16-A Satpayev St., Almaty
050013 Republic of Kazakhstan
Telephone: 260-40-29
E-mail: a.kamalov@turan.edu-kz
The Center for Regional Studies was established in 2020 to study problems of regional studies and international relations and to strengthen the academic component of the relevant educational programs of the university.
On June 6–8, 2025, the Center for Regional Studies at the Higher School of International Relations and Diplomacy of Turan University will host the 3rd International Conference «At the Crossroads of Cultures: Jews of Central Asia and the Caucasus.» The conference is organized by the Research Center of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Moscow) in collaboration with the Ben-Zvi Institute (Jerusalem) and Turan University (Almaty), with the support of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS). The conference will focus on the interaction and mutual influence of various Jewish groups and their neighbors—different ethnic and religious communities—in Central Asia and the Caucasus during the «colonial era» of the 19th–20th centuries and in modern times. A wide range of topics will be discussed at the conference, including:
- The impact of modernization and migration on Jewish communities;
- Political activity and interaction with authorities;
- Relations and interactions with local and foreign (both Jewish and non-Jewish) populations;
- Cultural history and assimilation processes;
- Languages and language policy.
Additionally, a special session will be dedicated to demographic crises and migration to Central Asia during World War II. Scholars researching topics beyond Jewish studies are also welcome to participate in this session.
Applications are accepted in Russian and English (simultaneous interpretation will be provided).
To submit an application, please follow the link.
Application deadline: March 20, 2025
Selection results will be announced by: March 27, 2025
The Organizing Committee of the International Conference includes Professor Ablet Kayumovich Kamalov, Director of the Center for Regional Studies.
Conducting academic and applied research on problems of regional development in the historical past and at present stage within the framework of innovative and entrepreneurial activities of the University.
Towards alternative model of cultural heritage: mashraps in Kazakhstan (2018-2022)
Joint project with the University of London with financial support from the British Academy. Partner – School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London (Prof. Rachel Harris). Publication of results in the high impact journals (Scopus), creation of a documentary film, holding seminars and round tables, cooperation with the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
“The Future of the Eurasian Migration System” (9-10 October 2023)
The International conference jointly held with the University of Lisbon (Portugal) and the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS).
Conveners: Prof. Ablet K. Kamalov and Dr. Antonio Eduardo Mendonca (Lisbon)
Камалов А.К. (ред.) Устная история миграции 1950-1970 гг. из Китая в Казахстан. Алматы: Мир, 2022. – 252 с.
Kamalov A. Review. Soviet policy in Xinjiang: Stalin and the national movement in Eastern Turkistan by Jamil Hasanli, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2021, 283 pp. // Central Asian Survey. 2023. Vol. 42(1). P. 214-217.
Kamalov A. He seized all qaghan’s sons and grandsons and presented them to the court”: on genealogical accounts of the Sino-Turkic epitaph of Kari cor tegin // Manuscripta Orientalia. 2022. 28(1). P. 31–39
Kamalov A. Identity of Kazakhstan’s Uyghurs: migration, homeland, and language // Central Asian Affairs. 2021. №4. Р. 319-344.
Kamalov A. Links Across Time: Taranchis During the Uprising of 1916 in Semirech’e and the “Atu” Massacre of 1918 // The Central Asian Revolt of 1916. A collapsing Empire in the age of war and revolution. Ed. Cloé Drieu, Aminat Chokobaeva, Alexander Morrison. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020. P. 227-255.
Tolen Zh. The tolerance principles in works of Kazakh Poets and Story tellers // Man in India. 2017. 97(20). P. 357–363 (co-authored with Nurmuratov S., Dariyabekov D.)
Tolen Zh. The role of outstanding personalities in the Kazakh society: Comparative analysis of the Kazakh traditional social culture // Anthropologist, 2016. 25(1-2). P. 95–102 (co-authored with Mantayeva T., Alimzhanova A., Gabitov T.)
Kamalov А.К. “Ustnaya istoriya migratsii iz Kitaya v Kazakhstan v period ‘kulturnoi’ revolyutsii’ (1966-1976),” Vestnik Karagandinskogo universiteta. Seriya “Istoriya. Philosophiya”. 2022. №3. P. 91-99. (co-authored with R. Yussupov)
Kamalov А.К. “O nachalnom etape formirovaniya sovetski repatriatsionnoi politiki,” Vestnik Karagandinskogo universiteta. Seriya “Istoriya. Philosophiya”. 2021. №4. P. 65-73.
Kamalov А.К. “Migratsiya 1950-1970 gg. iz Kitaya v Kazakhstan: factory i osnovniye etapy”, Otan tarikhy. 2021. №3 (203). P. 144-152.
Kamalov A. “Migration and Memory: A Woman Repatriate’s Recollections of Life on the Soviet-Chinese Frontier,” Community Still Matters. Ed. by A. Mirsultan, E. Schluessel, A. Suleiman. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2022. P. 108-123.
Tolen Zh. M., Alisherova A.B. “Qazaqstandaghy zhastardyng sayasi qatysuyndaghy zhanga medianing roly,” Vestnik Evraziyskogo natsionalnogo universiteta im. L. Gumilyeva. Seriya “Politicheskiye nauki. Regionovedeniye. Vostokovedeniye, Tyurkologiya.” 2023.
Assyltayeva E.B. “Economicheskiy factor v formirovaniy grazhdanskoi identichnisti v Kazakhstane, ” Vestnik Universiteta ‘Turan’. 2022. № 4(96). С. 143-153.