Turan University’s Commercialization Center Participated in HULT PRIZE DEMO DAY
Email: e.orazbekuly@turan-edu.kz
Contacts: 260-40-00 ext.860
050013 Republic of Kazakhstan,16-A Satpayev st., Almaty
The strategic goal of the center is the commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities of scientists and the coordination of scientific research by teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students of the university, aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the laws of development of nature, society, man and contributing to the technological, economic, social and cultural development of Kazakhstan.
Our mission is to use the technologies, experience and infrastructure of the research centers and business resources of Turan University to create new innovative products and develop existing projects.
Improving the effectiveness of research and development in the field of commercialization of the results of intellectual activity (RIA) and the transfer of technologies created in the course of research, applied, innovative projects and other creative activities.
The staff of the center includes a director and a business incubator coordinator. – The director, PhD, Erbolat Orazbekuly, is a wide-profile engineer-technologist, scientist-developer, techno-broker (participated in the launch of more than 10 projects, including personally launching 2 operational innovative productions, won 3 grant fundings), practicing expert in the field of Lean Six Sigma (Lean Manufacturing) and Lean Startup, technical expert in the field of validation and verification of GHG emissions, has 8 publications in foreign journals with a high citation rating, more than 20 publications and thesis-reports in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, 3 innovative patents, 1 copyright for development, since 2011 a Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS, USA), since 2018 a Member of the international working group of experts “Development of Analytical Procedures Q14 and Revision of the Analytical Validation Procedure Q2(R1)” in ICH (International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) Switzerland, former Member of the Council for Grant Funding of the National Agency for the Development of Innovations “Qazinnovations” MICIAP (2022), First Vice-President of the NGO “Association of Business Incubators and Accelerators of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, member of the Public Council of the Science Fund (since 2023).
The Association is a unique platform for supporting promising high-tech projects and budding entrepreneurs, with the goal of helping startups develop to the stage of financing and market entry.
The Association was created to assist in the development of the innovative-technological ecosystem, the formulation of a common development strategy, methodological approaches, ways to improve the quality of breakthrough innovation projects, finding financing and new models of integration with local as well as foreign private venture funds and their divisions. The Association is the first and only association of legal entities in the field of the development of the innovative-technological ecosystem of startups in Kazakhstan.
The Association includes 22 members: 19 universities of Kazakhstan, 2 venture funds, 1 IT-HUB.
As a partner of the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) in developing a new approach to innovation policy in the countries with transition economies within the framework of the UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), the Association became the pilot coordinator for the development of the network of business incubators in Kazakhstan under this program.
The Association also has the AUBIAK innovation ecosystem community, which includes more than 300 members.