Ratings and accreditations



On June 17, 2024 the results of the ranking studies of the IAAR – 2024 were published.


In the general ranking of the top 20 universities Turan University took 6th place.


According to the results of the ranking studies of the IAAR – 2024 the educational programs of our university took the following positions:


At the bachelor’s level:

В047- Marketing and advertising 1st place
В046- Finance, economics, banking and insurance 1st place
В023- Directing, art management 2st place
В029 – Audiovisual aids and media production 2st place
В042- Journalism and reporting studies 3st place
В095 – Transport services 4st place
В049- Law 4st place
В041 – Psychology 4st place
В140 – International relations and diplomacy 4st place
В059- Communications and communication technologies 5st place
В044 – Management and administration 6st place
В091- Tourism 6st place
В057 – Information technologies 7st place
В045 – Audit and taxation 7st place



At the master’s level:

М028 – Directing 1st place
М037 – Cinematography 1st place
М064 – International relations 1st place
М070 – Economics 1st place
М072 – Management and administration 1st place
М074- Finance, banking and insurance 1st place
М075- Marketing and advertising 1st place
М094 – Information technologies 1st place
М147- Tourism 1st place
М066 – Psychology 3st place
М067- Journalism and reporting studies 3st place
М078- Law 3st place
М073 – Audit and taxation 3st place


At the doctoral level (PhD):

D070 – Economy 1st place
D072 – Management and administration 1st place
D074 – Finance, banking and insurance 1st place
D066 – Psychology 2st place
D078- Law 3st place
In 2023, Turan University took part in the ranking of university bachelor's educational programs, which Atameken, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conducts annually!

According to the results of the published results of rating studies of educational programs of universities of NCE RK “Atameken” – 2023, the following educational programs of our university are included in the top 10:


  • World Economy
  • Logistics
  • Public Relations
  • Restaurant and Hotel Business
  • Finance
  • International law
  • International Relations
  • Psychology

On June 8, 2023 the results of the ranking studies of the IAAR -2023 were published.


In the general ranking of the top 20 universities Turan University took 6th place.


According to the results of the ranking studies of the IAAR -2023 the educational programs of our university took the following positions:


At the bachelor’s level:


В046- Finance, economics, banking and insurance 1st place
В047- Marketing and advertising 2st place
В023- Directing, art management 2st place
В029 – Audiovisual aids and media production 2st place
В093- Restaurant business and hotel management 2st place
В140 – International relations and diplomacy 3st place
В042- Journalism and reporting studies 3st place
В095 – Transport services 3st place
В049- Law 4st place
В041 – Psychology 4st place
В044 – Management and administration 5st place
В045 – Audit and taxation 5st place
В057 – Information technologies 5st place
В059- Communications and communication technologies 7st place


At the master’s level:


М037 – Cinematography 1st place
М028- Directing 2st place
М070 – Economics 2st place
М074- Finance, banking and insurance 2st place
М075- Marketing and advertising 2st place
М072 – Management and administration 2st place
М064 – International relations 3st place
М067- Journalism and reporting studies 3st place
М073 – Audit and taxation 3st place
М147- Tourism 3st place
М066 – Psychology 4st place
М078- Law 4st place
М094 – Information technologies 5st place


At the doctoral level (PhD):⠀⠀


D066 – Psychology 1st place
D070 – Economy 1st place
D072 – Management and administration 1st place
D074- Finance,  banking and insurance 1st place
D078- Law 3st place
«TURAN» University in 2022 took part in the ranking of undergraduate educational programmes of universities, which is conducted annually by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK «Atameken»!

According to the results of published results of rating research of educational programmes of universities of National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken» – 2022 the leading positions were taken by the following undergraduate educational programmes of our university:


  • Tourism
  • Restaurant and Hospitality Management
  • Information Systems
  • Computer Engineering and Software Переводческое дело
  • Finance
  • Radio, electronics and telecommunications Учет и аудит
  • Economics
  • Journalism
  • Management
  • Logistics
  • Marketing
  • International Law
Certificate of accreditation subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activity
Turan University took 7th place in the National Ranking of the Demand for Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2022!

On June 21, 2022 the results of the ranking studies of the IAAR -2022 were published.


In the general ranking of the top 20 universities “Turan” University took 7th place.


According to the results of the ranking studies of the IAAR -2022 the educational programs of our university took the following positions:


At the bachelor’s level:


6В046- Finance, Economics, Banking and Insurance 1st place
6В023- Directing, art management 2st place
6В029 – Audiovisual media and media production 2st place
6В047- Marketing and advertising 2st place
6В091- Tourism 3st place
6В040 – Political Science and Civics 4st place
6В041 – Psychology 5st place
6В042- Journalism and reporter’s work 5st place
6В044 – Management and Administration 5st place
6В045 – Audit and Taxation 5st place
6В057 – Information Technology 5st place
6В049- Law 6st place


At the master’s level:


7М037 – Operator’s art 1st place
7М028- Directing 2st place
7М070 – Economy 2st place
7М074- Finance, Economics, Banking and Insurance 2st place
7М075- Marketing and advertising 2st place
7М072 – Management and Administration 3st place
7М073 – Audit and Taxation 3st place
7М078- Law 3st place
7М064 – International Relations 4st place
7М067- Journalism and reporter’s work 4st place
7М094 – Information Technology 5st place
7М066 – Psychology 6st place


At the doctoral level (PhD):

8D070 – Economy 1st place
8D072 – Management and Administration 1st place
8D074- Finance, Economics, Banking and Insurance 1st place
8D066 – Psychology 3st place
8D078- Law 3st place


Turan University is included in the International Rankings of Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking and QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia ranking.

Turan University is institutionally accredited without conditions. The accreditation is valid until 30 September 2028
The study programs of Turan University are accredited without any conditions. The accreditation is valid until 30 September 2030

Accreditation of study programs of ACQUIN Turan University (decision): Computer Hardware and Software Engineering (Bachelor/Master), Journalism (Bachelor/Master), lnformation Systems (Bachelor/Master), Logistics (Bachelor), Restaurant Business and Hospitality (Bachelor), Tourism (Bachelor/Master), Translation Studies (Bachelor)

Accreditation of study programs of ACQUIN Turan University (decision): Accounting and Audit (Bachelor/Master), Economics (Bachelor/Master/PhD), Finance (Bachelor/Master/PhD), International Law (Bachelor), International Relations (Bachelor/Master), Jurisprudence (Bachelor/Master/PhD), Management (Bachelor/Master/PhD), Marketing (Bachelor/Master), Psychology (Bachelor/Master/PhD)

Turan University took part in the rating of educational programs of universities “Atameken” NCE RK – 2021!

On February 3, 2022, the results of rating studies of educational programs of universities of “Atameken” NCE RK – 2021 were published.


According to the rating results, the following educational programs of our university entered the top ten:


  • Marketing
  • International relations
  • Global economy
  • Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications
  • Computer technology and software
  • Accounting and auditing
  • Restaurant and hotel business
  • Logistics
  • State and local government
  • International law
Turan University took the 6th place in the National ranking of demand for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2021!



On May 18, 2021, the results of rating studies for IAAR – 2021 were published. More than 85 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the national ranking. In the overall ranking in 2021, our university took the 6th place.

According to the results of the rating studies for IAAR -2021, the educational programs of our university took the following position


At the undergraduate level:


  • 6B04 Business, Management and Law 2nd place
  • 6B03 Social sciences, journalism and information 3rd place
  • 6B11 Services 3rd place
  • 6B06 Information and communication technologies 8th place

At the Master’s level:


  • 7M04 Business, Management and Law 3rd place
  • 7M03 Social Sciences, Journalism and Information 6th place
  • 7M06 Information and communication technologies 9th place

At the doctoral level (PhD):


  • 8D03 Social Sciences, Journalism and Information 4th place
  • 8D04 Business, Management and Law 4th place
Turan University is a winner of Altyn Sapa Award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The quality management system of Turan University complies with ISO 9001: 2015
The quality management system of Turan University complies with ISO 9001: 2015

General rating of TOP 20 universities of Kazakhstan – 2020 (IAAR)


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Рейтинг образовательных программ НААР – 2020


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1 place:


  • B046- Finance, economics, banking and insurance
  • B047- Marketing and advertising
  • В041- Psychology
  • В093- Restaurant and hotel business
  • М074- Finance, banking and insurance
  • М072- Management and administration
  • М075- Marketing and advertising
  • М037 – Cinematography

2 place: 


  • Theatrical art
  • B095 – Transport service
  • M029 – Film directing
  • M067 – Journalism and reporting

3 place: 


  • В045 – Audit and taxation
  • B040 – Political Science and Citizenship,
  • B042 – Journalism and reporting
  • M070 – Economy
  • M066 – Psychology

National Ranking for Innovation and Academic Excellence – Kazakhstan 2050, РРА

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National Ranking for Innovation and Academic Excellence – Kazakhstan 2050, РРА (on educational programs)

1 place:


  • B047- Marketing and advertising

2 place:


  • M075 – M075 – Marketing and advertising

3 place:


  • В046 – Finance, economics, banking and insurance
  • В042 – Journalism and reporting
  • M072 – Management and administration
Reports of the IAAR External Expert Commission on the results of accreditation
Republican Rating Agency - 2019

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1 place:


  • Camera art (bachelor)
  • Directing (bachelor)
  • Camera art (Master Degree Program)
  • Directing(Master Degree Program)
  • Management(PhD)
  • Finance(PhD)

2 place:


  • Jurisprudence (bachelor)
  • Journalism (bachelor)
  • World economy(bachelor)
  • Finance (bachelor)
  • Tourism (Master Degree Program)
  • Jurisprudence (Master Degree Program)
  • Journalism (Master Degree Program)
  • Economics (Master Degree Program)
  • Jurisprudence (PhD)
  • Economics (PhD)

3 place:


  • Tourism (bachelor)
  • Management (bachelor)
  • Finance (Master Degree Program)
  • Management (Master Degree Program)
Reports of the IAAR External Expert Commission on the results of accreditation
Online admissions