You are about to enroll in one of the best higher educational institutions – an entrepreneurial university. Turan University stands for a high level of professionalism and quality, providing its graduates with a competitive edge throughout their long professional careers.
The Faculty of Humanities and Law is a large and dynamically developing faculty that has been operating since the founding of Turan University.
The Faculty of Humanities and Law offers all the necessary conditions for obtaining a high-quality education across a wide range of professions.
The faculty provides a complete educational cycle for training specialists: Bachelor’s – Master’s – PhD in three languages of instruction: Kazakh, Russian and English.
The educational programs are taught by highly qualified faculty members, including prominent public figures, holders of prestigious titles and awards.
Studying here is challenging, exciting, and responsible. As a student of our faculty, you will:
- Gain access to the most modern and professional informational resources;
- Unleash your creative and research talents;
- Become an intellectual;
- Participate in scientific conferences, Olympiads, and competitions for young scientists and specialists.
By joining us, you gain confidence in your future!
The faculty trains qualified specialists in the following fields: