Open Day for students of the IT department of the college «Turan»

On March 15, 2024, the Marketing and Admission Campaign Department of Turan University and the Departments of Information Technology, Computer and Software Engineering and Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications held an Open Day, which was attended by about 80 students of the IT department of Turan College.


The Open Day is included in the career guidance activities of the university, including departments, to increase the number of students enrolled in educational programs.


The students of the college were addressed by: Doskhoda Rufat – General Director of Prometheus Corp LLP on the topic: “Prospects of the IT profession in the Kazakh market”, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology Ekaterina Romanovna Kim on the topic “The role of research work of university students in the training of future specialists” and Kulambayev Bakhytzhan Orazalievich – Candidate of Technical Sciences,Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications on the topic “Is a telecommunications engineer a good profession?”.


Also, the students were familiarized with the infrastructure of the university and the rules for admission to educational programs of the IT direction of Turan University: 6B06101 – Information sys tems, 6B06103 – Intelligent robotics, 7M06101 (7M06103) – Information systems, 7M06105 – IT service Management, 6B06104 – Software engineering, 6B06102 – Computer engineering and software, 7M06102 – Computing engineering and software, 6B06201 – Radio engineering, electronics, and telecommunications.


And as always, at the end of the event, the students were waiting for the Kahoot game, 3 winners of which received memorable gifts in the form of branded university products.

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