: +7 705 107 61 60

E-mail: v.korablyov@turan-edu.kz

Yerubayeva Gulzhan

Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Рrofessor RAE

Candidate of Biological Sciences

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  • 2006 was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of biological sciences, specialty 03.00.16 – ecology
  • 2000 – 2003, KazNU named after al-Farabi, postgraduate study, 03.00.16-ecology
  • 1998 – 2000, KazNU named after al-Farabi, master’s degree, master’s degree in biology with a specialization in ecology (master’s degree in biology with honors)
  • 1994 – 1998, Al-Farabi KazNU, bachelor’s degree, biologist with a specialization in ecology
  • 1986 – 1989, Republican Medical School, medical assistant-laboratory assistant

Academic work experience

  • 2021 July – present
    Turan University, Faculty of Humanities and Law
    Position: Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law
  • 2014 September – 2021 July
    Turan University, Faculty of Humanities and Law
    Position: Head Department of Tourism and Service
  • 2003 September – 2014 August
    Al-Farabi KazNU, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology; Position: Associate Professor

Non-academic work experience

  • 2002 December – 2003 June Al-Farabi KazNU, biologist. f-t
    Position: senior laboratory assistant
  • 1992 October – 1994 August, ARKDC, laboratory of general hematological research Position: medical assistant-laboratory assistant
  • 1989 August – 1992 October, Research Institute of Ophthalmology, Clinical and Biochemical Laboratory Position: medical assistant-laboratory assistant


  • Assessment of the ecological state of the unique soda and salt ecosystems of Kazakhstan (2020-2021);
  • Comprehensive assessment of the impact of unused and banned pesticides on the genetic status and health of the population of the Almaty region (2018-2020);
  • Determination of the content of oil derivatives and heavy metals in terrestrial plants, assessment of the degree of risk when using them as fodder and the impact of technogenic pollutants on the biodiversity of terrestrial plants (2016-2018);
  • International Organization of Japan “Eurasia Foundation” “Eurasia Foundation from Asia in Japan”, project “One Asia. Asia community: Leadership and Innovation “(2020-2021).

Teaching disciplines

Bachelor’s Courses: Sanitation and Hygiene, Modern Nutrition Systems and Concepts, Graduate Study Technology

Master’s Courses: Conceptology for Sustainable Tourism Development


Awards and achievements

  • Best Young Scientist – 2002
  • Gratitude for active participation in preparation for specialized accreditation and contribution to its successful completion (2020)

Internships and academic mobility

  • Sea cruises. Subtleties and technique of cruise sales – LLP “Premium Travel Company” 07.01.2019 – 14.01.2019
  • Holiday Inn innovative trends in the hotel and restaurant business, 3.01.2020-16.01.2020

List of scientific papers

Publications (indexed)

  1. Mynbayeva, B., Voronova, N., Tanybayeva, A., Musdybayeva, K., Yerubayeva, G., Amirasheva, B. New records of the Tian Shan (or Himalayan) brown bear ursus arctos isabellinus horsfield, 1826 (Carnivora: Ursidae) in Zailiyskiy Alatau // Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. Volume 70, Issue 2, 2018, P. 185-188.
  2. Mynbayeva, B., Yerubayeva, G., Amirasheva, B., Zakirova D., Mukhtarova Sh. A biology learning through the instrumentality of the “Flipped Classroom” method with particular reference to pedagogical university in Kazakhstan // 18-th International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference (SGEM), Volum 18. Ecology, Economics, Educational and Legislation. Issue 5.4.b 2-8 July 2018. – Albena, Bulgaria. ISBN 978-619-7408-49-2. ISSN 1314-2704. – P. 3-9. Doi: 10.5593 / sgem2018 / 5.4
  3. Kalenova, SA, Yerubayeva, GK, Razakova, DI, Demeuova, BM, Ushakov, D. Directions and practical tools for professional education quality increase (the case of tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan) // E3S Web of Conferences 210,22007 (Volume 210, 2020 Innovative Technologies in Science and Education (ITSE-2020)
  4. Inelova, Z., Nurzhanova, A., Yerubayeva, G., Aitzhan, M., Djansugurova, L., Bekmanov, B. Heavy metal contents in plants of phytocenoses of the point of Besqaynar, Kyzylkairat and Taukaraturyk // Pakistan Journal of Botany. – Volume 53, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 511-516


  1. Mynbaeva B.N., Bekakhmet G.B., Erubaeva G.K. Establishment of recreational loads on the Big Almaty Gorge in the Ile-Alatau State National Natural Park // Bulletin of KazNRTU, No. 2 (132), 2019. – pp. 29-40.
  2. Inelova Z.A., Nesterova S.G., Yerubayeva G.K., Zaparina Y.G., Aitzhan M.U., Izbasar A. Systematic analysis of the flora of the Talgar, Enbekshikazakh districts of the Almaty Region // KazNU Bulletin. Biological series, № 1(78), 2019. – С. 20-27.


  1. Inelova Z.A., Nesterova S.G., Yerubayeva G.K. Determination of petroleum derivatives and heavy metals content in land plants, along with the risk degree assessments in its usage as feed, and the impact of techno genic pollutants on the land plants biodiversity. – Monograph, – Алматы, 2019. – 134 с. ISBN 978-601-04-4129-3


Phone: +7 727 260 40 08 (1080)

Е-mail: g.yerubayeva@turan-edu.kz

Faizullina Galiya Shauketovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Candidate of Historical Sciences

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1982-1987, V. V. Kuibyshev Tomsk State University (Russia), Faculty of History, historian with a specialization in ethnography

Academic and practical experience

  • September 2017 – present, University of TURAN, the Department «Tourism and service», associate Professor, Head of Department
  • 2016 January – August 2018, the State historical and cultural Museum-reserve «Issyk»; head of the research work.
  • 2015 September – 2015 December, Association of Museums of Almaty, Deputy Director for Science.
  • 2014 January-2015 September, Almadeniet Public Foundation, Project Manager.
  • 2013 April-2014 January, KazNII Kultury, head of the innovation laboratory.
  • 2010 April-2013 October, State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Issyk», leading researcher
  • 2002 August – 2010 December, Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading researcher.
  • 1999 December-2002 July, Children’s Museum «Shanyrak» at the «Tengri-Umai», director.
  • 1993 January-2000 October, Children’s Museum of Noyabrsk (Russia, YaNAO), Deputy Director for Scientific Work.
  • 1987 October-1993 January, Secondary school No. 6 in Noyabrsk, history teacher.
  • On-the-job training seminars for museum staff, including projects of the Center for Contemporary Culture «Desht-i-Art», lecturer, Almaty, Karaganda, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Semey, Atyrau, Uralsk, Kokshetau 2005, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021

Experience of research and innovation activities

  • The Strategic National Project «Madeni Mura» («Cultural Heritage»). Performer of projects 2005-2013, 2015-2018.
  • Head of the research project «Historical and cultural heritage as a resource for the development of the hospitality industry of Kazakhstan» – 2020-2022.
  • Expert of projects of the Union of Artisans of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Member of the Council of Creative Industries of Almaty. 2021

RSCI publications

  • Book review: G. S. Zhumabekova, G. A. Bazarbayeva, A. Ongar «Есiк. Иссык. Еsik». Almaty, 2011. 200 C. // Volga Archeology. 2017. No. 4 (22). pp. 326-330.
  • Genealogies as a source on the history of the formation of the «Chinese» group of the Tatar diaspora of Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University. Series: History, Philology. 2006. Vol. 5. No. 3-S1. pp. 74-85.

Publications in KKSON publications

  • On the prerequisites for the creation of a museum and educational methodological center in the Issyk Nature Reserve-Museum / / Bulletin of KazNU. The series is historical. – Almaty: «Kazakh University», 2018. – № 1 (88), pp. 161-170.
  • Museology as a science: Kazakh realities / / Bulletin of KazNU. The series is historical. – Almaty: «Kazakh University», 2020. – № 1 (96), pp. 126-136

Monographs, textbooks

  1. Fayzullina Galiya, Asanova Saltanat, Jasybaevermek. Modern museum in Kazakhstan: questions, facts, opinions / Collection of articles. – Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. – 316 p. (monograph).
  2. Fayzullina G. Sh. The museum opens the ESIK: A museum and pedagogical manual / Author-comp. G. Sh. Fayzullina. – Almaty-Esik: Sacura print, 2011. – 84 p.; fig.
  3. Adilsheeva A. K., Fayzullina G. Sh. Kyzmet korsetu salasyndagy standardization of zhane certification : An educational and methodological manual / Adilsheeva A. K., Fayzullina G. Sh — – Almaty : Turan University, 2020-101 p — – ISBN none. // Electronic library system TURAN : [website]. — URL: https://e-lib.turan-edu.kz/book/108080


Phone: +7 777 233 74 90

E-mail: g.faizullina@turan-edu.kz

Islamgulova Anastasia Faritovna

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Candidate of biological sciences

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Higher – Kazakh State University named after al-Farabi, specialty: geobotany, Master of Biology (2003), postgraduate studies – Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction, laboratory of geobotany (2009), candidate of biological sciences


Academic and practical experience

  • From 2000 to 2007, I worked as a biology teacher at gymnasium No. 25.
  • 2004 to 2018 I worked at the «Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction», since 2011 in the position of a senior researcher at the laboratory of geobotany (since 2012, part-time).
  • From 2010 to the present – «Turan» University, senior lecturer at the Department of Tourism and Service.
  • 2012 to 2018 main place of work – JSC «National Center for Space Research and Technologies» (LLP «Institute of Space Research»). As a leading researcher of the laboratory for space monitoring of agricultural production.
  • From 2018 to 2019 I worked at JSC «National Center for Advanced Studies» Orleu in the position of Director of the Department of Professional Education, Scientific Research and International Cooperation.
  • From 2007 to the present, I have been working on the assessment of the impact of industrial enterprises on the environment – a freelance employee of «Scientific Analytical Center» LLP, «Kazakh Agency of Applied Ecology» LLP, «ERM Eurasia» LLP, «Infrakos-ecos» LLP, «Ecotera» LLP, «AziaEcoLink» LLP.

Teaching disciplines, practical courses


«Ecological tourism», «Physical and economic geography», «Cartography and toponymy of tourism»

Main publications


Articles with a non-zero impact factor:

  1. Malakhov D.V., Islamgulova A.F. «Parametric interpretation of images of pastures: experience in the application of remote sensing data of low and medium resolution» In the journal «Optics of Atmosphere and Ocean». 2014. T. 27. No. 07. S. 587-592.
  2. Dimeyeva L. A., Sitpayeva G. T., Sultanova B. M., Ussen K. and Islamgulova A. F. High-Altitude Flora and Vegetation of Kazakhstan and Climate Change Impacts. In book: “Climate Change Impacts on High-Altitude Ecosystems”. Ozturk, M., Hakeem, K.R., Faridah-Hanum, I., Efe, R. (Eds.). Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015. рр.1-48.
  3. Dimeyeva L. A., Sitpayeva G. T., Ussen K., Orlovsky L., Ablaikhanov E., Islamgulova A. F., Zhang Y., Zhang J., Suleimenova N. S. «Meadow vegetation of the Zhetysu Alatau mountains». APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 14(4), 2016, ALÖKI Kft., Budapest, Hungary. 375-398.



Phone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: a.islamgulova@turan-edu.kz

Zaurenbekov Bauyrzhan Zaurenbekovich

Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality


Read the summary »


  • Higher education – Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. Physical education teacher – «Basketball Coach».


Academic work experience

  • From September 2022 to the present, the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism as a teacher of the Department of Sports Games.
  • Since September 2023 – lecturer at the University «Turan».


Disciplines taught


Bachelor’s degree: «Physical education and sports»

Sections: basketball


Awards and achievements

  • CERTIFICATE of HONOR for many years of work and significant contribution to the development of basketball in the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2017.
  • The bronze medal named after A. Baitursynov for his great contribution to the development of the country’s higher education system and outstanding work in training highly qualified specialists – 2019.


List of scientific works


More than 50 scientific and methodological papers have been published, including publications in International peer-reviewed journals included in the Scopus database.




Phone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: b.zaurenbekov@turan-edu.kz

Demeuova Bakytgul Maratovna

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Science in the specialty 6М090200 «Tourism»

Read the summary »


  • 2018-2020, Turan University, Master of Science in the specialty 6М090200 – «Tourism»
  • 1996-2000., Kazakh State Institute of women’s pedagogy, «Biology end Ecology teacher»
  • 2009-2011. Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics-Bachelor’s degree in finance


Academic experience

  • 2009-2014 University «Turan»,teacher
  • 2014-2020 Turan University,Senior Lecturer
  • 2020-2023 Turan University,Senior Lecturer


Non-academic work experience

  • 2000-2009 OSH 19, Almaty – biology teacher, deputy.Director of BP
  • 2009-2014 College at KazNPU named after Abai, deputy. BP Directors


Subjects taught

  • Infrastructure and logistics in the service sector;
  • Fundamentals of entrepreneurship in the RdiGB;
  • Accounting and auditing in the restaurant and hotel business;
  • Economics of service sector enterprises;
  • Tourism management.


Awards and achievements

  • Letter of thanks from Akim of Bostandyk district, October 2022;
  • Letter of thanks from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, June 2022;
  • Letter of thanks from the Rector of Turan University, November 2022;
  • Letter of thanks from ATU, April 2023;
  • Certificate of Honor from Turan University, June 2023.


Internships and academic mobility

  • The economy of enterprises: on the example of the hospitality industry» 72 hours (Maxinum Consulting Group LLP), January 2021.
  • New trends in catering in Kazakhstan» 72 hours (KAGiR), August 2021
  • «Marketing of restaurant and hotel business» (36 hours), «Management of restaurant and hotel business» (36 hours) (Maxinum Consulting Group LLP)-August 2021.
  • «Tour operating: features of the development of tours for domestic tourism», 36 hours (Family experts of travel) – October 2021.


List of scientific papers

  • Directions and practical tools for professional education quality increase (the case of tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan)/ E3S Web of Conferences 210,22007   (Том210, 2020 Инновационные технологии в науке и образовании (ITSE-2020) / Saulesh A. Kalenova, Gulzhan K. Yerubayeva, Dina I. Razakova, Bahytgul M. Demeuova and Denis Ushakov. Issue E3S. Web Conf. Volume210, 2020. Innovative Technologies in Science and Education (ITSE-2020). (Scopus).
  • «Trends and prospects of development of the sanatorium-resort tourist market of the Republic of Kazakhstan». // Tourism as a factor of sustainable development of the region [Electronic resource]: collection of materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference / Edited by T.A. Kuttubaeva. – Electron. dan. and progr. (7,22 Mb). – Gorno-Altaysk: BIC GAGU, 2019. – 220-223s.
  • «Study of the state of the services of the sanatorium market of the Republic of Kazakhstan» // Russia and Europe: communication of culture and economics: Materials of the XXVI International Scientific and practical conference (February 28, 2020). – Editor–in-chief Uvarina N.V. – Prague, Czech Republic: WORLD PRESS s.r.o., 2020.
  • «Emdik tourism zhane ony Kazakhstan damytu mumkindikteri» F 79 «Formation of the brand of Kazakhstani medical tourism and promotion of medical services of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the international market»: Materials Round table, May 23, 2018 – Almaty: Turan University, 2018. – 21-26c



Tel: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: b.demeuova@turan-edu.kz

Anar Ospanova

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Tourism

Read the summary »


  • 2011-2013, University «Turan», Master of Tourism
  • 2007-2011, Turan University, Bachelor of Tourism

International internships: April 2017 – internship at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

Academic and practical experience

  • From September 2020 to the present, senior lecturer of the Department «Tourism and Service» of the University «Turan»
  • 2017-2020-lecturer of the Department «Tourism and Service»
  • 2012-2013-head of the center «Career» of the University «Turan»; Director of the Association of graduates «Turan-Zerde»

RSCI publications

  • «Global governance in the field of renewable energy: international trends and Kazakhstan», Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Turan University, October 6, 2017
  • «Prospects for the development of alternative energy», «Global problems ekonomi fancv: zbirnik abstracts of naukovih robt VII Mineralno Naukovo-praktichna Konferenz (Kyiv–Prague–Vden, 30 listopada 2016 roku / Finansovo-economic Naukova happy 2016»
  • «Analysis of the current stage of implementation of sustainable development and «green economy», collection of articles on materials of LVI International scientific-practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of economy and management». – No. 11(55). – Moscow, Publishing house «Internauka», 2016.
  • «Economic formation of alternative energy», collection of articles based on the materials of the XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Young scientist: challenges and prospects». – No. 20(22). – M., Publishing House «Internauka», 2016

Publications in KKSON publications

  • Ospanova A. K., Zakirova D. I. Condition and prospects of employment in the renewable energy sector. Scientific journal «Bulletin of the University «Turan» No. 2 (86) 20209.

Monographs, textbooks

  1. Adilsheeva A. K., Ospanova A. K. technology of restaurant and hotel service (collection of lectures): educational and methodical manual/-Almaty: Turan University, 2020.
  2. Adilsheeva A. K., Ospanova A. K. technology of preparation of restaurant products (collection of lectures): educational and methodical manual/-Almaty: Turan University, 2020.


Phone: 8 701 789 30 52

Email: a.ospanova@turan-edu.kz

Ereshchenko Ruslan Vladimirovich

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Kazakh State Academy of Sports and Tourism (2000), specialty “Physical culture and Sports” 031140

Academic experience

  • From September 2002 to May 2019, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University as a senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports.
  • From 2019 to the present — senior lecturer at the University of Turan”.

Non-academic work experience

From 2000-2002, he worked in SDYUSSHOR No. 2, as an athletics coach.

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree : “Physical culture and sports”, sections: fitness, athletics, chess.

Awards and achievements

Master of Sports, multiple champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan in athletics. Participant and prize-winner of international competitions, including the Asian Championships and the Central Asian Games.

Internships and academic mobility

  1. Professional development in the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture in the specialty “physical culture and sport” in the amount of 72 hours (certificate No. 1212 of 24.01.2005)
  2. Professional development in the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture in the specialty “physical culture and sport” in the amount of 72 hours (certificate No. 3275 of 15.03.2011)
  3. The PPP seminar on the topic “The relationship of government and religion in modern Kazakhstan” in the amount of 72 hours 09-23.01.2012. (certificate No. 23)
  4. Professional development in the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture in the specialty “physical culture and sport” in the amount of 72 hours (certificate No. 7414 of 02.12.2014)
  5. International Festival of aerobics among Universities. 04.04.2105 under the auspices of the Association of Aerobics “AFA-Almaty (diploma)
  6. The Republican fitness convention “AFA-Almaty”. 10.05.2015 (certificate)
  7. Participation in the International Round Table on the topic: “Joint activity of education and sports bodies in the preparation of sports reserves and highly qualified athletes at the present stage” 18-19. 02. 2016 (certificate No. 4837)
  8. Participation in advanced training courses on the topic: “Professional development of physical culture personnel of higher educational institutions” Zakzchik Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. June 2016 (certificate No. 000069)
  9. Participation in advanced training courses on the topic: “Physiological foundations of sports training” in the amount of 108 hours. April 2018 (certificate No. 0200)
  10. Participation in the Fitness Convention “International Fitnesspro Congress” 05-08. 04. 2018 (certificate)

List of scientific papers

  1. Research of technical methods of protection in the competitive activity of highly qualified basketball players. Article Bulletin of Physical Culture No. 1 2016
  2. Recommendations on the organization of independent physical culture classes for university students. Article Scientific conference on the topic “Modern issues of public health and preventive medicine” Almaty April 2017.
  3. Recommendations on the organization of independent physical culture classes for university students. IV International Farabi Readings, conference “Modern issues of public health and preventive medicine”, Almaty, April 4-21, 2017
  4. Actual problems of physical culture and sports at the present stage. Article V Anniversary Farabi readings, conference “Modern issues of public health and preventive medicine” Almaty, April 3-13, 2018


Phone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: r.ereshchenko@turan-edu.kz

Serik Madina Almasqyzy

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality


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  • 2014-2018 уу. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
    major: 5В090200-Tourism (bachelor)
  • 2018-2020 уу. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
    major: 6M090200-Tourism (master)
  • 2018-2020уу. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
    (Master’s degree in dual degree program)

Academic work experience

  • 2018-2020 уу. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
    major: 6M090200-Tourism (master)
  • 2020 y. – current time teacher of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography at Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Non-academic work experience

  • 2017-2018yy. – «Royal plaza hotel&casino» administrator
  • 2019-2020yy. – Receptionist at the Grand Sapphire Hotel

Subjects taught

Brand management of the restaurant and hotel business

Awards and achievements

  • 2020 – Competition SRWS RK, 3rd place
  • 2018 – TOP mobility student (40,000 rubles scholarship)

List of scientific papers

  • Natural and recreational potential of enbekshikazakh district. VIII international scientific and practical conference: “Modern problems of Tourism Development”, November 29-30, 2019-P. 10-14
  • Test tourism as a stage of developing a tour product in a rural tourism of Enbekshikazakh. District. Materials of the International Scientific Conference of Students and young scientists “Farabi Alemi”. Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 6-9, 2020-p. 332 -333
  • Opportunities for the development of tourism on the section of the Great Silk Road in the Panfilov district in Almaty region. Bulletin of KazNPU. The series is geographical. – Almaty №4(66), 2020-pp. 166-173
  • Mapping genres of maaizid aspects in landscape design. Bulletin of the Treasury. The series is geographical. – Almaty: №4(66), 2020-pp. 21-27
  • Assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of Enbekshikazakh district for the purpose of Sustainable Tourism Development. Kaznpu Bulletin. The series is geographical. – Almaty: №4(66), 2020-P. 160-166
  • Opportunities for tourism development on the section of the Great Silk Road in Panfilovsky District of Almaty region. Kaznpu Bulletin. The series is geographical. – Almaty: №4(66), 2020-pp. 167-173


E-mail: m.serik@turan-edu.kz

Alimbetov Kuanyshbek Kishkinbaevich

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Coach of the highest category

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higher education – Dzhambul Technological Institute, 1985

Specialty “Engineer – economist”

Second higher education – Kazakh State Academy of Sports and Tourism (2005), specialty “Physical culture and sports, football coach”


Academic work experience

From September 2003 to January 2010, Almaty Technological University, part-time senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, football coach. From 2015 to 2017 – Kazakh State Academy of Sports and Tourism – Senior lecturer of the Department of Sports Games

From 2017 to the present – Sports coordinator, senior lecturer at Turan University.”


Non-academic work experience

From 1985 to 2003 he worked as an economist, chief economist, director of a knitting factory. From 2003 to 2009 he worked as a vice-rector of Almaty Technological University. From 2010 to 2015 – Vice-President of the Almaty Chamber of Commerce,


Subjects taught

“Physical Culture and Sports”, sections: football, futsal, mini-football, women’s football.


Awards and achievements

Bronze medalist of the 2009 Universiade in Football, coach of the ATU team. Champion of the NSL RK in 2010 – ATU coach. The coach of the national futsal team of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students is a silver medalist of the Asian Championship 2016. Champion of the Spartakiad of Universities Champion of the Universiade of Kazakhstan -2019 in football – coach of the national team of the university “Turan”. The champion of the Universiade RK -2021 in mini-football among women’s teams is the coach of the national team of the university “Turan”. The silver medalist of the Universiade RK – 2021 in mini-football among men’s teams is the coach of the national team of the university “Turan”.


Internships and academic mobility

Advanced training courses:

  1. Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism: the Theme of “the Modern system of training of high-class athletes” 32 hours Certificate 2018.
  2. Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism: the Theme of “the Olympic movement in the modern terms of” 16 hours Certificate 2018.
  3. Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism: Topic “Has listened a course of lectures of Professor of the Leipzig University Germany Urlich Hartmann of physiological problems of training loads and muscular adaptation in sport” international certificate 2018.
  4. 4. Professional development at the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture in the specialty “physical culture and sport” in the amount of 72 hours (certificate No. 4418 dated 02.12.2015)
  5. International certificate from FISU and the Student Sports Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. May 2016
  6. Diploma – Title “Coach of the twentieth anniversary of the football of the IFF Almaty, December 2019

II Attendance of seminars, trainings Certificate of participation

  1. AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” training seminar on the topic “The model of criterion assessment in the framework of updating the content of education” 16 hours. Certificate international July 18-19, 2018
  2. IFC “KAIRAT” Almaty – An international seminar and a master class for coaches of professional futsal teams. 20 hours. Certificate international February 2019
  3. Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism: Theme within the framework of the 29th World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk Certificate February 2019

List of scientific papers

  1. Improving the technique of ball techniques in competitive activities young football players. Article Bulletin of Physical Culture No. 1 2016
  2. Recommendations for the organization of additional sports sections university students. Article Scientific conference on the topic: “Modern issues of organization of physical culture and sports Almaty, March 2017.


Phone: 2604029

E-mail: k.alimbetov@turan-edu.kz

Mussayev Mukhamedali Akhmetzhanovich

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Science in the specialty “Tourism”

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  • 2018-2020, University «Turan», Faculty of Humanities and Law, Master’s degree «6B090200-Tourism», Master of Science in the specialty «Tourism»
  • 2013-2017, University «Turan», Faculty of Humanities and Law, Bachelor’s degree «5B090200-Tourism», Bachelor in Services
  • 2010-2013, Almaty State College of Technology and Management «AGKTiM», «0518000-Accounting and audit».


Academic work experience

  • 2021-2023 – senior lecturer of the Department «Tourism and Service» of the University «Turan»
  • 2020-2021 – assistant lecturer of the Department «Tourism and Service» of the University «Turan»
  • 2018-2020 – Master’s degree in scientific and pedagogical direction


Non-academic work experience

  • 2019 March – present carries out entrepreneurial activities in the IP Global Tourism Service, is a mentor in the business incubator of the University of Turan.
    Position: Director
  • 2016 February – 2018 August Premium Travel Company LLP
    Position: Tourism Manager, Head of the client department.

Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: «Electronic booking and reservation systems in tourism and service», «Fundamentals of entrepreneurship in the restaurant and hotel business», «Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship in Tourism», «Event Marketing», «Technologies of sales of tourism industry services», «Practical tourism of Kazakhstan».


Awards and achievements

  • Letter of thanks from the Rector of Turan University for conscientious work, professionalism and commitment to quality shown during the implementation of the educational process in remote mode during the 2020 pandemic;
  • Letter of thanks from the Rector of Turan University for preparing for specialized accreditation and contributing to its successful completion;
  • Diploma «The best adviser- curator of the year 20220-2021»;
  • Diploma «Winner of the «Turan innovations» competition» with the TWT tour commercial project;
  • Awarded a badge on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turan University;
  • Certificate of Honor from the Rector of Turan University for high professionalism, high-quality and responsible performance of official duties in the 2022-2023 academic year;

Internships and academic mobility

  • Turkey, Antalya, Promotional tour «Antalya 2018», Antalya coast hotel base 4-5*, 2018.
  • UAE, Dubai, Training seminars of the world hotel chain «Holiday Inn.» on the topic «Innovative trends in the hotel and restaurant business»
  • Egypt, Sharm El-Sheikh, Information tour «Presentation of hotels 2022»
  • UAE, Dubai Information tour of all Emirates «Presentation of new hotels 2023»


List of scientific papers

  • The problem of personnel training for the tourism industry // Materials of the MNPK «Modern trends in the development of the tourism and hospitality industry» dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the University «Turan» Korablev Valery Anatolyevich, 2022, Almaty.
  • The state and export control: problems of interaction // Materials «Actual problems of international and regional relations: history, search, prospects» / Almaty: Publishing house «MIR», 2022. – 308 p.
  • Hotel business in the context of the «green economy // Materials of the MNPC «Economy of Kazakhstan for 30 years: stages of development and creation», 2022.
  • Forgotten pages of the history of Kazakhstan mountaineering and mountain tourism // Materials of the XXXII International scientific and practical conference. Prague, Czech Republic, December 30, 2022.
  • BELOGLAZOV G.I. – SEMIRECHENSK PIONEER // Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the prospects of development of children’s and youth tourism and local history «KOLPINSKY READINGS ON LOCAL HISTORY AND TOURISM» March 24, 2022
  • Development of rural tourism in the Almaty region of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage // «Political transformation in Kazakhstan in conditions of geopolitical turbulence», 2023, Almaty



Phone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: m.musaev@turan-edu.kz

Berkimbayev Temirlan

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Science in the specialty “Tourism”

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  • Higher – Taraz State University M.H. Dulati, specialty “Tourism” (2013 – 2017), bachelor’s degree.
  • Higher – Turan University, specialty “Tourism” (2017-2019), master’s degree
  • Higher – Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, (2020 – up to now), doctoral student, specialty “Tourism

Academic and practical experience

  • From 2017 to 2019 worked as a specialist in the marketing department of Asia Su.
  • From 2019 January to 2019 August, worked as the Executive Director of Upgrade School.
  • From 2019 to the present, senior-lecturer in the Department of Tourism and Service at Turan University.

Foreign Internships

  • Foreign internship in the hotel “Von Club Golden Beach”, Side (Antalya), Turkey, 2015.
  • Participation in the international world cup of student entrepreneurship “Enactus World Cup” in San Jose, California (USA), 2019.

Teaching disciplines

Undergraduate courses: “Fundamentals of the Hospitality Industry”, “World Hospitality Industry”; “Physical Education (Tourism and Sports Training)”.


Awards and prizes

  • Winner of the republican grant “How to feed Kazakhstan” (Almaty, 2017).
  • Scholarship holder of Enactus Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2017).
  • Winner of the Enactus Kazakhstan Student Entrepreneurship Competition (Almaty, 2019).
  • Grant winner of the “Zhas Kasipker” program, (Almaty, 2019).

The main publications

  • Research on the theory of ecological tourism and its functions. Innovation potential of the XXI century: the contribution of young researchers: Proceedings of the XXI international scientific-practical conference of young scientists “Zhas Turan – 2018”. April 6, 2018: in 3 parts. – Almaty: Turan University, 2018.
  • Ecological tourism as an opportunity to study the natural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan. XXIII International Ecological Student Conference “Ecology of Russia and adjacent territories”. (MESK-2018), October 26-28. – Novosibirsk: NSU, 2018.
  • The American model of development of national parks in the context of ecological tourism RK. International scientific conference of students and young scientists “FARABI ƏLEML” Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 6-8, 2021.


Phone: + 777 650 4444

E-mail: berkimbaev.t@gmail.com

Turlygazieva Madina Nurmahmetovna

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Economic Sciences

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Education – higher, University “Turan”, “International economic relations”


Academic experience.  16 years


Non-academic work experience 28 years


Subjects taught

Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity in the restaurant and hotel business; Fundamentals of the hospitality industry; Management in tourism; Hotel and restaurant management


Internships and academic mobility

  1. Malaysia Institute For Supply Chain Innovation – Malaysia., Kuala Lumpur, 2014
  2. Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty. SME Support Forum ,2015
  3. Consulting center “RNR” “Methods of teaching economic disciplines in the conditions of innovative development”, 2016


Phone: +7 727 260-40-29

E-mail: m.turlygaziyeva@turan-edu.kz

Burkitbay Assel

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Science in the specialty «Tourism»

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  • 2014-2018, University “Turan”, Faculty of Humanities and Law, Bachelor of Social and Cultural Service, Bachelor of Services
  • 2018-2020, University “Turan”, Faculty of Humanities and Law, Master’s degree “Tourism”, Master of Science in the specialty “Tourism”

Academic and practical experience

  • 2020-2021 – Lecturer at the Department of Tourism and Service
  • 2018-2021 -methodist of the Department of Tourism and Service;
  • 2018-2020 – training in the magistracy in the scientific and pedagogical direction

Awards and achievements

  • Letter of thanks to the teacher of the department “Tourism and service” Burkitbay Zh. No. 144 from the Rector of Turan University for conscientious work, professionalism and commitment to quality, shown during the implementation of the educational process remotely during the 2020 pandemic
  • Letter of thanks No. 78 from the Rector of Turan University for preparation for specialized accreditation and contribution to its successful completion


Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-29

E-mail: a.burkitbay@turan-edu.kz

Slambekov Kairat Kanashevich

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in football, Referee of the Highest national category

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  • Higher education – Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture. Physical education teacher – «Football coach».


Academic work experience

  • From September 2022 to May 2023, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages – Physical education teacher
  • Since September 2023 – Turan University.- Physical education teacher


Non-academic work experience

  • 2014 -2016 – Sports director of the Atyrau football club, Atyrau


Disciplines taught

Bachelor’s degree: «Physical education and sports»

Sections: Football, table tennis.


Awards and achievements

  • Champion and winner of the Republic of Kazakhstan Football Cup in 1992.


Internships and academic mobility

  • Refresher courses



E-mail: k.slambekov@turan-edu.kz

Ergeshov Alexandr Alisherovich

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Candidate Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sport tourism

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  • Bachelor’s degree – Almaty Management University (AlmaU), specialty “restaurant and hotel business” (2011-2015)
  • Master’s degree – Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations, specialty “Psychology” (2020-2022)
    Senior lecturer, Candidate Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sport tourism


Academic experience

  • 2020 – 2023 KazATiSO as a senior lecturer.
  • 2023 to present – senior lecturer at Turan University.


Non-academic work experience

  • September 2019 – present time Tourist Club “Marco Polo”
    Leader, founder
    Conducting lectures, practical classes and trips on sports tourism
  • September 2018 – June 2020 “Time Cafe Po Pravda”
    Senior Administrator
    Working with the cash register, maintaining a cash book, presenting the establishment, receiving goods, working with clients
  • June 2016 – May 2017 Esentai Fit&SPA (formerly Fidelity)
    Working with the cash register, working with clients, presenting the fitness center, working with documents
  • September 2016 – December 2019 SM-travel
    Manager `s assistant
    Organization of tours


Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Techniques and tactics of active types of tourism, Tourist sports training, History of tourism


Awards and achievements

Candidate for Master of Sports, repeated champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Almaty in sports tourism. Mountain tourism instructor. Guide-conductor of the 2nd category. Leader of sports hikes of 1-5 difficulty categories. Awarded the “Silver Edelweiss” badge for leading a campaign in Western Altai. Awarded the “Kazakhstan Sayakhatshysy” badge.


Internships and academic mobility

  • Course of study at the online academy “Spain”
    Tourism Product Specialist “Cities of Spain” (2020)
  • Advanced training courses “Trends in the development of tourism in Kazakhstan” (72 hours). Kazakhstan Tourist Association, Almaty (2021)
  • Scientific internship “Factors influencing the positive socio-psychological climate in tourist groups on sports trips” (72 hours). Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State University of Management”, Moscow (2022)
  • Advanced training courses “Creative types of tourism: World trends and prospects for training specialists for the tourism and hospitality industry” (72 hours). LLC “GASTROMAP OF THE URAL”, Ekaterinburg (2022)
  • Advanced training courses and practical internship “Improving educational programs “Tourism”, “Restaurant business and hotel business” based on a practice-oriented model of student-centered learning” (240 hours). Ural Union of Tourism Industry, Yekaterinburg (2022)



Telephone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: a.ergeshov@turan-edu.kz

Kuznetsova Gulnara

Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

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  • S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University, Applied Mathematics, 1991
  • Turan University, 6M03100 – Jurisprudence, 2014 (Master of Law)
  • Turan University, 6D050300 – Psychology, 2021
    Position: Senior lecturer, Department of «Tourism and Service»

Academic experience

  • 1995-2014 – teacher, secondary school No. 96, gymnasium No.144, Gymnasium No. 1 , Almaty
  • 2014-2018 – Lecturer, Turan University


Non-academic work experience

  • 2006-2008 – Deputy Director of the school, Secondary School No. 96, Almaty
  • 2008-2010 – Head of the Department of Senior Personnel, Institute of Advanced Training of Pedagogical Personnel of the Education System of Almaty,
  • Since 2011 – Head of the Quality Management and Accreditation Department, Turan University


Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Quality Management, Document management and business correspondence, Quality management of services of the restaurant and hotel business enterprise, Quality control of restaurant products and services (2023)


Awards and achievements

  • National certificate «Specialist of the Year 2018» based on the results of the National Rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Star of Quality», reg. FJ/KZ No. 0481, 04/01/2019.
  • Certificate of Honor for contribution to the victory of the University in the competition for the Award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Altyn Sapa», Turan University, reg. No. 76, 12/26/2020
  • Letter of thanks from NCE «Atameken», 2019
  • Certificate of Honor of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022


Internships and academic mobility

  • Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus, 2014
  • University of Library Studies and Information technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2021
  • International online internship «Higher education 4.0. Digital transformation» of the Republican Institute of Higher Education of the Republic of Belarus together with the educational online platform SKLAD, April 07-23, 2021, 72 h.


List of scientific papers

  • GUESSS Kazakhstan: a global study of the entrepreneurial spirit of students». Students’ work experience in business organizations as employees. Characteristics of the environment in business organizations. National Report for 2018 (team of authors) – Almaty: Turan University, 2019
  • To the question of the emotional creativity of the teacher. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education in the conditions of innovative development. Materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference.– Almaty: Turan University, 2019
  • Emotional burnout as a psychological syndrome and its manifestation in professional activity». Materials of the IX International scientific and practical conference «Psychological and pedagogical problems of education in the conditions of innovative development, Turan University, 2020 (co-authored)
  • Psychological aspects of innovative activity of a university teacher. Innovative and entrepreneurial education in the context of improving the quality of life. Materials of the II International Scientific and practical conference. – Almaty: Turan University, 2020



Phone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: g.kuznetsova@turan-edu.kz

Aimagambet Malika Shakhibadinkyzy

Assistant lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Science in the specialty «Tourism»

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  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), specialty «Tourism” 5B090200


Academic experience

  • From January 2023 to the present — assistant lecturer at the University of Turan


Non-academic work experience

  • September 2021 — December 2022 1 year 4 months
    Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan, JSC www.halykbank.kz
    Senior Credit Manager
    Mortgages, car loans and acceptance of applications, and other banking services.
  • April 2021 — August 2021 5 months
    Educational center “Galileo”
    Office administrator, Finance work, Student work, Instagram page management and event organizer
  • November 2020 — June 2021 8 months
    Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.Specialist in innovation management of intellectual property. Work on documents and archives


Subjects taught

Bachelor’s degree: Fundamentals of turismology, Tourism Marketing, Restaurant and hotel marketing, Restaurant and hotel management, History of tourism, Eco-tourism, Advertising and information activities in the service sector


Internships and academic mobility

  • Advanced training in Elife Travel on the course «Fundamentals of Tourism» in the amount of 72 hours (certificate No. 2307 dated 17.07.2023)
  • Professional development of Maxinum Consulting Group on the practical course «Marketing of services» in the amount of 72 hours, including modules: Marketing communications, Advertising and information activities, Brand Management, Sales Technology (certificate no. MU08-01 dated 08/18/2023)


List of scientific papers

  • Analysis of the quality of tourist products of the sanatorium «Zhanakorgan» – Bulletin of the D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University
  • Features of quality management of tourism activities materials of the VIII International scientific and practical Conference «Modern problems of development of the tourism industry». November 29-30, 2019, Almaty, Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2019. – 202 P.
  • Formation of a quality management system for tourist products of the sanatorium «Zhanakorgan» materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists and students «Farabi Alemi». April 6-8, 2021, Almaty, Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2021. – 294 p. ISBN 978-601-04-5246-6
  • The current state of quality management in tourism – materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists and students «Farabi Alemi». April 6-9, 2020, Almaty, Kazakhstan. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2020. – 338 p. ISBN 978-601-04-4485-0



E-mail: m.aimagambet@turan-edu.kz

Koichubayeva Diana Sergeevna

Assistant lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Social Sciences

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  • 2017-2021, Pavlodar, Innovative Eurasian University, specialty 5B060900 «Geography»
  • 2021-2023, Turan University, educational program 7M03101 «Tourism»
    Master of Social Sciences, Assistant Lecturer


Academic experience

  • From February 2023 – June 2023 College «Turan» geography teacher


Non-academic work experience

  • From July 2019 – September 2019 Baer LLP, merchandiser
  • June 2020 – September 2020 Apex media individual entrepreneur, SMM manager


Subjects taught

  • «Fundamentals of the Hospitality Industry»
  • «Fundamentals of Tourism Science»
  • «Local History and Museum Studies»


Awards and achievements

  • Certificate for participation in the XXXI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Russia and Europe: The Connection of Culture and Economy», Prague, in 2021
  • Certificate for participation in the International Youth Forum of Intelligence (Issyk-Kul Forum) dedicated to the Year of Folk Art and Cultural Heritage of the CIS, Cholpon Ata, in 2022
  • Certificate for participation in MISET Expo-Sciences Vostok 2022, as a volunteer
  • Certificate for participation in the III International Conference «Scientific Initiative of Foreign Students and Graduate Students,» Tomsk in 2023


Internships and academic mobility

  • Certificate on passing courses for tour guides from the Tourism Department of Almaty region, in the city of Konaev, in 2022
  • Today Travel Tourism Manager Course Certificate 2022


List of scientific papers

  • Development of the excursion route of Almaty region as part of the development of cultural and historical tourism among young people // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Russia and Europe: the connection of culture and economy». – Prague: ID Word Press, 2021. – S. 122-123.
  • Festival – the trend of youth tourism // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Forum «Global Changes: Challenges of Science and Education» in honor of the 30th anniversary of Turan University. – Almaty, October 6, 2022. Turan University. – S. 672-677.
  • Features of youth tours of Kazakhsta // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Political transformation in Kazakhstan in conditions of geopolitical turbulence». March 29, 2023, Turan University.
  • Historical and cultural heritage, brands and tourism in Kazakhstan // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference LXIII Russian Archaeological and Ethnographic Conference of Students and Young Scientists. – Novosibirsk: ED NAET SB RAS, 2023. – S. 360-361.
  • Analysis of consumer preferences of tourists for the creation of the program of the Sievers Apple Festival // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of the III International Conference «Scientific Initiative of Foreign Students and Graduate Students». – Tomsk, 2023.



Phone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: r.ereshchenko@turan-edu.kz

Alimov Mansur Zunumovich

Assistant lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality

Master of Science in the specialty «Tourism»

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Master’s degree – University «Turan» (2022), specialty «Tourism»
Lecturer’s assistant


Academic experience

  • From September 2022 to June 2023 at Turan College as a teacher in the Tourism specialty.
  • Since 2023 – assistant lecturer at Turan University.


Disciplines taught

Bachelor’s degree: Tourist, excursion and sports training



Phone: +7 727 260 40 29

E-mail: m.alimov@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions