Signing of understanding and cooperation memoranda between Turan University, Almaty Chamber of Trade and Investment, Association of Trade and Industrial Enterprises

On April 14, 2022, Turan University signed memoranda of understanding and cooperation with the “Association of Trade and Industrial Enterprises” ALE and “Almaty Chamber of Trade and Investment” LLP.


The purpose of the memoranda is effective cooperation for the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, assistance in the formation of modern industrial and trade infrastructure, creation of favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity.


The cooperation provides for joint activities in the field of education; exchange of information and consideration of initiatives on the implementation of business projects; involvement of specialists for the development of business plans and marketing research; organization of professional practice within the framework of university educational programs on a contractual basis, etc.


The Association of Trade and Industrial Enterprises and the Almaty Chamber of Trade and Investment are the successors of the traditions of the Almaty Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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