Day of statistic. A selection of books

People have always counted and measured, and decisions based on statistics are made daily and affect on our daily life – the clothes we wear, cars, medicines, food … “Knowing the basics of statistics can even save or extend lives!” writes Eileen Magnello in Statistics in Comics.


The word “statistics” comes from the Latin “status”, which in turn passed into Italian as “statista” and was first used in the 16th century, denoting statesmen. However, modern statistics as a science actually originated in the 1650s, when the concept of probability was first correctly presented by Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat.


David Spiegelhalter in his book The Art of Statistics. How to find answers in data ”2 * does this with real-life examples. For example, how can statistics help determine the luckiest passenger on the Titanic? Could serial killer Harold Shipman have been solved earlier? And calculate the number of trees on our planet? How many participants does a medical study need to be valid? In the book you will find answers to dozens of other questions about our world.


8 th November is the day of statistics in Kazakhstan. The date is set in 1920.


For the day of statistics, we have prepared a selection of books for you. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with it. You will find more books and electronic editions in the catalogs of EL  “TURAN” and ELS “IPR BOOKS”

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