Visit of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR)

On 1 April 2024 an external expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) visited Turan University within the framework of international institutional accreditation took place.


The external visit took place in accordance with the program developed by the head of the expert group together with the IAAR coordinator and the management of the Institution of Turan University. According to the program, the results of the first day were followed by interview-meetings organized with the university management, heads of all structural units, deans of faculties, heads of departments and heads of EPs, teaching staff and students. Also, teachers and students took part in the questionnaire developed by the agency. In addition, within the framework of the external visit, the expert specialists inspected the educational and material base of the university, after which they discussed the results and summarised the results of the first day.

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