Academic mobility

Academic mobility is transferring a student or faculty and researchers to another higher educational institution (inside the country or abroad) to a certain academic period (including undergoing study or industrial internship) usually for a semester of an academic year, to study or conduct research, under the condition that completed educational courses are required to be accepted in the form of academic credits by home university  in accordance with the established procedure.

Documents required for participation in academic mobility

  • Application for participation in the academic mobility program;
  • Copy of passport;
  • Transcript;
  • List of disciplines to study at “Turan” University for the expected period (Working curriculum at the head of the department)
  • A certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language (or a certificate in English on an official letterhead signed by the head of the Department of English and Kazakh languages confirming the level of knowledge);
  • Awards, certificates, publications, etc.

Academic mobility from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MES of the RK) offers grants to study for 1-2 semesters in leading universities of Europe and USA on the level of bachelor’s degree.


Financing is undertaken from the republican budget and covers airfare, accommodation (student dormitory or apartment), visa expenses, medical insurance.


Erasmus+ is a non-profit program of the European Union, operating from 2014 to 2020, aimed at supporting cooperation and exchange of students and teachers between universities of the EU member States, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, and Turkey. More than 4,000 educational institutions from 33 countries participate in Erasmus+.


The name of the program comes from the name of the Dutch philosopher Erasmus of Rotterdam, who lived and worked in many European cities to expand his horizons and gain new knowledge. At the same time, the word Erasmus is an acronym that stands for “the European community’s action Plan for increasing the mobility of University students”.


The main goals of the program are to improve the quality of education in Europe, develop mobility and cultural ties of students from European and neighboring countries. The program allows students and teachers to complete training, internships, or teach in another participating country.


Candidates who wish to study under the Erasmus+ program are selected on a competitive basis. Students must meet the following requirements:

  • be students of at least 2 years of study at Turan University;
  • have an average score determined by the host University;
  • speak the language of instruction at the host University.

The winner is selected by the sending University. The duration of training and internship is from 3 months to 1 year, in total-up to 2 years. Participation in the program is only possible 1 time for the educational program and 1 time for work practice. Erasmus+ guarantees participants that subjects completed abroad will be counted by the sending University upon their return home.


Students do not pay for their studies at the host University; all expenses are covered by the European Union. Students also receive a monthly stipend to cover expenses abroad.


For many students, participation in the Erasmus+ program is the first opportunity to live and study abroad. As a result, the Erasmus experience is known as a cultural phenomenon. This is an opportunity not only to get additional education, but also to connect with peers from other countries.


Current Erasmus+ competitions are published on the website and social networks of the University and the Department of international cooperation.

Zero grant Erasmus+

“Zero-grant” Erasmus students have the right to mobility with the purpose of learning. These are students who meet all the criteria and enjoy all the privileges of Erasmus students, but do not receive funding (grant) from the EU for mobility. The Program rules, with the exception of those related to the provision of financial support, also apply to students with a “Zero-grant”.

“Mevlana” Exchange Program

“Mevlana” Exchange Program is a program which aims the exchange of students and academic staff between the Turkish higher education institutions and Turan University. In the framework of this program, Students are given the opportunity to study at one of the universities of Turkey abroad for one (minimum) or two (maximum) semesters and academic staff conduct lectures from one week (minimum) to three months (maximum).

Announcement on application for participation in the exchange program “Mevlana” will be sent to the Directors of institutes and heads of departments for dissemination of information, and also posted on the official website of Turan University (as well as in social networks, such as Instagram @univer_turan).

Requirements for participation in the “Mevlana” exchange Program

Students (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral students):

  • A copy of passport of the Kazakhstan citizen (or National ID);
  • Student should not have been participated in “Mevlana” exchange program before;
  • Document that certifies the level of English or Turkish. (certificate confirming the level of foreign language proficiency).
  • Average GPA: undergraduate students – at least 2.5 out of 4.0; Graduate and postgraduate students – at least 3.00 out of 4.0.

Academic staff

  • A copy of passport of the Kazakhstan citizen (or National ID);
  • Professor (leturer) should not have been participated in “Mevlana” exchange program before;
  • Document that certifies the level of English or Turkish. (certificate confirming the level of foreign language proficiency).
  • Provide CV, list of publications, plan of lectures/seminars;
  • Conduct lectures at least 6 hours a week.

Financial support

For students

Students do not pay tuition and do not incur any additional expenses in favor of the host University under the “Mevlana” exchange program, but continue to pay tuition fee at the University from which they came. “Mevlana” exchange program provides students with free tuition with a monthly stipend of 1200-1300 TL supported by the Turkish higher education Council (YOK). Scholarships will be paid to students on a monthly basis for 4 months after their arrival at the host University.

For academic staff

“Mevlana” exchange program funds are allocated to cover daily expenses of 45-55 TL per day for academic staff. It also covers transport costs in the amount of 3000-3500 TL.

Turan University faculty participated in the Erasmus+ KA171 program at the University of Management Personnel

From September 28 to October 4, 2024, professors of Turan University, Gulzhanat Tayauova and Gaukhar Niyetalina, taught at the University of Management Personnel in Konin, Poland, as part of the European Union’s Erasmus+ KA171 program.


During their stay in Poland, the professors met with the rector of the University of Management Personnel, Professor Krzysztof Kupinski, and representatives of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Professor Olena Ivashko and Vice-Rector Ihor Chulipa, as well as the lecturer of the European University in Georgia, Guram Sherozia. They discussed opportunities for research collaboration between the universities.


The Erasmus+ mobility program promotes the exchange of experiences, broadens the professional horizons of faculty and students, and strengthens international educational ties.

University professor from Turan University participated in the Erasmus+ KA171 academic mobility program

From April 8 to April 12, 2024, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Radiotechnics, Electronics, and Telecommunications at Turan University, Bakhytzhan Kulambayev, took part in the academic mobility program at Rzeszow University of Technology within the European Union’s ERASMUS+ KA171 program.


Rzeszow University of Technology is one of the well-known public universities in Poland, with approximately 17,000 students enrolled in 31 different educational programs.


During his time there, Bakhytzhan Kulambayev conducted classes for bachelor’s students on the following topics: “Introduction to Operating Systems,” “Structure of Operating Systems,” “Processes,” “Threads,” “Process Synchronization,” and “CPU Scheduling.”


The collaboration between Turan University and Rzeszow University of Technology was deemed highly productive, opening new perspectives for further cooperation in the fields of science and education. Opportunities for joint research projects, exchange of experiences and knowledge, as well as the organization of joint events for students and faculty from both universities, were discussed.

From March 18 to 22, 2024, teachers of Turan University took part in academic mobility at the University of Kalisz (Uniwersytet Kaliski im. Prezydenta Stanisława Wojciechowskiego) within the framework of the European Union’s Erasmus+ KA171 program, which aims to support the mobility of teachers and other higher education workers. The University of Kalisz is one of the well-known public universities in Poland, where about 3,200 students study in 40 different educational programs.


Representatives of the “World and National Economy”, “Management”, “Regional Studies and International Relations” Departments of the Turan University conducted classes in English for 1st and 2nd year Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees students of the University of Kalisz.


Tamenova Saltanat Sarsenbaevna, director of the Center for Innovative Development of the Region, candidate of economic sciences, professor-researcher at the “Management” Department, conducted classes on the “Entrepreneurship” course.


Abaidullayeva Madina Maratzhanovna, PhD, associate professor-researcher of the “World and National Economy” Department, conducted classes on the “International business” course.


Ishmukhamedov Sharip Abdrakhmanovich, candidate of political sciences, associate professor of the “Regional studies and international relations” Department, conducted classes on the “Integration processes and International Security” course.


Developing a course of lectures and practical exercises, the teachers focused on conducting a comparative analysis of various aspects of economic and entrepreneurial activities, as well as the foreign policy of Poland and Kazakhstan, in order to identify similarities and differences in country development, as well as identify possible cooperation strategies with students.


During their stay at the University of Kalisz, the teachers also discussed the possibilities of research collaboration with representatives of the host university. Such events promote the exchange of experience between universities, broaden the horizons of teachers and students, and also help strengthen international relations in the field of education.


Participation in the Erasmus+ KA171 program is part of the development strategy of Turan University in the field of international cooperation and improving the quality of education. Thanks to the program, our teachers improved their professional and language skills, enriched teaching materials and methods, and also contributed to strengthening international partnerships between universities.

In the autumn semester of 2021-2022, 7 teaching staff and employees of Turan University traveled to foreign universities within the framework of the Erasmus+ PPVO, Erasmus+ Mobility, etc. programs.


In September 2021, Vice-Rector for External Relations and Doctoral Studies G. J. Tayauova held a number of meetings with rectors of universities in Turkey. As a result, 10 memoranda were signed and an agreement was reached on close cooperation in various areas of higher education.

In the period from September 22 to 26, 2021, the head of the International Cooperation Department, G.E. Kuttybayeva, participated in the discussion of the implementation of the ERASMUS+ LMQS Asociatia PARTENER project, (Bucharest, Romania). The meeting was attended by project developers from universities in France, Greece, Romania, Russia and Kazakhstan. Also, the main issue of the meeting was the development of a new Erasmus+ PPVO project.


In the period from October 11 to 15, 2021, the director of the Department of Doctoral Studies, G.K. Nietalina, within the framework of the Erasmus+ (teaching mobility) program, conducted a series of classes on the course “Effective Management and Ethical Leadership” at Calisia University (Kalisz, Poland).

In the period from December 13 to December 17, 2021, the head of the Department of Management, E.M. Eralina, within the framework of the Erasmus+ (teaching mobility) program, visited the University of Economics of Varna, Bulgaria with a course of lectures for students on the topic “Management in conditions of uncertainty”.


In the period from October 27 to November 9, 2021, A.H. Nazhmitdinov, the director of the GSB visited the universities of Tashkent and Namangan, Uzbekistan in order to develop a new project and exchange experience.


In the period from October 1, 2021 to July 30, 2022, a professor of the Department of Regional Studies and IR is undergoing a Fulbright research internship at George Washington University, USA.

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