Event dedicated to the Nauryz holiday at Turan University

On April 12th, 2024 at Turan University, first-year students of the specialty “International Relations” (STEM) held a festive event called “Kosh keldin, Az Nauryz!” (organized by senior lecturer M.M. Zhagiparova from the Department of Journalism and Translation).


Kazakh people pay special attention to Nauryz, which is considered to be the beginning of a new year. On that day, they plant trees, clean springs, have feasts, and invite each other to visit. Additionally, it’s customary to exchange gifts on this holiday and not forget to please loved ones.


Event hosts Diana Boshkulova and Imangazy Moldir spoke about the history of Nauryz celebration and emphasized its importance for the next generation. The event started with a blessing from Kydyr Ata. The Shashu tradition was showcased during the event. Traditions such as “Selt Etkizer” and “Uyqyashar” were demonstrated. During the event, a quiz was held about how Nauryz is celebrated, different types of national games and traditions. Participants, who answered correctly, received symbolic prizes.


Madina Abikarova performed the kui “Erke Sylkym” to set a great mood for the event attendees. Diana Boshkulova and Saniya Sultanova contributed to the festivity  by performing the Kazakh dance. Jakupzhanova Dilnaz and Baudunova Sajidam entertained the guests with an Uighur dance performance. The event concluded with everyone singing the Nauryz Koktem song in unison.


In the second part of the event, students presented Kazakh national dishes and described how they were cooked.

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