The title of “The best adviser-curator of the year” was awarded to Aiboz Zhanabergenkyzy

An adviser-curator is a teacher who performs the functions of an academic mentor of a student in the relevant specialty, assisting in choosing a learning path


But the activity of the adviser is not limited to this. Because first of all, this is a person who takes care of his wards, helps them with participation in various university events, conducts educational work, participating in the formation of the personality of a future specialist. This is a lot of work that requires a lot of patience, the ability to communicate with students, activity and diverse interests. This is the ability to ignite students and lead them.


At the University of Turan, the work of advisors is fully evaluated. For example, advisors can take part in the annual competition for the title of “Best Advisor-Curator of the Year”. And this year one of the winners of the competition was Aiboz Zhanabergenkyzy – a representative of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, a methodologist of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Economics, and, finally, just a beauty!


The Department of “MiL” congratulates Aiboz Zhanabergenkyzy on such a high achievement and wishes further success in her hard work!

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