Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics of the Turan University is one of the country’s leading educational centers for training personnel for all spheres of economics and business. The basis of the Faculty’s educational process is traditional university education combined with the formation of entrepreneurial skills and management competencies.


The goal of all educational programs of the Faculty is to prepare modern highly qualified specialists who are capable of taking leadership positions in the modern market, having a high level of theoretical training and applied skills aimed at forming and solving innovative and entrepreneurial problems of business development.


The faculty has 6 departments, 14 research and 7 educational, scientific and auxiliary laboratories. The faculty staff consists of more than 120 people.


The faculty provides a full educational cycle of specialist training: bachelor – master – doctor PhD in three languages of instruction: State, Russian and English.


The work of the Dissertation Council on educational programs 8D04101 (6D050600) “Economics”, 8D04102 (6D050700) “Management”, 8D04103 (6D050900) is carried out.


The Faculty is proud that its graduates successfully work in leadership positions in leading companies and financial institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

Our advantages
  • close interaction with the business community;
  • attracting leading businessmen to teach specialized disciplines;
  • internship in leading Kazakhstani companies;
  • employment opportunities in partner companies:
  • in-depth study of foreign languages.

National Certification Center for Logistics – created on the basis of Turan University by the European Certification Committee for Logistics under the European Logistics Association (ELA). It is the only one in Kazakhstan.


The center carries out certification at 3 levels:

  • operational logistician;
  • Senior Logistics;
  • master of logistics.


For each level of ELA, corresponding programs, tests and own standards have been developed.


Certification Center for Project Management – was opened in November 2022 at Turan University, together with the Union of Project Managers and the International Academy of Informatization


Main activities:

  • development and implementation of joint educational programs (master’s, MBA, doctoral studies);
  • organization of professional certification in project management for students;
  • organization of publications on project management in specialized journals;
  • development and implementation of national and international educational programs and projects.


“Turan Entrepreneurship” – has been implemented by the Faculty of Economics of Turan University since 2016. The goal of the project is to prepare proactive students for modern entrepreneurial activity the project “Turan Entrepreneurship”


Republican Olympiad on Financial Security – held on the basis of Turan University with the support of  the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan among students in schools and colleges


The Economists Readers Club – operates at the Department “World and National Economy”. Since 2019, various events have been held within the club: competitions, sweepstakes, round tables. Active participants-readers of classical economic literature become winners of republican and international competitions



Mukhamedyarova-Levina Tamara

Phone: +7 727 260 40 026

E-mail: t.mukhamedyarova@turan-edu.kz

Online admissions