A round table on the theme “International and regional conflicts and their peaceful resolution”

Turan University
Department public development
of Almaty
Public fund “Mangilik Kazakhstan”
Center for Regional Studies
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Turan University
Time: 14-00
The date:
October 19, 2021
Format: Online, offline


Aims of the round table: discussion of ways to resolve international and regional conflicts by peaceful means; analysis of the causes and consequences of regional conflicts in different parts of the world; the policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at maintaining peace and stability in the Central Asian region.

It is planned to consider problems in the following areas:


– regional conflicts in international relations;

– international relations during a pandemic: crisis, prosperity or stagnation;

– Central Asia in international and regional relations;

– the role of the UN in the settlement of international and regional conflicts;

– the role of Kazakhstan in the Central Asian region;

– Afghanistan in Central Asia: new events and reactions of the world community;

– preventive diplomacy in resolving regional and international conflicts.


The round table will be attended by domestic and foreign scientists, representatives of various public organizations, doctoral students, undergraduates and students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Working languages of the round table: Kazakh, Russian, English.


Forms of participation in the work of the round table: report at the plenary session; participation in work without a report.


Chairman of the organizing committee: Alshanov Rakhman Alshanovich, President of the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan, Rector of Turan University, Doctor of Economics, Professor.


Deputy Chairman: D.I Razakova, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation, Turan University.


Responsible person: Tulen Zhenisbek Muratbekovich, Head of  Department of Regional Studies and International Relations. E-mail: zh.tolen@turan-edu.kz Phones: 8 (727) 260-40-29 (ext. 733), 8707 7703868.



Torlanbaeva Kenzhe Uskenbaevna. E-mail: k.torlanbayeva@turan-edu.kz, tel. 8 777 6473996

Uranhaeva Gulmira Telmanovna. E-mail: g.urankhayeva@turan-edu.kz, tel. 8 701 713 57 47


Links for participation in the online format

Join the Roundtable Zoom (Meet)

Conference ID: 890 9308 2645

Access code: 742210


Telephone for inquiries: 8 (727) 260-40-29 (int. 733), 87077703868

Address: Institution “University” Turan “, 050013, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Almaty, st. Satpayev, 16A, Conference hall 401.

Online admissions