Case championships within the framework of the Project management week at the «Turan» University

As part of the Project Management Week, a case championship was held to solve practical business problems for college students in Almaty, as well as a case championship for students of Turan University “MY DREAM CAMPUS”.


College students were asked to prepare a presentation of the project in priority areas: current problems in the field of ecology, economics, business, tourism, healthcare, digital technologies. Seven teams reached the final of the case championship.


The members of the jury included:

  1. Razakova Dina Ibragimovna – Candidate of Economic sciences, PhD, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation of the “Turan” University;
  2. Orazbekov Yerbolat – PhD, director of the commercialization center of the “Turan” University;
  3. Mukhamedyarova – Levina Tamara Tolgatbekovna – Candidate of Economic sciences, Dean of the Economy Faculty of the “Turan” University.

As a result of the presentation of projects, top places were distributed as follows:


  • 1st place – the team of the Central Asian Technical and Economic College;
  • 2nd place – the team  of Almaty State Business College;
  • 2nd place – the team of the college «Turan» in the specialty «Management»;
  • 3rd place – team of the Economic College of the University of Narxoz ;
  • 3rd place – the team of the college «Turan» in the specialty «Finance».

The students of «Turan» University were asked to prepare a presentation of the project on the topic “MY DREAM CAMPUS”, reflecting the construction of a hostel for students and teachers of the University “Turan” and harmonious integration into the existing infrastructure. When defending the project, it was necessary to take into account the following positions: the possibility of financing; eco-friendly architecture; smart house technology.


Members of the jury for the case championship among students of the University “Turan”:


  1. Razakova Dina Ibragimovna – Candidate of Economic sciences, PhD, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation of the “Turan” Universit”;
  2. Beresneva Anna Sergeevna – coordinator of the business incubator “Turan”.
  3. Orazbekov Yerbolat – PhD, director of the commercialization center of the “Turan” University.

Based on the results of the public defense of projects, prizes were distributed as follows:


  • 1st place – students of the educational program “Marketing”
  • 2nd place – students of the educational program “Economics”
  • 3rd place – students of the educational program “Finance”
  • 3rd place – students of the educational program “Management”.
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