Institute of World Economy and International Relations

The Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Kazakhstan (IWEIR) was founded in June 2014 by a team of scientists and the Turan University (Kazakhstan) to conduct fundamental research on current issues in the world economy and international relations.


The Institute of World Economy and International Relations was created to conduct scientific research and achieve educational goals.


The Institute was created as a non-profit organization designed to promote the development of scientific research in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the broad involvement of young scientists and students in master’s and doctoral programs.

The main objectives of the Institution are:
  1. Organization and implementation of scientific research, scientific and technical and experimental work in the field of global economy and international relations, consulting activities; study of the economic situation of foreign countries and preparation of forecasts and models of the impact on the Republic of Kazakhstan of processes occurring in the world;
  2. Monitoring and analysis of the situation in the global economy to forecast and identify opportunities for the development of the economy of Kazakhstan;
  3. Analysis of the competitiveness of Kazakhstani products to determine promising sales markets and form mutually beneficial foreign economic and foreign policy relations;
  4. Study of the country and regional structure of foreign trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  5. Scientific examination of programs, projects, recommendations, other documents and materials on the profile of the work;
  6. Conducting scientific conferences and round tables to discuss and develop recommendations on current issues of the economy and politics of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  7. Deepening professional knowledge, skills and abilities by obtaining additional qualifications; conducting various types of practices and internships for students in the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs Ph.D.
  8. Organization and implementation of advanced training and professional retraining;
  9. Maintenance of scientific and educational activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan; sale of educational and methodological literature; printing activities; provision of legal services; trade and procurement activities; leasing, subleasing of residential and non-residential premises; provision of consulting services;
  10. Other types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Institute performs the following functions:
  1. Conducting scientific research, experimental and implementation work in promising areas of science, providing consulting and information services to enterprises, organizations, and individuals;
  2. Participation in the implementation of state, industry and regional target scientific and technical programs and plans;
  3. Ensuring advanced training and retraining of personnel in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  4. Organization of publishing activities;
  5. Organization of cooperation with domestic and foreign partners in matters of improving the qualifications and retraining of employees;
  6. Attracting additional sources of financial and material resources for the implementation of statutory activities in accordance with the procedure established by law.


Certain types of activities which, in accordance with legislative acts, may be carried out only on the basis of a license, will be carried out by the Institute if such a license is available.


The Institute carries out international cooperation in the field of scientific and pedagogical activities, professional training and retraining of specialists; foreign economic activity in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Today, the Institute actively participates in the implementation of national projects covering both fundamental and applied scientific research, including:


  • Integration effects of cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) – project with registration number 0114РК00380 (2014–2017). Despite the formal completion, the research continues, a monograph has been prepared.
  • Kazakhstan model of socio-economic development in accordance with the Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2030” – registration number 0114РК00381 (2014-2020).
  • Program-targeted financing of the scientific project BR18574168 (jointly with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University) (2022–2024) on the topic “The role of Kazakhstan in deepening regional integration of Central Asian countries and sustainable development goals in the context of global trends”.


The Institute also constantly monitors competitions for grant funding for scientific research announced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken” and other organizations.



The Institute’s team also participates in additional competitions:


  • National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken” (preparation of a scientific review of the prospects for economic integration in Central Asia with the participation of Uzbekistan);
  • The Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan – a competition for program-targeted financing for scientific, scientific and technical programs (fundamental and applied scientific research) in the following priority area of scientific development: Scientific foundations of “Mangilik el” (education of the 21st century, fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities). (Formation and development of a common labor market in the EAEU);


Two PhD doctors have been trained in the main research topic of the institute, two employees have become “Best Teachers” of the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, three employees are currently studying in the PhD program at the Turan University and are researching issues of integration interaction in the EAEU, in Central Asia, problems of coupling the EBSR and the Nurly Zhol program, and the youngest researcher has successfully completed his studies in the scientific and pedagogical master’s program. Another two employees are preparing to enter the doctoral program.


At the institute, master’s and doctoral students have the opportunity to undergo research practice and scientific internships.



Practice and internship are aimed at:


  • In-depth study of scientific methods and methodologies within the context of ongoing research.
  • Working with leading scientists and participating in joint scientific projects.
  • Development of practical skills in the field of data collection, processing and analysis.
  • Publication of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Exchange of experience with international partners and participation in academic mobility.


The Institute provides the resources and academic guidance necessary to successfully conduct research and prepare dissertations.


IWEIR’s research activities are based on a widely developed system of international scientific relations:


  • The Institute constantly receives invitations to briefings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan on current issues of the world economy and the most important international events with the participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This fact indicates the recognition of our Institute by the relevant ministry.
  • Russian Federation – our partners are scientists from MGIMO University (MFA of Russia), Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Eurasian Economic Commission.


In addition to jointly publishing a monograph and participating in international scientific conferences, we jointly participate in competitions for grant funding for scientific research both in Kazakhstan and in Russia.


Our employees are members of editorial boards and editorial boards of our partners’ scientific publications and journals.


In the spring of 2018, together with colleagues from the Russian Federation, we have already published 3 articles in publications indexed in Web of Science, RINTS.


  • People’s Republic of China – as part of the delegation of heads of scientific institutes and research centers through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in June 2018, scientific ties were established with the Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, the Institute of Eastern Europe, CIS, Russia and Central Asia of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the Department of International Relations of the Government of Qingdao (meeting of the heads of SCO in June 2018).


At three round tables, possible topics for joint scientific research were discussed; colleagues suggested publishing in their scientific journals and participating in joint scientific conferences.


  • European Union. Scientific Expert Club “Lisbon-Vladivostok”. The Institute’s employees are members of the working group headed by Ulf Schneider (Schneider Group Corporation) “Single Economic Space from Lisbon to Vladivostok”. In the future, partial funding of scientific research by the corporation is possible.
  • Turkey: Long-term strategic scientific relations have been established with Turkish scientists.


A seminar by Prof. A.A. Arupov was held at the Eurasian Research Institute.


The staff of our institute took part in the 3rd International Congress on Economics, Finance and Energy: “The Impact of Geopolitical Shifts on the Real and Financial Sectors of the Economy”. The 2015 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, Professor Aziz Sanjar, took part in the congress.


A report was presented by the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (Turan University)


  • France. The staff of our institute translated and published the monograph of Professor Jean-Paul Guichard (University of Nice, France) “The Chinese Party-State and Multinational Firms”. It is proposed to hold a joint international scientific and practical conference on this issue in Paris. Sponsors are being sought.
  • Italy. There are agreements on cooperation with Giulietto Chiesa.

050013, Republic of Kazakhstan

Almaty, 16a Satpayev street,


Mobile phone: +7 701 72 20 800, +7 705 53 57 000 

Email: ,


Phone/Fax: +7 727 260 04 00, +7 727 260 07 00

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