Awarding the XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad on the specialty “Regional studies”

On April 27, 2022, the annual XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad in the specialty “Regional Studies” was held, planned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and held at KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The Olympiad was attended by students of the specialties “Regional Studies” and “International Relations” of the largest universities in Kazakhstan, which competed in groups in Kazakh, Russian, English languages. The theme of the 2022 Olympiad was “Migration processes in the context of the transformation of system of international relations: main trends and challenges”, which allowed students to discuss and test the knowledge of students on migration issues in Kazakhstan and around the world. The purpose of Olympiad is to reveal creative abilities, select and support the most talented and gifted students, and also to promote the formation of students’ intellectual potential. As part of the Olympiad, students had to go through 3 stages of the competition, which included: preparation of a video presentation on the topic, team; presentation of the topic of the speech, discussion of ways and recommendations for solving migration problems in various fields; online testing of knowledge within the subjects of the specialties “Regional Studies”, “International Relations”. In the Olympiad, in addition to Turan University, teams from Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty Management University (AlmaU), Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, KazATiSO, M. Utemisov WKGU also participated. According to the results of the Olympiad, students of the Turan University took honorable 1st and 2nd places.


The team in English took 1st place. Supervisor: Ishmukhamedov Sh.A., Students: Nurakhmetov Tavrat, Minina Adelina, Absatarov Daniel; The team in Kazakh took 2nd place. Scientific adviser: Karimova Z.K.; Students: Alibek Akerke, Kayratova Kamila, Abdimalikova Gauhar; The team in Russian took 2nd place. Supervisor: Orazbekova A.R., Students: Lyapina Evelina, Prudenzano Lorenzo, Cherepkova Elizaveta.


On behalf of the university, we sincerely congratulate our winning students!

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