Annual public report of Professor R. A. Alshanov, DEc, the Rector of Turan University

The annual public report of Rahman Alshanovich Alshanov – Professor, Doctor of Economics, the Rector of Turan University took place on June 28, 2024.


The Rector’s public report presents the main results of the university’s work and achievements for the 2023-2024 academic year.


Turan University, one of the largest non–state universities in Kazakhstan, has been training professional personnel for economic, scientific and cultural activities for 32 years.


The University is the winner of “Altyn Sapa” – the Award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and continues its development, implementing the most modern approaches in quality management, continuously improving the quality of educational services and research results.


This year, the University received institutional accreditation from the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) for a maximum term of 7 years.


The offline and online hearing of the report was attended by members of the public, city government agencies, media representatives, university staff and students. As invitees in the hall were present Honorary Chairman of the Board of the Association of Financiers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Turan University Akhanov S., Director General of the Association of users of scientific and educational network of Kazakhstan KAZRENA, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Turan University Japarov B.


The Rector’s public report is addressed to a wide range of stakeholders: representatives of legislative and executive authorities, students and their parents, educational communities, media representatives, public organizations and other interested persons.


The public report of the Rector of Turan University was broadcast live on the YouTube channel.


Presentation_Public Report of the Rector of Turan University

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