Center for Regional Studies held International Round Table on enlightenment activity of jadids in Uzbekistan

On May 25, 2023, the Center for Regional Studies at the Department of Regional Studies and International Relations of Turan University held international Round table discussion within the framework of the initiative “Cultural Space of Central Asia”. This time it discussed educational activities of Jadids of Uzbekistan in late XIX – early XX cc. in the context of intellectual history of Eurasia. The Round table was opened with welcoming words by the Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation of Turan University, Prof. D.I. Razakova, Director of the Center for Regional Studies Prof. A.K. Kamalov and Director of the “Turan Duniyasi” Foundation on Cultures of Turkic peoples K.N. Makhpirov.


The plenary part of the meeting included reports by scholars from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan on origins of ideology of Muslim reformers known as Jadidism (“jadid” means ‘new’ in Arabic), and educational activities of Jadids and their role in intellectual history of peoples of Central Asia and neighboring territories. Papers  were delivered  by  Dr. Erkin U. Baydarov, the Chief Research Associate of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B.Suleimenov of the Ministry of Science and Higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, (“Turkestan Jadidism and its contribution to intellectual history of peoples of Central Asia”), Prof., Dr. Alimzhan T. Khamrayev, Chief Research Associate of the Institute of Literature and Art named after M.O. Auezov of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (“On origin of religious and educational ideas of Jadidism in Central Asia”). Scholars from Uzbekistan also presented interesting papers: Dr. S.N. Magyarova (Mirzo Ulugbek National University) told about the life and work of Tatar jadid Nushirvan Yaushev and his trip to East Turkestan (Xinjiang). Dr. B.B Khainazarov delivered a paper entitled “Relations of the jadids of Turkestan with foreign progressive intellectuals”, Dr. R. N. Tursunov, Associate Professor of Mirzo Ulugbek National University shared results of his research on views of jadids of Turkestan of XX c. on society and economy.


Representatives of the General Consular mission of Uzbekistan in Almaty, consular and diplomatic missions of Central Asian countries in Almaty, ethno-cultural associations under the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, scholars, researchers, public figures took part in the discussion on jadids and their educational activities. Papers and discussions aroused great interest of teachers and students of Turan University who took part in the Round table. Participants of the event thanked the Center for Regional Studies of Turan University for the opportunity to discuss important issues of intellectual history of Central Asian peoples and commonality of cultures forming a single cultural space of Central Asia. International Round table was held in cooperation with Foundation on Cultures of Turkic peoples (director: K.N. Makhpirov) and Chair of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Turan University.

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