Research Institute of Informatization of Education
Abdiev Kali Seilbekovich
Director of the Research Institute of Informatization of Education, Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor.
Date of creation: January 2021
Contacts: email –, internal phone number – 1047
Purpose of activity:
Research of scientific, methodological and actual practical problems of informatization of higher education in accordance with the University’s Quality Assurance Policy
Conducting scientific research on the problems of informatization of the educational process, the introduction of digital technologies in the study of disciplines of the basic and specialized level.
Development and implementation of projects on theoretical and applied research in the direction of “ICT in education and science”: on the principle of self-sufficiency; university level; on grants from the MES of RK and other organizations.
Attraction of extra-budgetary funds for the development of the directions of the Institute’s activities.
Main directions of activity:
joint research with other scientific organizations on the problems of informatization of education, the introduction of digital technologies;
participation in applied research and implementation of projects for the introduction of ICT in the educational process;
attracting students, undergraduates and doctoral students in scientific and innovative projects.
As part of the implementation of the projects, the following activities were carried out:
April 25, 2023. Expert session “Problems of measuring the professional competencies of IT specialists.” Employers from different companies, teachers from university departments, and students participated. Issues of interaction in the development of EP, principles of practical training, and hiring bachelor’s degree graduates were discussed.
May 16, 2023. Training seminar “Conducting an analysis of the content of the PS in order to establish a connection with the content of the EP and determine the measurability of the requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of IT specialists.” Teachers from university departments participated. Approaches to the development of tasks for assessing the professional competencies of students in the EP “Information Systems”, “Computer and Software Engineering” are considered.
To explain the goals and objectives of the project to university teachers and students, articles were published in the magazine “СтудиЯ” and on the social network LinkedIn. Messages about the activities carried out within the framework of the project were published on the pages of the IT department on social networks Facebook and Instagram.
Participated in conferences
Scientific discussion “Assessment in Education”, Abai KazNPU, topic of the report: How to assess the readiness for professional activity “Assessing the educational achievements of students” of future teachers? April 1, 2023
XII annual international conference of the Eurasian Association for Educational Quality Assessment, October 19-20, Moscow (online), topic of the report: Problems of developing a system of preparation for qualifying exams for undergraduate graduates
International scientific and practical NEO conference “Management and assessment in teacher education: trends, practice and technologies.” Almaty, KazNPU named after. Abaya, November 10. Report: What data can be used to assess the quality of secondary and higher education?
Results of 2022
Participated in conferences
International scientific and practical conference “Audanbek Kobesov – the creator of the appearance of al-Farabi, as a philosopher-thinker, mathematician, naturalist, teacher and modern education and upbringing.” Almaty, KazNPU named after. Abai, February 10-11. Report: The mechanism of admission to universities and the availability of higher education in Kazakhstan (online).
International conference “Trends in the development of education: best Russian and international practices”, Almaty, University “Turan”, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky, April 22. Report: Pedagogical activity of an entrepreneurial university teacher: professional standard requirements and real practice (online).
International forum “Systemic transformation of science, education and society”, Round table “Personnel for the ICT industry: how to find a link between the content of the EP, the requirements of the PS and the desires of employers.” Turan University, April 20. Report: Professional standards of the ICT industry: problems of describing labor functions and measurability of requirements for the skills and abilities of bachelor’s graduates.
XI Annual International Online Conference of the Eurasian Association for Educational Quality Assessment, October 13-14, Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Participation in the round table “Harmless advice on assessing the quality of education for teachers and managers”
Results of 2021
Memorandums of cooperation were concluded
with «IT Qualifications certify center» LLP on the issues of reviewing the content of qualification exams in the ICT industry;
with the Association of Legal Entities “Kazakhstan Association of Software Companies” on the issues of clarifying and updating the requirements of professional standards of the ICT industry.
Participated in conferences
International forum dedicated to the International Day of Education “The future of the education system in the context of COVID-2019”, Almaty, KazNatsZhenPU, February 11 (online)
International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education Development Trends: Global Challenges and Unequal Opportunities”. February 18-20, Moscow, Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka)
X annual international online conference EAOKO, October 22-23, Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University
This book contains an article by K. Abdiev "Assessment of the quality of education in terms of distance education in Kazakhstan."
February 19, 2021 12.00-13.30.
Participation in the round table “Leakage” of the best graduates from the regions: how to improve the quality of education, attract talents to the regional economy.