Professor of the Department “Jurisprudence and International Law” became a member of the Scientific Advisory Council

On March 10, 2023, the first organizational meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) was held at the Constitutional Court with the participation of judges of the Constitutional Court.


The meeting discussed the issues of inviting members of the SAC as experts to discuss the annual message of the Constitutional Court on the state of legality in the country, giving expert opinions in the framework of constitutional proceedings and other topical legal issues.


It should be noted that the professor of the department “Jurisprudence and International Law” of the University “Turan”,  Doctor of Law, became a member of the SAC. Suleymanov Akif Firudinovich. University “Turan” congratulates Akif Firudinovich Suleymanov on his election to the Scientific Advisory Board and wishes him successful, fruitful work!


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