Head of the department “Accounting and audit”
Candidate of economic sciences
Head of the department “Accounting and audit”
Candidate of economic sciences
2003 – 2005 yy – accountant of “Tabys” LLP
Bachelor’s degree: Management Accounting, Practical Audit
Master’s degree: Management accounting , Advanced management accounting
1998 – Institute of Chartered Accountants, Edinburgh, Scotland
Publications (indexed)
KKSON – there are 17 in total, of which:
Textbooks and monographs
Professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit
Doctor of Economics
AINH, “Accounting in industry” , 1970
Master’s degree: ” Audit”, “ISA”,”Practical audit”.
Publications: for the entire period more than 70
Professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit
Doctor of Economics
Scopus 2
KKSON: more than 35 articles
Monographs, textbooks: more than 30 references
Associate Professor of Department of Accounting and Auditing
Должность: доцент
Степень: Доктор философии PhD 6D050600
Опыт работы:
4 – входящих в базу 10:55 Thomson Reuters (Impact Factor за 2009-2014 г..г.); 3 – Scopus.
ККСОН: 2015-2021 : 8 статей
Монографии, учебники: Учебное пособие «Основы бухгалтерского учета по МСФО» (2010г.).
Награды и поощрения:
Множество сертификатов, дипломов и почетных грамот. Являлась номинантом независимой награды Центрально-Азиатского региона «Лидер науки-2015» (проводимый ЦНТИ, при поддержке Thomson Reuters). Член экспертной комиссии молодежного конкурса бизнес-проектов «Turan – innovations», сотрудничаю со страховой компанией АО «Евразия» и являлась руководителем многих призеров международных конкурсов среди студентов.
E-mail: r.bekova@turan-edu.kz
Associate Professor of Department of Accounting and Auditing
Candidate of economic sciences
Должность: доцент
Степень: к.э.н. 08.00.12 Бух.учет, аудит, статистика FK№0003203 от 22.06.09 г. протокол №6
Опыт работы
Опыт научно-исследовательской и инновационной деятельности – 25 лет
Публикации (индексируемые):
Соавторы: Alina Kulustayeva , Aigul Jondelbayeva, Azhar Nurmagambetova, Aliya Bikteubayeva
ККСОН: более 20:
Монографии, учебники: 3
Бухгалтерский учет в государственных организациях: Учебное пособие. – Караганда: ТОО «Medet Group», 2020. – 214 стр, 13,38 п.л., Есайдар У.С.
Награды и поощрения:
Грамота за высокий профессионализм, творческий подход к работе, добросовестный труд во благо корпорации «Туран» и в связи с 20-летием образовательно-оздоровительного комплекса «Тау-Туран»
Телефоны: 87072808707, 87769830050
E-mail: a.dossayeva@turan-edu.kz
Associate Professor of Department of Accounting and Auditing
Teaching experience -13 years
Bachelor’s degree: Business Analysis, Economic Analysis, Financial Reporting Analysis, Financial Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Budgeting, Management Accounting
Master’s degree: Economic Analysis (in-depth)
Associate Professor of Department of Accounting and Auditing
Candidate of Economic Sciences
KazGAU “Accounting and Audit”, 1996
14 years
11 years
Tax Audit advanced course (Master’s degree)
Diploma of Doctor PhD of Economics of Turkey
Articles published in publications with a non-zero impact factor and cited in international Scopus databases:
Articles published in publications included in the list of the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Monographs, textbooks and teaching aids
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Accounting and Auditing
Master of Economic Sciences
KazGAU (now Narxoz), economic – higher
Accounting, Financial accounting in accordance with IFRS, IFRS, Practical audit
In the period from April 22 to May 04, 2019, a scientific internship was held at the Central Bohemian University (European Institute of Applied Science and Management), Prague (Czech Republic). Subject of the scientific internship: Advancedcourse “Economic Development and Innovative Management.”
1) “Economic development of light industry in Kazakhstan and Russia in the conditions of the EAEU” – Izvestiya NAS RK, Series of social and humanitarian sciences.
2) “Economic issues of light industry development in Kazakhstan” – Journal “Statistics, accounting and audit”, section “Economics and management”.