EP corresponds to level 6 of the National Qualifications Framework, to cycle 1 of the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA).
The profession of an economist is one of the most demanded modern economic specialties. It should be noted that this profession combines several interesting disciplines such as mathematics, economics, international economics, information and communication technologies, entrepreneurship, etc.
The profession of an economist allows each graduate, both to work in the field of finance and economic activity, and to engage in scientific research in this interesting and promising field.
Academic degrees: Bachelor of Business and Management
Specialty code: 6В04103
UNT elective subjects: Mathematics + Geography
UNT disciplines (for applicants in a related specialty): Finance and credit + Organization economics
Form of education: full-time, full-time with a shortened period of study
Time period:
Economy of the firm
An economist at a firm (enterprise) can work in accounting, planning or marketing department, investing or developing business plans. The economist controls financial settlements with customers, draws up projects, develops standards for material and labor costs. Collects scientific and technical information. Systematizes and summarizes statistical information. Calculates the material and labor costs of ongoing research. Tracks how cost effective the costs are.
National economy
The main field of activity of the economist of this specialization is the implementation of economic analysis, the development of measures to ensure the economy, increase the efficiency of work, identify reserves, prevent losses and unproductive costs, more rational use of all types of resources. The economist carries out analytical, organizational (administrative) and educational (teaching) activities in the following areas: research of strategic alternatives, justification and development of anti-crisis and stabilization programs in the national economy, regulation, forecasting and strategic planning of production, financial and information flows, personnel strategies and scientific research carried out in relevant organizations.
The professional activity of a specialist and a bachelor with an economic education in the specialty “Economics” is carried out in the economic, financial, industrial spheres, both at the national and international levels. Graduates of the specialty “Economics” are focused on leadership positions in the financial, commercial, production departments of enterprises and firms, regardless of their form of ownership and organizational legal status.
Career prospects for graduates of the specialty “Economics”:
In fact, the list of industries where an economist can go to work covers almost all spheres of our life.
EP corresponds to level 7 of the National Qualifications Framework, to cycle 2 of the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA)
The main goal of the Master’s Degree EP is to train highly qualified personnel with competitive advantages in the labor market for professional activities in the field of material production, commodity and financial circulation, as well as scientific and pedagogical work in the field of research of macro- and microeconomic processes and systems in the context of globalization and transition to an innovative economy.
EP “Economics” is focused on training professionals with in-depth knowledge of the economic behavior of a company in market conditions: in matters of business organization, target functions of operating (production) activities, substantiation of the volume of the production program, financial conditions and sources, personnel and organizational support, pricing, business -planning, increasing competitiveness, ensuring the economic security of the functioning of the company, regional aspects of entrepreneurship, as well as providing the possibility of further in-depth specialization in doctoral studies.
Academic degrees: Master of Economic Sciences; Master of Business and Management
Specialty code:
Two entrance exams:
Time period: full-time
Languages of instruction: Kazakh, Russian
Directions and terms of training:
Training conditions – training is carried out on state grants and on a paid basis.
The scientific and pedagogical magistracy refers to the programs of postgraduate education and is aimed at training scientific and pedagogical personnel for the system of higher postgraduate education and the scientific sphere.
It is intended for students who plan to develop in the field of science and education.
This program is designed so that, in addition to professional knowledge, students can also develop global, general scientific skills, communication skills, learning, critical thinking. A feature of the program is in-depth scientific and pedagogical training.
Another feature of the program is the great attention paid to the methodology of scientific research, the ability to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, to successfully carry out research and management activities. The program includes the opportunity to participate in scientific projects, as well as exchange programs with foreign universities, so that after graduation from the university you will have the opportunity to develop a scientific career further.
The profile master’s degree studies are more applied in nature, all disciplines are aimed at deepening the professional training of specialists.
International cooperation is one of the important components of educational activities in the context of globalization and international integration. Turan University, within the framework of established international relations, strives to comply with foreign standards in the professional training of specialists, to develop cooperation with international organizations and educational institutions (partner universities), diplomatic organizations; implement international cultural, educational and research programs and projects; organize training for students, undergraduates and doctoral students, internships for teaching staff and university staff abroad; conduct international scientific conferences, seminars, summer schools, language courses; invite foreign specialists for internships, work on joint projects, lectures, business trainings, etc.
You have the opportunity to take part in scholarship programs and academic mobility programs:
You have the opportunity to gain useful practical social and entrepreneurial experience by becoming a member of such international student organizations and associations as:
EP corresponds to level 8 of the National Qualifications Framework, to cycle 3 of the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA).
Doctoral studies in the specialty “Economics”:
Academic degrees: philosophy doctor (PhD)
Specialty code: 8D04101
Form of training: full-time
Time period: 3 years
Languages of instruction: Kazakh, Russian
Form of education: training is carried out under state grants and on a paid basis
The strategic priority of the graduating department is research work. The leading faculty of the department conducts fundamental and applied scientific research on topical economic problems. Doctoral students of the specialty “Economics” are involved in the research projects of the department.
Fundamental Research Projects Topics:
Topics of applied research projects:
In this context, the research work of the department is an integral part of the educational process as a whole, the most important factor in strengthening the intellectual potential, the basis for the constant updating of educational and methodological support.