The Center for Regional Studies


16-A Satpayev St., Almaty

050013 Republic of Kazakhstan

Telephone: 260-40-29



The Center for Regional Studies was established in 2020 to study problems of regional studies and international relations and to strengthen the academic component of the relevant educational programs of the university.

Dates: June 6-9, 2024

Format: in-person

Working language: English

Venue: 16-A Satpaev St, Almaty


Link of the conference


Turan University hosts the Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS). This event will be the first Annual Conference of the organization to be held in the region of Central Eurasia, rather than North America. Turan University holds the Conference of this global professional organization in its premises acting as one of the leading higher education institutions of Kazakhstan.


The CESS has been holding its conferences since 2000 at the universities of North America and since recent times in the format of regional conferences at the universities of Central Eurasia.
These conferences became a platform for communication and exchange of opinions for scholars and experts of Central Eurasia from all over the world.


Central Eurasian Studies Society is a non-governmental organization uniting scholars and experts of history, culture and modern development of Central Eurasia – a region, that embraces alongside with the Central Asian state (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan), also Iran, Afghanistan, Mongolia, the Caucasus, Southern Siberia, the Volga region, Eastern and Central Europe, and other adjacent areas. The Society aims at promoting interrelations and cooperation between scholars of Central Eurasia, enhancing the level of academic knowledge and developing education in the region, promoting and spreading general knowledge and public interest of the region in the world.


Turan University invites all scholars and experts to contribute to the development of social science disciplines studying Central Eurasia. In the frame of the Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society more than 130 panels on history, culture and current development of the countries and peoples of Central Eurasia, as well as round tables on urgent academic issues, discussion of new books on the region, will be held. Turan University will offer a cultural program to the participants, which will give insight into the culture of Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries.


More than 450 scholars from different countries of the world (USA, Canada, Central Asian and European countries, China, India etc.) will deliver their papers at the Conference. The keynote talks at the CESS Conference will be given by Sara Cameron, a well-known expert in the history of Soviet Kazakhstan, Professor of the University of Maryland, the US, and Gulnara O. Abikeyeva, leading expert on Kazakhstan’s cinematography, Doctor of Art, Professor of Turan University.


Conducting academic and applied research on problems of regional development in the historical past and at present stage within the framework of innovative and entrepreneurial activities of the University.

  • working out of the issues of theory and practice of regional development;
  • cooperation with state authorities and local executive bodies, with business, professional associations and other interested parties for the joint design and implementation of regional development initiatives;
  • integration of educational, scientific, methodological, innovative and entrepreneurial activities of the University teaching staff and students;
  • development of the content of educational programs (EP) “Regional Studies” and “International Relations”;
  • attracting extra budgetary funds for the development of the activities of the Center;
  • creation of scientific, innovative and other means in the form of academic publications and other copyright objects;
  • development of international cooperation for the joint design and implementation of initiatives within the framework of the Center’s activities;
  • provision of scientific and methodological, consulting, expert and other types of service within the framework of research and expertise projects of the Center.
Main directions of activity
  • conducting theoretical and applied research and implementation of projects on regional development, on the issues of historical, cultural, social development of the regions of Kazakhstan and their relations with foreign countries.
  • creation of a platform for discussing topical issues of historical and modern development of the Central Asian region and adjacent parts of Eurasia through organization of seminars, conferences, symposiums, round tables, etc.
  • development of international cooperation for the joint design and implementation of initiatives on regional studies and international relations in the region.
Scientific projects
  1. Oral history of migration of the 1950-1979s from China to Kazakhstan (2020-2022)
    Grant financing project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Seminars on methodology of research in the sphere of oral history.  Publications of results in the high impact journals (Scopus, Web of Science). Publication of collective monograph. Participation of a researcher from Indiana University (Bloomington, USA). Scientific supervisor: Ablet Kamalov.
  2. Particularities of formation of civil Kazakhstani identity in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict (2022-2024)
    Grant financing project for young scholars “Zhas ghalym” (Assyltayeva E.B.)
  3. Identity aspects of qandas in the Kazakhstani society (2023-2025)
    Grant financing project for young scholars “Zhas ghalym” (Shakeyeva B.)
  4. “Migration factor in Kazakhstan-Chinese relations ” (2023-2025)
    Porject funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conducting research of the
    Chinese migration in Kazakhstan in the past and present. Organization of the International conference, seminars, publication of articles in
    the journals with high impact factor. Publication of the collective monograph. Supervisor: Ablet K. Kamalov.
International projects

Towards alternative model of cultural heritage: mashraps in Kazakhstan (2018-2022)


Joint project with the University of London with financial support from the British Academy. Partner – School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London (Prof. Rachel Harris). Publication of results in the high impact journals (Scopus), creation of a documentary film, holding seminars and round tables, cooperation with the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.



“The Future of the Eurasian Migration System” (9-10 October 2023)


The International conference jointly held with the University of Lisbon (Portugal) and the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS).

Conveners: Prof. Ablet K. Kamalov and Dr. Antonio Eduardo Mendonca (Lisbon)

Conferences, seminars, round tables
  • Global Trialogue Forum “How to conceptualize, study and engage with state borders?” Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS). Online webinar, April 7, 2023.
    Speakers: Ablet Kamalov (Kazakhstan), Madeleine Reeves (UK), Decha Tangseefa (Japan)
  • Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute, Summer school. University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 12, 2023.
    Paper “Migration of 1950-1960s from China to Kazakhstan in the context of Great Game” (Prof. Ablet Kamalov)
  • Central Asia, Mongolia, Caucasus, Afghanistan (CAMCA) Regional Forum, Almaty. June 15-16.Participant: Ablet Kamalov.
  • Round table discussion devoted to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the Turkmen poet and thinker of the XVIII c. Makhtumkuli Fragi. March 1, 2023.
  • International Round table discussion with participation of the Consul of Turkmenistan in the city of Almaty, diplomatic representatives of Central Asian countries and Turkey, ethno-cultural associations of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. In collaboration with Foundation “Turan duniyasi” and Chair of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Turan University.
  • Phenomenon of the Kyrgyz epic work “Manas” in the world culture. April 25, 2023.
    International Round table discussion with participation of the Consul of Kyrgyzstan in the city of Almaty, diplomatic representatives of Central Asian countries and Turkey, ethno-cultural associations of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. In collaboration with Foundation “Turan duniyasi” and Chair of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Turan University.
  • Enlightening activity of the Uzbek jadids in the context of Intellectual history of Eurasia. May 25, 2023.
    International Round table discussion with participation of the Consul of Uzbekistan in the city of Almaty, diplomatic representatives of Central Asian countries and Turkey, ethno-cultural associations of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. In collaboration with Foundation “Turan duniyasi” and Chair of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Turan University.
  • Innovation discourse of development of teaching Regional studies in contemporary conditions, 2021.
    Online Round table discussion with participation of representatives of nine Kazakhstan universities training specialists in Educational program “Regional studies”. Recommendations on enhancement of research and education in the field of “Regional studies” are formulated.
Participation in partner’s projects
  • Turkic renaissance of the X-XVI cc. in the context of intellectual history of Central Asia, 2020-2022.
    Project of the Institute of Oriental studies named after R.B. Suleimenov, CS MSHE of RK (A.Kamalov, R. Karimova).
  • “History of Kazakhstan since ancient times until nowadays” in 7 volumes, 2021-2023.
    Project of the International Turkic Academy and the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Valikhanov, CS MSHE of RK (K. Torlanbayeva, A. Kamalov).
  • Written civilization of the ancient Turkic and Uyghur epochs in the history of Central Asia, 2021-2023.
    Project of International Institute of culture financed by the US Embassy in Kazakhstan (A. Kamalov)
Our partners
  • School of Oriental and African studies of the University of London, UK
  • Department of Eurasian studies of Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
  • International Turkic Academy, Astana
  • Institute of Oriental studies named after R.B. Suleimenov, CS MSHE of Kazakhstan
  • Institute if Philosophy, Political science and Religion studies, CS MSHE of Kazakhstan
  • Foundation of culture of Turkic peoples “Turan duniyasi”, Almaty
  • International research Institute of culture, Almaty
  • Kazakh Center for Humanitarian and Political conjuncture



Камалов А.К. (ред.) Устная история миграции 1950-1970 гг. из Китая в Казахстан. Алматы: Мир, 2022. – 252 с.

Kamalov A. Review. Soviet policy in Xinjiang: Stalin and the national movement in Eastern Turkistan by Jamil Hasanli, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2021, 283 pp. // Central Asian Survey. 2023. Vol. 42(1). P. 214-217.

Kamalov A. He seized all qaghan’s sons and grandsons and presented them to the court”: on genealogical accounts of the Sino-Turkic epitaph of Kari cor tegin // Manuscripta Orientalia. 2022. 28(1). P. 31–39

Kamalov A. Identity of Kazakhstan’s Uyghurs: migration, homeland, and language // Central Asian Affairs. 2021. №4. Р. 319-344.

Kamalov A. Links Across Time: Taranchis During the Uprising of 1916 in Semirech’e and the “Atu” Massacre of 1918 // The Central Asian Revolt of 1916. A collapsing Empire in the age of war and revolution. Ed.  Cloé Drieu, Aminat Chokobaeva, Alexander Morrison. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020. P. 227-255.

Tolen Zh. The tolerance principles in works of Kazakh Poets and Story tellers // Man in India. 2017. 97(20). P. 357–363 (co-authored with Nurmuratov S., Dariyabekov D.)

Tolen Zh. The role of outstanding personalities in the Kazakh society: Comparative analysis of the Kazakh traditional social culture // Anthropologist, 2016. 25(1-2). P. 95–102 (co-authored with Mantayeva T., Alimzhanova A.Gabitov T.)




Kamalov А.К. “Ustnaya istoriya migratsii iz Kitaya v Kazakhstan v period ‘kulturnoi’ revolyutsii’ (1966-1976),” Vestnik Karagandinskogo universiteta. Seriya “Istoriya. Philosophiya”. 2022. №3. P. 91-99. (co-authored with R. Yussupov)

Kamalov А.К. “O nachalnom etape formirovaniya sovetski repatriatsionnoi politiki,” Vestnik Karagandinskogo universiteta. Seriya “Istoriya. Philosophiya”. 2021. №4. P. 65-73.

Kamalov А.К. “Migratsiya 1950-1970 gg. iz Kitaya v Kazakhstan: factory i osnovniye etapy”, Otan tarikhy. 2021. №3 (203). P. 144-152.

Kamalov A. “Migration and Memory: A Woman Repatriate’s Recollections of Life on the Soviet-Chinese Frontier,” Community Still Matters. Ed. by A. Mirsultan, E. Schluessel, A. Suleiman. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2022. P. 108-123.

Tolen Zh. M., Alisherova A.B. “Qazaqstandaghy zhastardyng sayasi qatysuyndaghy zhanga medianing roly,” Vestnik Evraziyskogo natsionalnogo universiteta im. L. Gumilyeva. Seriya “Politicheskiye nauki. Regionovedeniye. Vostokovedeniye, Tyurkologiya.” 2023.

Assyltayeva E.B. “Economicheskiy factor v formirovaniy grazhdanskoi identichnisti v Kazakhstane, ” Vestnik Universiteta ‘Turan’. 2022. № 4(96). С. 143-153.


The Center for Regional Studies hosted a lecture by the professor of the University of Manchester, Ed Pulford


The President of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Professor Ablet K. Kamalov, opened the international conference “Geopolitics, Migrations and Identities in Central Eurasia” held at the University of Lisbon (Portugal)


R.A. Alshanov Popular Science essay “The Turanian Flood”


Turan University holds grandoise conference on Central Eurasian Studies


The Director of the Center for Regional studies of Turan University Prof. Ablet K. Kamalov delivered a lecture at the University of London


Turan University hosts the Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) on 6-9 June 2024


The International conference “The Future of the Eurasian Migration System” held by the Center for Regional Studies jointly with the University of Lisbon and the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS)


International Conference “The Future of Eurasian migration system”


The research project of the Professor of Turan University Ablet K. Kamalov was supported by the National Scientific Council of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan


Professor of Turan University Ablet Kamalov delivered a lecture to students of Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute, Wisconsin University (Madison, USA)


Center for Regional Studies held International Round Table on enlightenment activity of jadids in Uzbekistan


Participation of the President of the Society for Central Eurasian Studies prof. Ablet Kamalov in the CAMCA (Сentral Asia-Mongolia-Caucasus-Afghanistan) Regional Forum


Lecture by professor of the Siberian Federal University (RF) V.G. Datsyshen held at the center for regional studies

Online admissions