Medical Center


The medical center is located on the ground floor, room 108.


Medical services on campus: doctor’s examination, nurse services, injections, first aid are provided free of charge.


As a patient of the Turan University Medical Center, you have the right to:

  • obtaining accurate information regarding diagnosis, treatment and prognosis;
  • participation in decisions regarding medical care and treatment.


Your responsibilities include:

  • providing genuine and clear information regarding symptoms and the need for medical care;
  • following the treatment plan determined together with you;
  • treat medical staff and other patients politely and respectfully.



Who can go to the medical center?

If you are sick or injured, please contact the Turan University Medical Center. The medical center has a doctor, nurse practitioner, and psychologist on staff.



Monday – Friday from 09:00 to 18:00


Head of the medical and health center: Rodionova Tatyana Nikolaevna


Phone: 260 40 16


Helpline number: +7 707 953 44 66 Dondagulova Saltanat Bolatovna (psychologist)

Medical documents for newly admitted students

When submitting documents, applicants must provide the Turan University Medical Center (to avoid problems when registering for subjects) with a complete package of documents:

Medical certificate of health (form No. 075/u), which includes an examination of the following specialist doctors:

  • Therapist;
  • Ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist);
  • Otolaryngologist (ENT);
  • Surgeon;
  • Neurologist;

Instrumental and laboratory studies: fluorography, microreaction and feces for helminths.

To obtain certificate 075/у you must have the following certificates with you:

Certificate from a drug treatment organization;

Certificate from a psychoneurological organization;

These certificates can be obtained through the portal (certificate from narcology, certificate from psychoneurology) or the eGov mobile application.

A copy of form No. 065/у (copies of records of vaccinations performed from the vaccination card, outpatient card).


X-ray – a picture of the chest (fluorography) taken outside the Republic of Kazakhstan must be certified in Almaty by a radiologist.


Foreign students (not residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan) must also provide documents to the medical center:

– copy of vaccination card.

– medical examination – form 075/у and chest x-ray (fluorography). (You must pass upon arrival in Almaty)


Please be aware that your medical documents issued in your country may not be valid in Kazakhstan.


In addition to this, we strongly recommend purchasing a voluntary health insurance package upon arrival in Almaty, which includes full medical care coverage.

Annual fluorographic examination

Prevention and treatment of tuberculosis is one of the priorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is supported by legislative acts of the state and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. An annual preventive fluorographic examination is mandatory for all residents of the country; evasion of the examination entails administrative punishment.

Tuberculosis at an early stage of the disease responds well to treatment. Take care of your health – undergo a fluorographic examination in a timely manner.


All students annually, upon expiration of the fluorographic examination, are required to provide an image with a description to the Turan University Medical Center.

Tuberculosis prevention

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that most often affects the respiratory system, although tuberculosis of other organs and systems (nervous, digestive, lymphatic, genitourinary, meninges, bones and joints, skin, eyes and other organs) also occurs.


Tuberculosis infection occurs in two ways: through the air and through food.


The main source of infection is a person with tuberculosis, who releases tiny droplets of sputum and saliva, which contain many pathogens of tuberculosis, when coughing and sneezing.


Almost anyone can become infected with tuberculosis. But people from the so-called risk group are most susceptible.


These include:


  • People who live, work, and often communicate with TB patients (family members, friends, and work colleagues);
  • Prisoners;
  • People without a fixed place of residence and work;
  • Alcoholics and drug addicts;
  • People suffering from diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and especially HIV-infected people.



The first symptoms and signs of tuberculosis are:


  1. Prolonged cough — dry or with sputum (more than 3 weeks), sometimes with an admixture of blood;
  2. Loss of appetite, weight loss;
  3. General malaise, weakness, sweating (especially at night), decreased performance, fatigue;
  4. Periodic fever, chest pain.



The main methods of detecting tuberculosis are bacteriological and X-ray examination.


Tuberculosis prevention


First of all, tuberculosis prevention among the entire population is based on measures aimed at increasing the body’s defenses:


  • compliance with the correct working regime,
  • rational and timely nutrition,
  • Abstaining from smoking, drugs, and alcohol abuse,
  • taking multivitamins in the spring,
  • hardening,
  • physical education classes,
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Preventive examination of the population (X-ray fluorography) at least once a year.
  • Carrying out activities that improve the living and industrial environment (reducing crowding and dustiness of premises, improving ventilation, etc.).
  • Preventing patients with Mycobacterium tuberculosis from working in medical and children’s institutions, educational institutions, public catering enterprises, public utilities, food and pharmaceutical industries, and public transport.
  • Early detection of tuberculosis patients and their treatment.
  • Health education of the population, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.





Tuberculosis is easier to prevent than to treat later.

Registration at the clinic for medical care

Foreigners and members of their families temporarily staying in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan enjoy the rights and duties in the CSHI system on an equal basis with Kazakhstani citizens (paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Compulsory Social Health Insurance”). For citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candace and foreigners permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the order of attachment remains the same.


How to attach?


The first way (for everyone). Attachment via the e-government web portal . In the “Healthcare” section, select the service “Attachment to a medical organization providing primary health care.” You need to submit an application to a medical organization by filling in the fields. “The polyclinic receives information about the patient automatically from the state information systems. If the response is positive, the citizen is notified of the attachment in the form of an electronic document signed by the medical organization’s EDS,” the FSMS press service explained.


The second way. Attachment is made upon direct application to the polyclinic with an application of any form and an identity document.

Online admissions