Kazakhstan and Poland in the process of systemic transition

On February 17, 2023, an international scientific conference “Kazakhstan and Poland in the systemic transition: challenges and development prospects” was held at Turan University. The event was organized by Turan University, the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Almaty and the Scientific Council of the Poland-East Cooperation Association Józef Tymanowski, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Almaty, Józef Bryll, Chairman of the Poland-East Cooperation Association, and Alshanov Rahman Alshanovich, Rector of Turan University, spoke at the opening of the international conference.


The conference was attended by scientists from the Catholic University of Lublin, the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, the Academy of Applied Sciences in Tarnow, the Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Poland-East Cooperation Association, the chairman of the organizing committee of the seminar (Military Technological University named after Yaroslav Dombrowski) and others.


Associate professors of the department “Regional Studies and International Relations” of the University “Turan” Sh. Ishmukhamedov, candidate of political sciences, E. Asyltayeva, PhD doctor, representatives of the department “International relations and world economy” of KazNU named after al-Farabi M. Gubaidullina, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, L. Isova and A. Kulbaeva, Ph.D., Karinbaev Zhandos, political scientist, historian made presentation from Kazakhstan.


The reports of the participants of the international conference touched upon the areas of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Poland. During the conference, the prospects for economic, humanitarian, and scientific cooperation between the two countries were discussed.

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