“Writers’ Tales” creative meeting with writers Elena Klepikova and Ksenia Rogozhnikova (Zemskova)

April 8 at 16:00 we invite you to the “Turan” library for a creative meeting with writers Elena Klepikova and Ksenia Rogozhnikova (Zemskova) “Writers’ Tales”.


Elena Georgievna Klepikova is a writer, prose writer, essayist, laureate of international and national awards. Elena Georgievna writes for children, teenagers and adults.

Ksenia Rogozhnikova (Zemskova) – poetess, children’s writer.


Elena and Ksenia are teachers at the Almaty Open Literary School.


The link to YouTube broadcast


Published by the authors:

  1. K. Rogozhnikova. Chirk / collection of poems / – Almaty: Open Literary School of Almaty, 2021. – 64 p. (read)
  2. K. Rogozhnikova. Transparent vascular. Dactyl #22 (July 2021) (read)
  3. E. Klepikova. Tales of Semirechye – Almaty: Open Literary School of Almaty, 2021. – 72 p.
  4. K. Rogozhnikova. Poems in Halftones (read)
  5. K. Zemskova, E. Klepikova. “Krol Korolevy, ili vremena peremen”. – Moscow: Meshcheryakov Publishing House, 2019. – 192 p.
  6. E. Klepikova, K. Zemskova. Little Quarantine People – Almaty: Open Literary School of Almaty, 2020. – 56 p. (read) / E. Klepikova, K. Zemskova Little Quarantine People
  7. E. Klepikova, K. Rogozhnikova. “Dva pisma”. – Almaty: “Alma-Ata Literary House”, 2018.
  8. K. Zemskova. In the rhythm of salsa / K. Zemskova; artistic E. Kudinova. – Almaty: Literary House “Alma-Ata”, 2017. – 152 p.
  9. E. Klepikova. Alma-Ata bylki: pages from the history of our City or little stories about love. – Almaty, 2012. – 112 p.
  10. K. Rogozhnikova. “K vostoku ot Grinvicha (travel as a gift)”. Collection in collaboration with E. Klepikova. – Almaty: “Securities”, 2011.
  11. K. Rogozhnikova. “Raznica temperatur” collection of poems. – Almaty: OF “Musaget”, 2006.


Photos of the authors are taken from the personal page of Elena Klepikova on the social network Facebook

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