IV International scientific and practical conference on the topic “Actual problems of legislation and law enforcement practice in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the University “Turan”

On November 11, 2022 at the University “Turan” at 10.00 the Research Institute of Law together with the Department “Jurisprudence and International Law” held the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic “Current problems of legislation and law enforcement practice in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the University “Turan”.


The current problems of legislation and law enforcement practice in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries were discussed at the international scientific and practical conference.


A few words about the program of the event.


The conference was attended by leading legal scientists, university professors.


Zhanat Kulzhabayeva, Advisor to the Director of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD, Associate Professor and Razakova Dina Ibragimovna, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Science and Innovation of Turan University, PhD, delivered a welcoming speech.


Duisenov Yerkin Ermanovich, Advisor to the Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Law, Professor, also made reports on the topic: “Constitutional reform: problems and solutions”, Zhusupov Alpysbay Dyusembayevich, Professor of KAZGUU JSC University (Astana), Doctor of Law, Professor, “On the role of the state in improving the financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Mukhamedzhanov Eduard Bulatovich, Professor Kazumoimya, Doctor of Law, Professor, “Reflections on amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2022”, Rustemova Gauhar Rustembekovna, researcher at the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Esbulatova, Doctor of Law, Professor, “On the modernization of the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on medical criminal offenses”.


Karagusov Farhad Sergeevich, member of the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL), Chief Researcher of the Institute of Private Law of the Caspian University, Doctor of Law, Professor, “Perception of the legal concept of a legal entity of public law in the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan is necessary”, Akhpanov Arstan-Zharak Nokeshuly, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( Astana), Doctor of Law, Professor, “Institutional Reforms of the Judicial System of Kazakhstan”, Albert Aleksevich Trofimov, Assistant of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law of St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia), Candidate of Law, “Modern trends in the development of financial Legislation of Russia and China”, Yerlan Serikovich Abulgazin, Leading Researcher of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative Legislation and Public Administration of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana), Candidate of Law, “Problems and main directions of improving administrative and tort legislation in the field of heat power engineering” (approbation of the results of fundamental and applied scientific research on the topic: “Scientific support of legislative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan”), Zhanna Bekpolovna Shayakhmetova, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines of Atyrau University named after X. Dosmukhamedova (Atyrau), Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, “International legal cooperation of the Caspian states”, Vartanyan Avak Mikhailovich. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of GrSU. Yanka Kupaly, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor (Grodno, RB), “Legal regulation of the procedure and grounds for the introduction of a state of emergency in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Ivan Stepanovich Maslikov, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Rostov Institute of Entrepreneur Protection (Moscow Rostov, RF), Candidate of Law, “Innovative methods of legal education in higher education”, Akimzhanov Talgat Kurmanovich, Director of the Research Institute of Law of the University “Turan”, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, retired Colonel of Justice, “On further improvement of criminal law rights – as an effective tool for crime prevention”, Zhanuzakova Leyla Telmanovna, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Law of Turan University, Chief Researcher of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative Legislation and Public Administration of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor, “Some issues of the implementation of the principle of separation of powers in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.


The conference participants asked questions and discussed the topics with interest.

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