Director of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality
The Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality is an educational space that offers a wide range of training programmes in the field of tourism and hospitality at Bachelor’s and Master’s level. We train professionals with in-depth knowledge and practical skills who are able to effectively meet the challenges of the rapidly changing world of the tourism industry. Students have the opportunity to participate in work placements, international projects and conferences, enabling them to gain valuable experience and broaden their professional horizons. The Graduate School also actively collaborates with leading companies and organisations in the tourism industry, ensuring that our students have access to the latest knowledge and trends. Our aim is to create leaders who are ready to innovate and contribute to the development of the tourism industry by creating unique offers and improving service quality.
Director of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality
Bachelor course:
Articles published in publications, included in the passage Committee on quality assurance in the field of Science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The articles, published in recent publications, materials of scientific conferences and the doctor’s office
Phone: +7 7272 260 40 29
Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Director of the Research Institute of Tourism
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
The biography is entered: – in the encyclopedic dictionary “Sports Kazakhstan”; to Askhat Asylbekov’s book “Who’s Who in the Republic of Kazakhstan”; to the Big International Encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan” (2012); to the book “Life in Science. Scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan “(2013)
Until now, he is the only doctor of pedagogical sciences in Kazakhstan and Central Asia – a specialty in training tourist personnel.
Master’s degree:
Tel.: +7 777 393 62 50
Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Doctor of Economics
Published 150 scientific papers with a total volume of 465.4 printed sheets, including 3 textbooks; 5 monographs, 8 study guides, of which 2 textbooks and 1 study guide are recommended by the RUMS of the Republic of Kazakhstan for specialties; 1 textbook, 3 textbooks, 1 monograph published in the state language; Web of Science Core Collection 3 articles, Scopus 1 article. Hirsch Index Web of Science 2, Scopus 2.
Publications in KKSON editions – more than 10 publications
Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Doctor of Geographical Sciences
2004 – awarded the degree of candidate of geographical sciences in the specialty – 25.00.30 “Meteorology, agrometeorology, climatology” Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University, (Bishkek)
2010 – received the title of Assistant professor. Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the results of work at the Department of Hydrometeorology, KazNU named after Al-Farabi.
2011 – awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Geographical Sciences in the specialty – 25.00.36 “Geoecology” (Bishkek.).
2012 – the work is set up in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2020 – received the title of Professor of Geoecology (Full Professor). Committee in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2009 – internship at the University of Michigan (USA). Leithis, Michigan. and the University of Tucson Research Center. Tucson, Arizona. Within the framework of an international scientific project.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29
Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Candidate of Economic Sciences
1965-1969, Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy, Accounting and Economics Faculty, economist.
Foreign internships: 1990-1994-internships in ministries and departments of Washington (USA)
Training seminars on the topic:
Development of regulatory and legal materials on tourism:
The topics of the author’s scientific research (initiative) are:
Phone: +7 705 107 61 60
Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Рrofessor RAE
Candidate of Biological Sciences
Bachelor’s Courses: Sanitation and Hygiene, Modern Nutrition Systems and Concepts, Graduate Study Technology
Master’s Courses: Conceptology for Sustainable Tourism Development
Publications (indexed)
Phone: +7 727 260 40 08 (1080)
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Candidate of Historical Sciences
1982-1987, V. V. Kuibyshev Tomsk State University (Russia), Faculty of History, historian with a specialization in ethnography
Phone: +7 777 233 74 90
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Candidate of biological sciences
Higher – Kazakh State University named after al-Farabi, specialty: geobotany, Master of Biology (2003), postgraduate studies – Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction, laboratory of geobotany (2009), candidate of biological sciences
«Ecological tourism», «Physical and economic geography», «Cartography and toponymy of tourism»
Articles with a non-zero impact factor:
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Bachelor’s degree: «Physical education and sports»
Sections: basketball
More than 50 scientific and methodological papers have been published, including publications in International peer-reviewed journals included in the Scopus database.
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Science in the specialty 6М090200 «Tourism»
Tel: +7 727 260 40 29
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Tourism
International internships: April 2017 – internship at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
Phone: 8 701 789 30 52
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakh State Academy of Sports and Tourism (2000), specialty “Physical culture and Sports” 031140
Academic experience
Non-academic work experience
From 2000-2002, he worked in SDYUSSHOR No. 2, as an athletics coach.
Subjects taught
Bachelor’s degree : “Physical culture and sports”, sections: fitness, athletics, chess.
Awards and achievements
Master of Sports, multiple champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan in athletics. Participant and prize-winner of international competitions, including the Asian Championships and the Central Asian Games.
Internships and academic mobility
List of scientific papers
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Brand management of the restaurant and hotel business
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Coach of the highest category
higher education – Dzhambul Technological Institute, 1985
Specialty “Engineer – economist”
Second higher education – Kazakh State Academy of Sports and Tourism (2005), specialty “Physical culture and sports, football coach”
From September 2003 to January 2010, Almaty Technological University, part-time senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, football coach. From 2015 to 2017 – Kazakh State Academy of Sports and Tourism – Senior lecturer of the Department of Sports Games
From 2017 to the present – Sports coordinator, senior lecturer at Turan University.”
From 1985 to 2003 he worked as an economist, chief economist, director of a knitting factory. From 2003 to 2009 he worked as a vice-rector of Almaty Technological University. From 2010 to 2015 – Vice-President of the Almaty Chamber of Commerce,
“Physical Culture and Sports”, sections: football, futsal, mini-football, women’s football.
Bronze medalist of the 2009 Universiade in Football, coach of the ATU team. Champion of the NSL RK in 2010 – ATU coach. The coach of the national futsal team of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students is a silver medalist of the Asian Championship 2016. Champion of the Spartakiad of Universities Champion of the Universiade of Kazakhstan -2019 in football – coach of the national team of the university “Turan”. The champion of the Universiade RK -2021 in mini-football among women’s teams is the coach of the national team of the university “Turan”. The silver medalist of the Universiade RK – 2021 in mini-football among men’s teams is the coach of the national team of the university “Turan”.
Advanced training courses:
II Attendance of seminars, trainings Certificate of participation
Phone: 2604029
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Science in the specialty “Tourism”
Bachelor’s degree: «Electronic booking and reservation systems in tourism and service», «Fundamentals of entrepreneurship in the restaurant and hotel business», «Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship in Tourism», «Event Marketing», «Technologies of sales of tourism industry services», «Practical tourism of Kazakhstan».
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Science in the specialty “Tourism”
Undergraduate courses: “Fundamentals of the Hospitality Industry”, “World Hospitality Industry”; “Physical Education (Tourism and Sports Training)”.
Phone: + 777 650 4444
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Economic Sciences
Education – higher, University “Turan”, “International economic relations”
Academic experience. 16 years
Non-academic work experience 28 years
Subjects taught
Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity in the restaurant and hotel business; Fundamentals of the hospitality industry; Management in tourism; Hotel and restaurant management
Internships and academic mobility
Phone: +7 727 260-40-29
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Science in the specialty «Tourism»
Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-29
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in football, Referee of the Highest national category
Bachelor’s degree: «Physical education and sports»
Sections: Football, table tennis.
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Candidate Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sport tourism
Bachelor’s degree: Techniques and tactics of active types of tourism, Tourist sports training, History of tourism
Candidate for Master of Sports, repeated champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Almaty in sports tourism. Mountain tourism instructor. Guide-conductor of the 2nd category. Leader of sports hikes of 1-5 difficulty categories. Awarded the “Silver Edelweiss” badge for leading a campaign in Western Altai. Awarded the “Kazakhstan Sayakhatshysy” badge.
Telephone: +7 727 260 40 29
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Bachelor’s degree: Quality Management, Document management and business correspondence, Quality management of services of the restaurant and hotel business enterprise, Quality control of restaurant products and services (2023)
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29
Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Science in Tourism
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29
Assistant lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Science in the specialty «Tourism»
Bachelor’s degree: Fundamentals of turismology, Tourism Marketing, Restaurant and hotel marketing, Restaurant and hotel management, History of tourism, Eco-tourism, Advertising and information activities in the service sector
Senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Bachelor’s degree: “Fundamentals of the hospitality industry”, “Infrastructure and logistics in the service sector”, “Organization of production at enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business”, “Sanitation and hygiene”, “Ensuring safety at enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business”, “Technology of service in restaurants and hotels”
Phone: +7 (727) 260-40-29
Assistant lecturer of the Graduate School of Tourism and Hospitality
Master of Science in the specialty «Tourism»
Master’s degree – University «Turan» (2022), specialty «Tourism»
Lecturer’s assistant
Bachelor’s degree: Tourist, excursion and sports training
Phone: +7 727 260 40 29