International relations


The code of the educational program: 6B03101


Academic degree: Bachelor of Social Sciences


Form of study: full-time, full-time with a shortened period


Duration of study:


  • 4 years after secondary education
  • 3 years after secondary professional education
  • 2 years after higher education


The purpose of the International Relations educational program is to train highly qualified international bachelors with basic knowledge of assessing modern global processes in political, economic and diplomatic aspects; able to understand the main directions of foreign policy of foreign states, the peculiarities of their diplomacy and relations with Kazakhstan; navigate the modern dynamics and prospects of development of the system of international relations; apply in practice the basics of diplomatic etiquette and protocol; demonstrate knowledge in the organization of business activities, analyzing competitiveness in the labor market; use professional foreign languages in intercultural communication.


The features of the educational program “International Relations” are:


  • Learning two foreign languages (English – the main one, Chinese/Turkish – optional). Students will study foreign languages throughout the entire period of study, starting from the first year;
  • Formation of knowledge about the peculiarities of the professional activities of state structures involved in the sphere of international relations – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, public administration bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as organizations working in the field of world politics and the world economy; the ability to navigate the mechanisms of multilateral and integration diplomacy.
  • Study of the main directions of foreign policy of leading foreign countries, the peculiarities of relations with Kazakhstan
  • Proficiency in monitoring the dynamics of the main characteristics of international security systems, analyzing the features and development of globalization in the context of national and international security
  • Understanding of the architecture of international systems, the ability to determine the goals and principles of the activities of international and regional organizations; to assess the role and influence of international institutions on the foreign policy activities of Kazakhstan

Turan University has a “Center for cooperation with international organizations”, within the framework of which various events are held for both students and teachers.


A memorandum of mutual cooperation was signed between the United Nations Office in Kazakhstan and Turan University


For students of the EP “International Relations” lectures and master classes are conducted by a representative of the UN Department of Global Communications V.Samek, Head of the Department of Political Cooperation of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty A.Arenova. Separate training sessions are held on the basis of the UN Office in Kazakhstan.


Students of the International Relations EP annually take part in the international conference “TURAN MUN”, which is aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge gained and the formation of practical skills necessary in professional activities. The conference takes place in the form of a role-playing game in which students reproduce the work of UN committees.


Students of the EP “International Relations” are trained as part of the academic mobility program. In the period from 2020 to 2022, students studied at universities in Poland, South Korea and Turkey.


Students of the EP “International Relations” take prizes in republican competitions of scientific works of students and undergraduates, and are also awarded diplomas for active participation in international scientific and practical conferences


At the Department of “Regional Studies and International Relations” since 2020, the “Center for Regional Studies” has been operating within the framework of which active scientific activity is conducted


Program features


The specifics of the educational program “International Relations” consists in a comprehensive study of the state of international relations, the features of global processes in world politics, the place and role of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of international relations. As part of the training, students will gain knowledge about the principles of overcoming differences at the international level, the main tools used in the preparation and conclusion of international agreements, organization and negotiation. Students will be proficient in at least two foreign languages, apply them to solve professional and managerial tasks.


According to the results of the Rating of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on educational programs in accordance with the levels and areas of training of specialists conducted by NCE “Atameken”, in 2021 the educational program “International Relations” (bachelor’s degree) took 5th place.


Current and exclusive courses

  1. Diplomatic and Consular service
  2. The history of international relations in modern times
  3. Chinese (Turkish) language
  4. The modern system of international relations
  5. Modern problems of the Ministry of Defense
  6. Theory of international relations
  7. The technique of conducting diplomatic negotiations
  8. “Big Game” in Central Asia in the twentieth century.
  9. Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  10. Influence of world powers on Central Asia
  11. Issues of religious extremism in modern international relations
  12. Globalization and geopolitics
  13. Business correspondence in the Eastern language
  14. Chinese diplomacy in Central Asia
  15. Public international law
  16. International business
  17. World economy and regions
  18. Modern conflicts and methods of their settlement
  19. Central Asia in the system of regional relations
  20. Ethics of business relations in the Eastern language
  21. Current problems of world politics
  22. Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  23. Diplomatic documentation
  24. Multilateral diplomacy
  25. Academic writing in English
  26. Western diplomacy in Central Asia in the XX century
  27. Kazakhstan and the UN
  28. International and European security
  29. International organizations
  30. Methodology and methods of research
  31. National security and international relations
  32. The main stages of the development of the European Union

Our partners

External partners:

  • Arel University (Turkey)
  • Kastamonu University (Turkey)
  • Ankara Center for Crisis and Policy Studies (ANKASAM)
  • Istanbul University (Istanbul)
  • Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RPANEPA)
  • Volgograd State University
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky
  • Free University of Varna (Poland)

 Internal partners:

  • UN Office in Kazakhstan
  • Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty
  • Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KISI)
  • Red Crescent Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (CAREC)
  • Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • “Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies” Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Eurasian Research Institute
  • Kazakhstan Center for Humanitarian and Political Conjuncture
  • Association of Stependiates of the Bolashaq International Stependia
  • Center for Scientific Information and Political Analysis

Career prospects

  • Referent
  • Diplomat
  • Specialist in international cooperation
  • International Relations Specialist
  • Foreign Policy Observer
  • Expert analyst
  • Analyst in the field of world politics
  • Specialist of the Protocol and Event Planning Department
  • Interpreter
  • Assistant-interpreter


The master’s program in the areas of 7M03101- International Relations (master’s degree is a scientific and pedagogical direction), 7M03105 – International Relations (master’s degree is a specialized direction) provides an opportunity to study and evaluate world politics, explore and analyze the dynamics of the development of national, regional and global aspects of international relations.


The educational process in educational programs 7M03101-International relations (master’s degree – scientific and pedagogical direction), 7M03105 – International relations (master’s degree – specialized direction) is organized according to the following forms of training: specialized master’s program – 1 year; Scientific and pedagogical magistracy – 2 years of study.


The language of studying is Kazakh, Russian, English. Graduates are awarded the academic degree Master of Social Sciences in the educational program 7M03101 – International Relations (master’s degree – scientific and pedagogical direction) and Master of Social Studies in the educational program 7M03105 – International Relations (master’s degree – profile).


In the framework of the educational program 7M03101-International Relations (Master’s program – scientific and pedagogical direction), 7M03105 – International Relations (Master’s program – specialized field) from 2017-18 academic year, students are offered the choice of educational areas:


  • Area 1 – China’s foreign policy and international relations
  • Area 2 – Foreign policy and international relations of Turkey

Students are given the opportunity to choose an additional foreign language: Chinese or Turkish, as well as the entrepreneurial component.


Academic degree: Master of social sciences


Specialty code: 


7M03101 – scientific and pedagogical direction

7M03105 – specialized direction


Entry exams: comprehensive exam + foreign language


Form of studying: full-time


Period of studying: 1 and 2 years after higher education


Eductional programs:


  • Internship programs for master students with good grades
  • Scientific courses in English
  • Language club that helps students improve their English, Chinese, Turkish
  • Leading Foreign Professors
  • Professors with extensive experience in the embassies of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Participation in the University projects and its partners (MUN, AISEC, Mevlana)

Current and exclusive courses:


  • Chinese language
  • Turkish language
  • Features of scientific research of international relations
  • Actual problems of international relations
  • PRC/Turkey foreign policy priority strategy
  • Theory of international relations
  • Theory of postcolonialism
  • Political vocabulary of the Chinese language
  • Political vocabulary of the Turkish language
  • Modern political system of China
  • Modern political system of Turkey
  • Central Asia in world politics
  • Central Asia in the world economy and energy
  • Turkey in the system of modern geopolicy
  • China in the system of modern geopolicy
  • Central Asia in the modern geopolitical system
  • Eurasian studies

The specifics of the educational program is an in-depth study of foreign languages – English and the language of the country of specialization, which are Turkish and Chinese. At the same time, the language training of master students is enhanced through the introduction of multilingual education. Undergraduates are taught courses in English on the theory and history of international relations: “Theory of international relations”, “Theory of postcolonializm”, “Nation and History”. Also introduced courses on the study of Chinese or Turkish: “Chinese (Turkish)”, “Political vocabulary of the Chinese (Turkish).”


Our partners:


External partners


  • Arel University (Turkey)
  • Kastamonu University (Turkey)
  • Ankara Center for Crisis and Policy Studies (ANKASAM)
  • Istanbul University (Istanbul)
  • Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RPANEPA)
  • Volgograd State University
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky
  • Free University of Varna (Poland)

 Internal partners


  • UN Office in Kazakhstan
  • Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty
  • Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KISI)
  • Red Crescent Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (CAREC)
  • Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • “Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies” Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Eurasian Research Institute
  • Kazakhstan Center for Humanitarian and Political Conjuncture
  • Association of Stependiates of the Bolashaq International Stependia
  • Center for Scientific Information and Political Analysis

International programs:


  • Arel University (Turkey)
  • The University of Kastamonu (Turkey)
  • Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
  • Eastern Mediterranean University (Northern Cyprus)

Our master students make internships, go to summer schools of our partners. They also participate in the AISEC volunteer project, in the project of the Turkish government of Mevlan.


Career prospects:


The knowledge allows graduates to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, embassies and consulates of the Republic of Kazakhstan, various government bodies and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan working in the field of foreign relations, world politics, international organizations and transnational corporations.


  • Assistant Consultant in the field of regional policy and economics
  • Foreign Policy Observer- interpreter
  • Assistant interpreter
  • Lecturer of secondary and higher educational institutions
Online admissions